Tuesday 17 February 2015

17 février, 2015

Thanks to all of the parents who contributed a snack to our little Valentine celebration.  The kids had a wonderful time sharing food, cards and fun!  Also, a big thanks to all of you who came to the arena to skate and to tie skates!  It's great to have such a supportive group of parents on board!

This week, there is a shortened dictée word list (4 words) due to the shortened week.  The sound is "eau" and it has the same sound as "o" in "stove".  The words are:
1. eau - water
2. beau - nice; handsome
3. château - castle
4. bateau - boat
Practice hard!

This Friday, we will be going skating at 2:00.  I have a substitute teacher in for me that afternoon (Rosalynne McFadden) and I will be sending home a note in the agendas to ask where your child will be picked to help her to organize the departure!

Thanks and have a great week!


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