Tuesday 3 March 2015

3 mars, 2015

 Last week was fun with all of the extra-curricular events happening at the school.  Thanks to all the parents who came to tie skates at our last skating session!  I have attached some photos of the week.

Today, several newsletters came home in your child's agenda.  There was the school newsletter, as well as my classroom news.  I found a few strays in the hallway, in case yours didn't make it home, please let me know.

The sound of the week is "ei" and it is the same sound as è and "ai" that we saw last week.

The words are (there are only 5):

1. baleine - whale
2. reine - queen

3. seize - sixteen
4. treize - thirteen
5. neige - snow

This Friday at 11:15, we will be walking to the High school to participate in the raising of the Franco-Albertan flag.  At 1:10, following lunch, the French Immersion classes will be presenting in the gym to kick off the "Semaine de la Francophonie".  Please join us if you are able!

Have a great week!

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