Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Bonne Année 2016

Welcome to 2016 and to the New Year at school!  I am very thankful for all of the kind Christmas wishes and treats that were given before the holiday break.  It is so nice to have a break just as it is nice to see all of the students and hear their tales of Christmas!  We are slowly getting back into the routines that were established in the Fall...just a reminder that the students may need a refreshment of supplies such as pencils, erasers and glue sticks!  Also, indoor shoes should be sent in, if they haven't already.

This week at school, we are focusing on the sound "ON" for the Firsties and "ON and OM" for the Seconders.  The words are:
Grade One/La première année:
1. bonbon - candy
2. melon - melon
3. bouton - button
4. onze - eleven
6. savon - soap

Second Grade words/La deuxième année:
1. pompier
2. pantalon
3. pompon
4. papillon
5. compte
6. dragon
7. tomber
8. garçon (or champignon...i gave the students a choice of words depending on whether or not they were up for a challenge)

I will be sending home a class newsletter in the next few days, however, some special day to take ote of this month are :
Jan. 28 is OUR class' cookie sale
Jan. 29. is a half day for teacher Professional Development

Way to go at the most ROCKIN' winter concert!  The kids were awesome for their song, "Everybody's goin on a Sleigh Ride!"

Happy birthday today to Fraser AND George!  We all LOVED the chocolate cupcakes Karen!

Have a great week!

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