Monday, 17 October 2016

17 octobre, 2016

Étoile de la semaine - Molly !! 

This is a short week at school as the staff has a professional development day on Friday.

Today, we had a presentation about avalanche safety. Some kids even came away with safety whistles for their participation during the assembly. 

The sound of the week is ´o'  which is like when Santa Claus laughs, o, o, o!  The words are :
1. Zéro - zero
2. Moto - motorcycle 
3. Non- no! 
4. École - school 
5.  Bravo 
6. rose - pink

There is a cookie/snack sale this Thursday hosted by Madame Michelle's class . 

I am going to postpone the fall friendship soup for a week or so due to the busy week we are having ! 
Thursday, we will have a presentation in the gym for the dark sky festival. 

Be sure to scan the Seesaw QR code that was sent home on Friday which will take you to your child's digital portfolio. Let me know if this did not make it home and I can send you the code to access the app. 

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