Wednesday, 9 November 2016
8 novembre, 2016
My apologies , as this blog is late to be posted to this site...I have experimented with posting to the Seesaw app that most parents are connected to as it reduces to number of "places" that you will need to check each week. I hope to only post to the Seesaw Blog in the coming weeks.
This week at school, there is no dictée as there is no school Friday. We will be doing a review of the sounds we have learned, to date (a, e, i, o, e, é).
Tomorrow at school, there will be a Remembrance Day assembly at 10:40. Parents are welcomed to join in the gym.
J.E.S has gone green!The November newsletter was sent to your home via your email address and unless you received a paper copy, you will be receiving the school news this way from now on.
Book bags will be coming home tomorrow, they will be circulated on Mondays.
Have a great long weekend!
Monday, 24 October 2016
24 octobre, 2016
* Etoile de la semaine.......Ryan!
Sound of the week "U".
Words of the week:
1. cube - cube
2. jupe - skirt
3. plume - feather
4. sur - on
5. brune - brown (feminine)
6. lune - moon
We have been working a lot on sentences with the following sentence starters:
- Je vois (I see)
- J'aime (I like)
- Il y a (there are)
* We also practice writing words that we don't see (we call it writing with our "ears"). We use what we know about the vowel sounds and syllables we have learned so far.
For example, words like to/ma/te, we clap the syllables and then spell each syllable sound. This is also called "chunking up" or breaking the word up. It helps us to become master spellers in french and it is the base that we will continue to build upon.
We write one "star" word with our dictée list every week and this word is a phonetically spelled word.
This week at school we have individual pictures being taken on Wednesday. Polish the teeth, practice the smile and send in the photo envelopes with your photo choices by Wednesday.
On Friday, we will visit Mrs. Sawka's and the Gr. 5/6 haunted classroom. Please send in $2 for their fundraiser.
********** I HAVE POSTPONED OUR CLASS COOKIE/SNACK SALE UNTIL JANUARY !!!! I figured the students wouldn't need any extra snacks the same week as Halloween. Thank you for your understanding!!! ************************************
Sound of the week "U".
Words of the week:
1. cube - cube
2. jupe - skirt
3. plume - feather
4. sur - on
5. brune - brown (feminine)
6. lune - moon
We have been working a lot on sentences with the following sentence starters:
- Je vois (I see)
- J'aime (I like)
- Il y a (there are)
* We also practice writing words that we don't see (we call it writing with our "ears"). We use what we know about the vowel sounds and syllables we have learned so far.
For example, words like to/ma/te, we clap the syllables and then spell each syllable sound. This is also called "chunking up" or breaking the word up. It helps us to become master spellers in french and it is the base that we will continue to build upon.
We write one "star" word with our dictée list every week and this word is a phonetically spelled word.
This week at school we have individual pictures being taken on Wednesday. Polish the teeth, practice the smile and send in the photo envelopes with your photo choices by Wednesday.
On Friday, we will visit Mrs. Sawka's and the Gr. 5/6 haunted classroom. Please send in $2 for their fundraiser.
********** I HAVE POSTPONED OUR CLASS COOKIE/SNACK SALE UNTIL JANUARY !!!! I figured the students wouldn't need any extra snacks the same week as Halloween. Thank you for your understanding!!! ************************************
Monday, 17 October 2016
17 octobre, 2016
Étoile de la semaine - Molly !!
Today, we had a presentation about avalanche safety. Some kids even came away with safety whistles for their participation during the assembly.
The sound of the week is ´o' which is like when Santa Claus laughs, o, o, o! The words are :
1. Zéro - zero
2. Moto - motorcycle
3. Non- no!
4. École - school
5. Bravo
6. rose - pink
There is a cookie/snack sale this Thursday hosted by Madame Michelle's class .
I am going to postpone the fall friendship soup for a week or so due to the busy week we are having !
Thursday, we will have a presentation in the gym for the dark sky festival.
Be sure to scan the Seesaw QR code that was sent home on Friday which will take you to your child's digital portfolio. Let me know if this did not make it home and I can send you the code to access the app.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
11 octobre, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving day-after!
There will not be a dictée evaluation this week. Rather, we will be reviewing in class the sounds that we have covered to date (a, e, i), as well as some of our sight words (un, une, des, le, la, les, l', mon, ma, mes, voici, est).
Tomorrow, we will meet Hudson Ruddy for the first time. Hudson is our Roots of Empathy baby that will visit our classroom once per month.
This Thursday, Mr. Auger's class will host a healthy snack sale and all treats cost a quarter. The limit is 2 treats per students.
There is a correction to make to make on the newsletter I sent home ... the individual photos will be taken on Wednesday, October 26 (not the 28th). A reminder will be coming home closer to the date.
There will not be a dictée evaluation this week. Rather, we will be reviewing in class the sounds that we have covered to date (a, e, i), as well as some of our sight words (un, une, des, le, la, les, l', mon, ma, mes, voici, est).
Tomorrow, we will meet Hudson Ruddy for the first time. Hudson is our Roots of Empathy baby that will visit our classroom once per month.
This Thursday, Mr. Auger's class will host a healthy snack sale and all treats cost a quarter. The limit is 2 treats per students.
There is a correction to make to make on the newsletter I sent home ... the individual photos will be taken on Wednesday, October 26 (not the 28th). A reminder will be coming home closer to the date.
Have a great week!
Monday, 3 October 2016
3 octobre, 2016
Photos de la semaine:
Words of the week that go with the story of the acrobatic mouse-->
3. kiwi - like the fruit
4. six - the number 6
5. dix - number 10
6. si - ..."if"
This week at school, Connie Sawka's grade 5 and 6 class is collecting donations of food for the Jasper food bank for their caring and sharing initiative. Please send in non-perishable food items this week to support this cause!
Friday is a half day and the students will be dismissed at the lunch bell. There is no school on Monday....Happy Thanksgiving! Joyeux Action de Grâce!! Have a great holiday with your families!
Passe une belle semaine!
Words of the week that go with the story of the acrobatic mouse-->
1. il - he
2. ici - here3. kiwi - like the fruit
4. six - the number 6
5. dix - number 10
6. si - ..."if"
This week at school, Connie Sawka's grade 5 and 6 class is collecting donations of food for the Jasper food bank for their caring and sharing initiative. Please send in non-perishable food items this week to support this cause!
Friday is a half day and the students will be dismissed at the lunch bell. There is no school on Monday....Happy Thanksgiving! Joyeux Action de Grâce!! Have a great holiday with your families!
Passe une belle semaine!
Monday, 26 September 2016
26 septembre, 2016
Today was a HUGE success at the swimming pool! The students had great stamina and energy getting there at such an early time...this is not an ideal hour for the younger grade levels, and I was sooo happy with the kids today! Yay grade one!
Also, a huge thanks to Janeen and Annie Rose for sharing their family's "pommier" (apple tree). The students each were able to pick an apple off the tree and eat it right then and there...that was such an authentic experience...MERCI la famille Keelan-Crabbe!
The dictée from last week was a great success for all! Let's keep up the great work and practice as we build upon our grade one vocabulary and sounds!
Here are our words for this week:
Sound of the week: "e" (Action cue: the boy who forgets everything and says, e, e, e,")
1. me - myself
2. le - the (masculine)
3. se - him/herself
4. je - I
5. de - of/ from/to
6..te - yourself
Some photos from last week at school:

The "rocks and Rings" curling program was introduced to the school, last week. The kids loved learning to curl!
Also, a huge thanks to Janeen and Annie Rose for sharing their family's "pommier" (apple tree). The students each were able to pick an apple off the tree and eat it right then and there...that was such an authentic experience...MERCI la famille Keelan-Crabbe!
The dictée from last week was a great success for all! Let's keep up the great work and practice as we build upon our grade one vocabulary and sounds!
Here are our words for this week:
Sound of the week: "e" (Action cue: the boy who forgets everything and says, e, e, e,")
1. me - myself
2. le - the (masculine)
3. se - him/herself
4. je - I
5. de - of/ from/to
6..te - yourself
Some photos from last week at school:
The "rocks and Rings" curling program was introduced to the school, last week. The kids loved learning to curl!
Monday, 19 September 2016
September 19, 2016
It was nice meeting with you at last week's "Meet the Teacher" evening. If you weren't able to attend but would still like a classroom tour hosted by your favorite grade one student, please stop by any day after school.
Today, the students wrote their first 6 words for their spelling test on Friday. I sent some alphabet sheets home for them to practice building their words with. Cut them into separate squares and then keep them in a Ziploc bag to be used for practicing with for the remainder of the year.
This week's words are:
1. ma - my
2. la - the
3. ta - your
4. sa - his/her
5. ami - friend
6. papa - dad
Practice hard and have fun word-building!
Thursday there will be a Healthy Snack Sale at recess....bring in those quarters.
Friday is a Professional Development day for the staff and the students are dismissed at the lunch bell. There is no lunch program on this day.
Thanks to those of you who returned your activity bags this morning! The kids should have all brought home a fresh activity today.
Have a great third week back at school!
Today, the students wrote their first 6 words for their spelling test on Friday. I sent some alphabet sheets home for them to practice building their words with. Cut them into separate squares and then keep them in a Ziploc bag to be used for practicing with for the remainder of the year.
This week's words are:
1. ma - my
2. la - the
3. ta - your
4. sa - his/her
5. ami - friend
6. papa - dad
Practice hard and have fun word-building!
Thursday there will be a Healthy Snack Sale at recess....bring in those quarters.
Friday is a Professional Development day for the staff and the students are dismissed at the lunch bell. There is no lunch program on this day.
Thanks to those of you who returned your activity bags this morning! The kids should have all brought home a fresh activity today.
Have a great third week back at school!
Monday, 12 September 2016
Welcome Back!
Welcome to the 2016/2017 school year!
This is the blog where I will post to every Monday after school to let you know the happenings of the week, as well as the spelling words of the week (not started yet.)
This week at school:
* Thursday at recess - Healthy Snack sale...students may buy 2 items at 25 cents a piece at recess time.
* Thursday from 5:30-6:30 is Meet the Teacher in room 3. Come to the classroom and see where all of the grade one action happens. Feel free to ask questions about scheduling, homework and anything else at this time!
* Friday from 2 - 3 the school is participating in the Terry Fox run around the school block. Come and watch, participate or pass out popsicle sticks to the runners!
Last week on Friday I handed out a "Back to School Care Kit" to remind the students of some of the rules and routines we learned last week during our first week together in first grade. I forgot to write the meaning of the Band-Aid and the jewels...ooops!
So, I explained to the students today that the Band-Aid reminds us that I can help, or other adults can help when they are hurt and/or need help on the inside or out.
The jewels remind the students that they are the shining jewels in our class and the school!
Thanks and have a great week!
Some photos from our all star week...

This is the blog where I will post to every Monday after school to let you know the happenings of the week, as well as the spelling words of the week (not started yet.)
This week at school:
* Thursday at recess - Healthy Snack sale...students may buy 2 items at 25 cents a piece at recess time.
* Thursday from 5:30-6:30 is Meet the Teacher in room 3. Come to the classroom and see where all of the grade one action happens. Feel free to ask questions about scheduling, homework and anything else at this time!
* Friday from 2 - 3 the school is participating in the Terry Fox run around the school block. Come and watch, participate or pass out popsicle sticks to the runners!
Last week on Friday I handed out a "Back to School Care Kit" to remind the students of some of the rules and routines we learned last week during our first week together in first grade. I forgot to write the meaning of the Band-Aid and the jewels...ooops!
So, I explained to the students today that the Band-Aid reminds us that I can help, or other adults can help when they are hurt and/or need help on the inside or out.
The jewels remind the students that they are the shining jewels in our class and the school!
Thanks and have a great week!
Some photos from our all star week...
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
25 mai, 2016
Reminder : that tomorrow our class will be visiting the French Book Fair in the library at 11:30. If you feel comfortable sending your child in with some spending money for making purchases at the sale, please do so! Please know that there are other items available for purchase, such as, pencils, erasers, bookmarks and posters. Join us in the library at 11:30 if you are available for some shopping!
There will not be a spelling dictee test this week as we have a shortened week as well, I am away this Friday. Keep encouraging the reading books to be coming to class and I will do my best to read with each student every day.
The students had a great experience with Discover E Science today in the class. We learned all about bugs and their properties. Also, the students got to take home their very own marshmallow bug to share with you at home!! Science is such fun!
Have a great week!7
There will not be a spelling dictee test this week as we have a shortened week as well, I am away this Friday. Keep encouraging the reading books to be coming to class and I will do my best to read with each student every day.
The students had a great experience with Discover E Science today in the class. We learned all about bugs and their properties. Also, the students got to take home their very own marshmallow bug to share with you at home!! Science is such fun!
Have a great week!7
Monday, 9 May 2016
9 mai, 2016!
This week at school, the students returned their Energy Cube Booklets...please be sure each week is signed by an adult.
Also, starting this week and running until the 20th of May, is the Jump Rope for Heart event. Students may collect donations online at where they will also receive a free skipping rope in the mail just for signing up! They may also collect cash donations by collecting donations an envelope provided from the class. Prize incentives are fun and will be distributed in June.
The spelling words for the First graders are:
Also, starting this week and running until the 20th of May, is the Jump Rope for Heart event. Students may collect donations online at where they will also receive a free skipping rope in the mail just for signing up! They may also collect cash donations by collecting donations an envelope provided from the class. Prize incentives are fun and will be distributed in June.
The spelling words for the First graders are:
- pour - for
- alors - then
- toujours - then
- elle pleure- she cries
- une école - a school
- jamais - never
- un camion - a truck
- un magasin - a store
- bien - good
- très - very
The second graders chose a list of adjectives to be their spelling words for this week.
2. sale - dirty
3. intelligent- intelligent
4. fou - silly
5. nerveux - nervous
6. content - contented
7. affamé - starving
8. poilu - hairy
9. confiant - confidant
10. riche - rich
8. poilu - hairy
9. confiant - confidant
10. riche - rich
The new reading incentive started out with a big BANG! The students are very motivated which, of course is important to developing a lifelong love of reading. They may read as often as they like with me in the class. The challenge for the class as a whole is to respect the one-on-one reading periods and to work quietly at these times. I encourage all of the students to practice self-control at these times.
The Retirement Rap went very well. I have a copy in the class if you are interested in seeing it!
The J.E.S Diversity Project is up for viewing in the front lobby of the school for you to come and check out!
Have a great week!
Monday, 18 April 2016
18 Avril, 2016
Last week we had a lot of fun with the frogs, as well as at the Parks interpretive display.
The grade 2 sound this week is 'eil' 'eille' and the words are :
1. Un soleil - a sun
2. Un appareil- a machine / device
3. Un orteil - a toe
4. Un réveil -alarm clock
5. Une oreille - an ear
6. Une abeille - a bee
7. Une bouteille -a bottle
8. La vieille - the old woman
The grade one students have the following sight words :
1. Une fête
2. La maison
3. Grande
4. Petite
5. Grand
6. Petit
7. Il s'en va
8. Y-a-t-il
9. Plus
10. Peux-tu?
Last week the class collectively earned their 100 point for good behaviour and have earned a smoothie party. This Wednesday at 2:30, we will prepare smoothies in the class. Please send in a cup of fruit that your child would like in their smoothie.
Have a great week !
The grade 2 sound this week is 'eil' 'eille' and the words are :
1. Un soleil - a sun
2. Un appareil- a machine / device
3. Un orteil - a toe
4. Un réveil -alarm clock
5. Une oreille - an ear
6. Une abeille - a bee
7. Une bouteille -a bottle
8. La vieille - the old woman
The grade one students have the following sight words :
1. Une fête
2. La maison
3. Grande
4. Petite
5. Grand
6. Petit
7. Il s'en va
8. Y-a-t-il
9. Plus
10. Peux-tu?
Last week the class collectively earned their 100 point for good behaviour and have earned a smoothie party. This Wednesday at 2:30, we will prepare smoothies in the class. Please send in a cup of fruit that your child would like in their smoothie.
Have a great week !
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Bon retour! Welcome back!
I trust everyone had a nice break given the warm weather ! The kids seem ready to tackle the final term of the year!
There will be a spelling dictée this Friday ...the grade 2 class will focus on the 'ail' / 'aille' sound. The words are :
1. Une médaille-a medal
2. Une bataille - a battle
3. Une paille -a straw
4. Un chandail - a sweater
5. Un épouvantail - a scarecrow
6. Un maillot - a bathing suit / jersey
7. Un éventail - a fan
8. Un travail - a job
The grade one students have the following list of sight words (some are review words):
1. Un ami - a friend (masculine)
2. Une amie - a friend (feminine )
3. On chante - one sings
4. Chez - the place /home of
5. Combien? - how many ?
6. Elle Dort - she sleeps
7. Encore - again
8. Là - there
9. Moi - me
10. Veux-tu? Would you ?
This week at school, we will be going to a Parks Canada display at the Old Firehall on Friday at 11:30 a.m. We are looking at their latest display on wildlife, fire and national parks. At 1:00 the same day, there will be a guitar band coming from the region to treat us to a special performance in the gym. Come join us for either activity if you are able !
I asked the students to bring in a 1 or 2 litre milk carton for an earth day recycling craft. Please try to have that in class by next Monday. Thanks !
I have two White's tree frogs in the class for a while for the students to learn from. They are safe to handle, given that you wash your hands after holding or touching one . I have invited the students to
stay after class this week if they'd like to hang out with a frog!
Have a wonderful week !
There will be a spelling dictée this Friday ...the grade 2 class will focus on the 'ail' / 'aille' sound. The words are :
1. Une médaille-a medal
2. Une bataille - a battle
3. Une paille -a straw
4. Un chandail - a sweater
5. Un épouvantail - a scarecrow
6. Un maillot - a bathing suit / jersey
7. Un éventail - a fan
8. Un travail - a job
The grade one students have the following list of sight words (some are review words):
1. Un ami - a friend (masculine)
2. Une amie - a friend (feminine )
3. On chante - one sings
4. Chez - the place /home of
5. Combien? - how many ?
6. Elle Dort - she sleeps
7. Encore - again
8. Là - there
9. Moi - me
10. Veux-tu? Would you ?
This week at school, we will be going to a Parks Canada display at the Old Firehall on Friday at 11:30 a.m. We are looking at their latest display on wildlife, fire and national parks. At 1:00 the same day, there will be a guitar band coming from the region to treat us to a special performance in the gym. Come join us for either activity if you are able !
I asked the students to bring in a 1 or 2 litre milk carton for an earth day recycling craft. Please try to have that in class by next Monday. Thanks !
I have two White's tree frogs in the class for a while for the students to learn from. They are safe to handle, given that you wash your hands after holding or touching one . I have invited the students to
stay after class this week if they'd like to hang out with a frog!
Have a wonderful week !
Monday, 21 March 2016
21 Mars, 2016
Happy Spring ! This is our last week in class before the 2week break. The students will be dismissed at lunch on Thursday. Therefore, there will not be a spelling dictée this week!
Last week, the students brought home two books for their own libraries. I applied for the Oilers and Epcor Share a book program to encourage the students to read in English at home...and our class was chosen! Enjoy the books 😄
The Trandansa program was a wonderful way to introduce traditional folk dancing into the school! The students have a natural knack for dance !
Report cards went home today; the card is yours to keep if you could sign and return the parent form along with the envelope. I will be available for meetings all week after school, as well as Thursday after lunch. Please feel free to contact me or send the request form back to class if you would like to set up a time .
Have a great week!
Last week, the students brought home two books for their own libraries. I applied for the Oilers and Epcor Share a book program to encourage the students to read in English at home...and our class was chosen! Enjoy the books 😄
The Trandansa program was a wonderful way to introduce traditional folk dancing into the school! The students have a natural knack for dance !
Report cards went home today; the card is yours to keep if you could sign and return the parent form along with the envelope. I will be available for meetings all week after school, as well as Thursday after lunch. Please feel free to contact me or send the request form back to class if you would like to set up a time .
Have a great week!
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
15 mars, 2016
Tradansa is at our school this week! The classes will each participate in 3 dance lessons all week, followed by a performance on Friday at 2 pm. Come to the gym to check out the final dance product!
The grade 2 spelling words this week either has the soft G (j), or the hard G:
1. une girafe- a giraffe
2. le changement - the change
3. un gilet - a vest
4. une magicienne - a magician
5. le piège - the trap
6. un dégât - a mess
7. tu regardes
8. un gorille - a gorilla
9. le magasin - the store
10. la gauche - the left
The grade one words will be added shortly.
The leprechaun traps have been coming to school; please have them returned to class by Wednesday so that we can set them up before the leprechauns come mess up the class!
Also, we will be having a green food party on Thursday afternoon. Please send in a green food item(anything goes!) for our St. Patty's day celebration.
Have a great week!
The grade 2 spelling words this week either has the soft G (j), or the hard G:
1. une girafe- a giraffe
2. le changement - the change
3. un gilet - a vest
4. une magicienne - a magician
5. le piège - the trap
6. un dégât - a mess
7. tu regardes
8. un gorille - a gorilla
9. le magasin - the store
10. la gauche - the left
The grade one words will be added shortly.
The leprechaun traps have been coming to school; please have them returned to class by Wednesday so that we can set them up before the leprechauns come mess up the class!
Also, we will be having a green food party on Thursday afternoon. Please send in a green food item(anything goes!) for our St. Patty's day celebration.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Le 8 Mars, 2016
The students have been acing the dictee spelling tests each week! Feel free to send the completed practice brochures back to school on Friday for me to see!
The grade one words are :
1. Il voit- he sees
2. Ici- here
3. Il regarde - he looks
4. Par - by
5. Ça va - it is going
6. Est - is
7. Pour - for
8. Quand - when
9. Chez moi - my place / house
10. Je Pense - I think
The grade two words have the "tion" sound :
1. Une addition
2. Une action
3. L'attention
4. Une illustration
5. Une information
6. Une solution
7. Une soustraction
8. La récréation
9. Une collation
10. La détermination
The students brought home instructions to make a leprechaun trap at home. The traps need to be brought back to school by next Wednesday so that they can be presented to the class and then set up for the Saint Patrick eve. We will catch the pesky pets this year! Have fun!!
The grade one students had awesome presentations for the 100th day of school!! Bravo les Amis!!
The grade one words are :
1. Il voit- he sees
2. Ici- here
3. Il regarde - he looks
4. Par - by
5. Ça va - it is going
6. Est - is
7. Pour - for
8. Quand - when
9. Chez moi - my place / house
10. Je Pense - I think
The grade two words have the "tion" sound :
1. Une addition
2. Une action
3. L'attention
4. Une illustration
5. Une information
6. Une solution
7. Une soustraction
8. La récréation
9. Une collation
10. La détermination
The students brought home instructions to make a leprechaun trap at home. The traps need to be brought back to school by next Wednesday so that they can be presented to the class and then set up for the Saint Patrick eve. We will catch the pesky pets this year! Have fun!!
The grade one students had awesome presentations for the 100th day of school!! Bravo les Amis!!
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
2 mars, 2016
This week is half over already...sometimes the days fly by!
The grade one words this week are:
Aussi - also
Un avion. - an airplane
J'ai-I have
Il dort -he sleeps
Il est-he is
Il y a -there is
Tu peux - you can
Voici-he us
The grade two words this week all have the "oin" sound and the words are
1. Poing-fist
2. Rejoindre-to join/rejoin
3. Pointu-pointy
4. Lointaine-long ago
5. Foin-hay
6. Coincer-stuck
7. Besoin-need
8. Point-period
9. Coin-corner
10. Soins-care
That's all for this week!
The grade one words this week are:
Aussi - also
Un avion. - an airplane
J'ai-I have
Il dort -he sleeps
Il est-he is
Il y a -there is
Tu peux - you can
Voici-he us
The grade two words this week all have the "oin" sound and the words are
1. Poing-fist
2. Rejoindre-to join/rejoin
3. Pointu-pointy
4. Lointaine-long ago
5. Foin-hay
6. Coincer-stuck
7. Besoin-need
8. Point-period
9. Coin-corner
10. Soins-care
That's all for this week!
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
23 février, 2016
Tomorrow (Wednesday), the students are encourages to wear pink or red colours for the "Stand up to Bullying" campaign.
Grade one students are to return their 100 day bags for our 100 day celebration.
The grade one's started the new dictée program using sight words for their spelling words. We practiced writing them in alphabetical order today and the students did great! Keep up the great work gr. 1!
The words are :
1. il met
2. il sort
3. je suis
4. un chien
5. un chat
6. les
7. bonjour
8. il dit
9. j'aime
The grade two students are working on the sound "gn". There words are:
1. grognon - grumpy
2. mignon - cute
3. campagne - country side
4. peigne - comb
5. montagne - mountain
6. gagne - win
7. ligne - line
8. orignal - moose
Friday is a half day to allow teachers PD time.
Some photos from this week:
Enjoy the week!
Grade one students are to return their 100 day bags for our 100 day celebration.
The grade one's started the new dictée program using sight words for their spelling words. We practiced writing them in alphabetical order today and the students did great! Keep up the great work gr. 1!
The words are :
1. il met
2. il sort
3. je suis
4. un chien
5. un chat
6. les
7. bonjour
8. il dit
9. j'aime
The grade two students are working on the sound "gn". There words are:
1. grognon - grumpy
2. mignon - cute
3. campagne - country side
4. peigne - comb
5. montagne - mountain
6. gagne - win
7. ligne - line
8. orignal - moose
Friday is a half day to allow teachers PD time.
Some photos from this week:
At the Diversity Project in the Museum last Friday. Check out Paige a few years ago! |
Our class won the Sugar Shocker quiz of the week when we correctly identified the closest amount of sugar in a Gatorade drink! |
Georgia and Sophie at the Lutte de Sumo at Carnaval |
Enjoy the week!
Monday, 15 February 2016
Happy Family Day! making! |
The Valentine's Day pizza making extravaganza was a big success and the kids were awesome with their cooperation and participation!
This is a short week so we will have a reduced word list for the spelling dictee!
The sound of the week will be "un" like the number one (un), and the words are:
Grade one:
1. brun - brown
2. lundi - Monday
3. un - one
4. commun - common
5. jungle - jungle
Grade 2 spelling words:
1. parfum -perfume
2. emprunter - to borrow
3. quelqu' un - someone
4. vingt-et-un - 21
5. chacun - everyone
6. aucun- no one; none
7. commun - common
Wednesday afternoon, we will participate in the winter Carnival all afternoon. Volunteers are still needed to accompany the kids from station to station. Let me know if you are able to attend on that afternoon.
Baby Zachery is getting so big! We had a great visit last Tuesday! |
Monday, 8 February 2016
After the extra few days out of school, it is sure a treat to have teacher appreciation week this week at school!
This week at school, we are focusing on the theme of Valentine's Day. Many of our vocabulary words and dictée words focus on the friendship theme, also.
On Friday after lunch, we will have fun centre-based, play activities to culminate our week. If you are able to send in a snack to share, we would gladly accept ! Also, today a list of grade one and two names was sent home for you to use to prepare Valentine cards to exchange. Please note the error on the newsletter sent home today, Carnaval will take place on February 17 (not the 77!!) .
Great work to those students who kept their reading goals in place for the last 4 weeks!! The committee will be drawing grand prize winners later on this week.
Please send in toothbrushes for the Student council "soap for hope" campaign that is running all the month of February.
The grade 1 words this week's are:
1. Coeur- heart
2. Cupidon - Cupid
3. Bisous - kiss
4. Lettre - letter
5. Amour - love
The grade 2s will be conjugating the verb "aimer":
1. J'aime -I like
2. Tu aimes - you like
3. Il aime- he likes
4. Elle aime- she likes
5. Nous aimons we like
6. Vous aimez- you like (plural)
7. Ils aiment - they like (plural)
8. Elles aiment - they (females) like
Have a great week !
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
26 janvier, 2016
This week at school, we have a few extra activities to keep us busy!
Thursday, we are hosting the cookie sale for the school. Please send in 2 dozen nut-free goodies in the morning. The sale starts at recess (10:40) and if you are available to help set up and supervise one of the 2 tables, please let me know!
Thursday between 4:30 and 5:30 is student-led conferences; the kids will host you on a guided tour of the classroom.
Friday is a half day! The students are invited to dress up as their favorite storybook character...oh, the possibilities!
The sound of the week is "ien" and the words are:
Grade one:
1.bien - good
2.rien - nothing
3. chien - dog
4. il vien - he comes
5. mien - mine
6. tien - yours
Grade 2;
1. bientôt - soon
2. combien - how many
3. Canadien - Canadian
4. gardien - a gardien de but is a goalie, otherwise, it can mean babysitter
5. magicien - magician
6. musicien - musician
7. martien - martian
8. chien - dog
Good luck! Don't forget to send in the Read-A-Thon calendars on Monday next week!
Thursday, we are hosting the cookie sale for the school. Please send in 2 dozen nut-free goodies in the morning. The sale starts at recess (10:40) and if you are available to help set up and supervise one of the 2 tables, please let me know!
Thursday between 4:30 and 5:30 is student-led conferences; the kids will host you on a guided tour of the classroom.
Friday is a half day! The students are invited to dress up as their favorite storybook character...oh, the possibilities!
The sound of the week is "ien" and the words are:
Grade one:
1.bien - good
2.rien - nothing
3. chien - dog
4. il vien - he comes
5. mien - mine
6. tien - yours
Grade 2;
1. bientôt - soon
2. combien - how many
3. Canadien - Canadian
4. gardien - a gardien de but is a goalie, otherwise, it can mean babysitter
5. magicien - magician
6. musicien - musician
7. martien - martian
8. chien - dog
Good luck! Don't forget to send in the Read-A-Thon calendars on Monday next week!
Monday, 18 January 2016
January 18, 2016
This week at school, we are learning about animals of the Arctic! We will be doing some fun experiments to test how they live and survive in the sub-zero climate.
The sound of the week is "en" for the grade one class and "en" and "em" for the grade two students.
The words are:
1. Cent - one hundred
2. Vent - wind
3. Dent - tooth
4. Lent - slow
5. Enfant - child
6. Trente - thirty
The grade two words are :
1.souvent - often
2. ensuite - then; later
3. vendredi - Friday
4. septembre - September
5. longtemps - longtime
6. Le printemps - springtime
7. ensemble - together
8. calendrier - calendar
The class showed impressive talent and skill last week cross-country skiing . I will share photos with you as soon as I can! If anyone is interested in going for a ski, the equipment at the front entrance of the school can be signed out for you to use.
Have a great week !
Monday, 11 January 2016
January11, 2016
The cross-country ski session went so well today; thank you to Paula for organizing the kids in small groups beforehand to find the proper equipment !! Also, thanks to Christine for coming skiing with us (the help was invaluable!).
The sound of the week is "an" for grade one. The kids should be able to show you the action for this sound. The words are :
1. Orange
2. Blanc - white
3. Dans -in
4. Maman-mom
5. Grande-big
6. Mange-eat
The grade 2s have the same sounds made by "an" and ”am". :
1. Dimanche-Sunday
2. Janvier- January
3. quand-when
4. Losange- diamond shape
5. Rectangle.
6. Triangle
7. Framboise- raspberry
8. Chambre- room
Have a great week. !
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
Bonne Année 2016
Welcome to 2016 and to the New Year at school! I am very thankful for all of the kind Christmas wishes and treats that were given before the holiday break. It is so nice to have a break just as it is nice to see all of the students and hear their tales of Christmas! We are slowly getting back into the routines that were established in the Fall...just a reminder that the students may need a refreshment of supplies such as pencils, erasers and glue sticks! Also, indoor shoes should be sent in, if they haven't already.
This week at school, we are focusing on the sound "ON" for the Firsties and "ON and OM" for the Seconders. The words are:
Grade One/La première année:
1. bonbon - candy
2. melon - melon
3. bouton - button
4. onze - eleven
6. savon - soap
Second Grade words/La deuxième année:
1. pompier
2. pantalon
3. pompon
4. papillon
5. compte
6. dragon
7. tomber
8. garçon (or champignon...i gave the students a choice of words depending on whether or not they were up for a challenge)
I will be sending home a class newsletter in the next few days, however, some special day to take ote of this month are :
Jan. 28 is OUR class' cookie sale
Jan. 29. is a half day for teacher Professional Development
Way to go at the most ROCKIN' winter concert! The kids were awesome for their song, "Everybody's goin on a Sleigh Ride!"
Have a great week!
This week at school, we are focusing on the sound "ON" for the Firsties and "ON and OM" for the Seconders. The words are:
Grade One/La première année:
1. bonbon - candy
2. melon - melon
3. bouton - button
4. onze - eleven
6. savon - soap
Second Grade words/La deuxième année:
1. pompier
2. pantalon
3. pompon
4. papillon
5. compte
6. dragon
7. tomber
8. garçon (or champignon...i gave the students a choice of words depending on whether or not they were up for a challenge)
I will be sending home a class newsletter in the next few days, however, some special day to take ote of this month are :
Jan. 28 is OUR class' cookie sale
Jan. 29. is a half day for teacher Professional Development
Way to go at the most ROCKIN' winter concert! The kids were awesome for their song, "Everybody's goin on a Sleigh Ride!"
Happy birthday today to Fraser AND George! We all LOVED the chocolate cupcakes Karen!
Have a great week!
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