Monday, 19 September 2016

September 19, 2016

It was nice meeting with you at last week's "Meet the Teacher" evening.  If you weren't able to attend but would still like a classroom tour hosted by your favorite grade one student, please stop by any day after school.

Today, the students wrote their first 6 words for their spelling test on Friday.  I sent some alphabet sheets home for them to practice building their words with.  Cut them into separate squares and then keep them in a Ziploc bag to be used for practicing with for the remainder of the year.

This week's words are:
1. ma - my
2. la - the
3. ta - your
4. sa - his/her
5. ami - friend
6. papa - dad
Practice hard and have fun word-building!

Thursday there will be a Healthy Snack Sale at recess....bring in those quarters.

Friday is a Professional Development day for the staff and the students are dismissed at the lunch bell.  There is no lunch program on this day.

Thanks to those of you who returned your activity bags this morning!  The kids should have all brought home a fresh activity today.
 Photo booth photos!!!
Terry Fox!!
 Have a great third week back at school!


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