Monday, 8 February 2016

After the extra few days out of school, it is sure a treat to have teacher appreciation week this week at school!

This week at school, we are focusing on the theme of Valentine's Day. Many of our vocabulary words and dictée words focus on the friendship theme, also. 

On Friday after lunch, we will have fun centre-based, play activities to culminate our week. If you are able to send in a snack to share, we would gladly accept !  Also, today a list of grade one and two names was sent home for you to use to prepare Valentine cards to exchange.  Please note the error on  the newsletter sent home today, Carnaval will take place on February 17 (not the 77!!) .

Great work to those students who kept their reading goals in place for the last 4 weeks!! The committee will be drawing grand prize winners later on this week. 

Please send in toothbrushes for the Student council "soap for hope" campaign that is running all the month of February. 

The grade 1 words this week's are: 
1. Coeur- heart
2. Cupidon - Cupid 
3. Bisous - kiss 
4. Lettre - letter 
5. Amour - love  

The grade 2s will be conjugating the verb "aimer":
1. J'aime -I like
2. Tu aimes - you like 
3. Il aime- he likes
4. Elle  aime- she likes 
5. Nous aimons  we like
6. Vous aimez- you like (plural)
7.  Ils aiment - they like (plural) 
8. Elles aiment - they (females) like 

Have a great week ! 

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