This week at school, we are busy getting ready for the Christmas concert!
Tomorrow (Tuesday), there is a dress rehearsal in the afternoon for our class and the other classes that perform on Thursday night . Come to the gym at 1:10 to watch the concert in full.
On Thursday, please have your child in the classroom by 6:45 to get ready for the performance at 7:00. Students may wear their "fancy" clothes, and no other costume is required.
There will not be a spelling quiz this week.
Thanks a million to the moms who came last Friday to help out with out baking day. It was a great success after all...thanks to Kim, Janet, Sharon and Cheryl for their help!
Have a great week!
Monday, 15 December 2014
Monday, 8 December 2014
8 Dec., 2014
This week at school, we have a few fun activities planned. Tomorrow at 2:00, we will be going to the museum to visit the Festival of Trees. Parent and siblings are welcome to join our class for this.
On Wednesday at noon, you are welcome to join your student(s) for the Reveillon lunch at the Jasper Activity Centre. Please remember to pack your dishes, cutlery and cups. Those students who will not be attending can still go to the lunch room at the school, or can eat at home, as usual.
After Reveillon, at 1:15, Val and Morley Flemming will be coming to our school to lead the students in a Christmas sing-a-long. You and siblings are welcome to join in!
On Thursday, Madame Stastny is hosting a cookie sale...pack those quarters!
Thanks to all of the parent volunteers who came to the pool last week to help keep order in the change rooms during our swimming lessons!
This Friday after lunch, we will be baking cheddar cheese bear buns. This is to accompany our learning about bears and hibernation. If there are parent helpers available to assist in the process, please let me know!
Have a great week!
On Wednesday at noon, you are welcome to join your student(s) for the Reveillon lunch at the Jasper Activity Centre. Please remember to pack your dishes, cutlery and cups. Those students who will not be attending can still go to the lunch room at the school, or can eat at home, as usual.
After Reveillon, at 1:15, Val and Morley Flemming will be coming to our school to lead the students in a Christmas sing-a-long. You and siblings are welcome to join in!
On Thursday, Madame Stastny is hosting a cookie sale...pack those quarters!
Thanks to all of the parent volunteers who came to the pool last week to help keep order in the change rooms during our swimming lessons!
This Friday after lunch, we will be baking cheddar cheese bear buns. This is to accompany our learning about bears and hibernation. If there are parent helpers available to assist in the process, please let me know!
Have a great week!
Monday, 1 December 2014
1 décembre, 2014
This week at school we are busy with swimming in the mornings (11:15-11:45). The whole class was prepared today - nice to see! We will be squeezing our lesson in slightly earlier (11:05..!) so that we can leave the pool sooner and make it back to the school for the lunch bell. If you are picking your child up at the pool, please try to be there by 11:40. Thanks to all of the parent helpers that came today to help out in the change rooms!
Friday is a half day to allow for teacher's PD. Students will be dismissed at the bell.
The special sound of the week is "on", as in the word, "bon". The action is to make a bridge with your hand to symbolize the bridge that is made by one letter to help the other to cross to the other side of the river. The words this week are:
1. bonbon - candy
2. ballon - ball
3. onze - eleven
4. non - no!
5. mon - my
6. son - his/hers, as in "Son crayon - his pencil" or sound, like "le son de la semaine est "on" - the sound of the week is "on".
Friday is a half day to allow for teacher's PD. Students will be dismissed at the bell.
The special sound of the week is "on", as in the word, "bon". The action is to make a bridge with your hand to symbolize the bridge that is made by one letter to help the other to cross to the other side of the river. The words this week are:
1. bonbon - candy
2. ballon - ball
3. onze - eleven
4. non - no!
5. mon - my
6. son - his/hers, as in "Son crayon - his pencil" or sound, like "le son de la semaine est "on" - the sound of the week is "on".
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
24 November, 2014
This week, we will be re-do our first 2 "complex" sounds, "oi" and "ou", practice makes perfect!
The words this week are:
1. roi - king
2. noix - nut (careful for the silent x at the end!)
3. poire - pear
4. douze - twelve
5. trou - hole
6. hibou - owl (careful for the silent h at the beginning)
A great BIG thanks to Rick, Tina and Kim for helping out with last week's pizza making. I have attached some photo of the activity!

Just a reminder that this Friday is a half day at school to allow time for parent-teacher interviews. I made a mistake on the dates of interviews that were sent home, however, the DAY that is on your interview schedule is correct (just ignore the calendar date!).
Have a great week!
The words this week are:
1. roi - king
2. noix - nut (careful for the silent x at the end!)
3. poire - pear
4. douze - twelve
5. trou - hole
6. hibou - owl (careful for the silent h at the beginning)
A great BIG thanks to Rick, Tina and Kim for helping out with last week's pizza making. I have attached some photo of the activity!

Just a reminder that this Friday is a half day at school to allow time for parent-teacher interviews. I made a mistake on the dates of interviews that were sent home, however, the DAY that is on your interview schedule is correct (just ignore the calendar date!).
Have a great week!
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
This week at school we are learning about the sound "ou" that says, "ooo" in English.
The spelling words this week are:
1. Rouge - red
2. pour - for
3. ours - bear
4. joue - to play
5. jour - day
6. tout - all
Practice lots at home!
On Friday, we will be making pizzas to go along with our unit on food. I will be asking for your child to bring in their favorite topping to put on their pizza (only theirs so a small quantity is needed only). I will provide the crust, the sauce and the cheese. Mmmm, c'est bon!
Some French sight words to practice at home:
voici, vois, vais
peux, pour
mes, des, les
ma, ta sa
le, la
un, une
un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, di, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt
Have a good week ~ passé une belle semaine!
The spelling words this week are:
1. Rouge - red
2. pour - for
3. ours - bear
4. joue - to play
5. jour - day
6. tout - all
Practice lots at home!
On Friday, we will be making pizzas to go along with our unit on food. I will be asking for your child to bring in their favorite topping to put on their pizza (only theirs so a small quantity is needed only). I will provide the crust, the sauce and the cheese. Mmmm, c'est bon!
Some French sight words to practice at home:
voici, vois, vais
peux, pour
mes, des, les
ma, ta sa
le, la
un, une
un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, di, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt
Have a good week ~ passé une belle semaine!
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Nov. 12, 2014
Welcome to a short week! Due to the three - day week, we will not be having a spelling dictée this week. Also, the spelling scribblers will be sent home tomorrow for you to sign and return.
This morning, there was an interesting situation at our school!! Perhaps your child talked about it, so I will clarify what happened. The first teachers to arrive in the morning smelled a "smoky" odor and so the fire department was called. They determined that the smell was coming from a heating unit on the roof and that after determining all was safe and clear, we were allowed to re-enter the school (around 9:20 am).
There will be a cookie sale tomorrow at recess so send in your quarters!!
Have a great, short week!
This morning, there was an interesting situation at our school!! Perhaps your child talked about it, so I will clarify what happened. The first teachers to arrive in the morning smelled a "smoky" odor and so the fire department was called. They determined that the smell was coming from a heating unit on the roof and that after determining all was safe and clear, we were allowed to re-enter the school (around 9:20 am).
There will be a cookie sale tomorrow at recess so send in your quarters!!
Have a great, short week!
Monday, 3 November 2014
3 novembre, 2013
The students looked awesome in their costumes for Halloween! Thanks for all of the special treats that were shared for our class party!
This week at school we will be swimming on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The aquatic centre has rescheduled us for next Wednesday to make up for today's cancellation. Our swimming lessons have been rescheduled until the first week of December, due to instructor illness!
On Wednesday, we will be visiting the Scholastic book fair in the school library. Please decide what an appropriate item for your child to purchase will be.
We have started learning our special "complex" sound blends for our spelling dictée quizzes. This week, we will learn that when "o" and "i" are together, they say, "wa". The words this week are:
1. moi - me
2. toi - you
3. trois - three
4. noir - black
5. vois - see
6. voici - here is
Please return the Roots of Empathy form asap. We will be starting our program this week and will have Carla Gallop from FCSS come into our class every week to teach us about empathy. There will be a family from the community that will come every other week to share their baby's growth milestones with our class!
Mark your week there is no school on Monday or Tuesday!
Enjoy the week!
On Wednesday, we will be visiting the Scholastic book fair in the school library. Please decide what an appropriate item for your child to purchase will be.
We have started learning our special "complex" sound blends for our spelling dictée quizzes. This week, we will learn that when "o" and "i" are together, they say, "wa". The words this week are:
1. moi - me
2. toi - you
3. trois - three
4. noir - black
5. vois - see
6. voici - here is
Please return the Roots of Empathy form asap. We will be starting our program this week and will have Carla Gallop from FCSS come into our class every week to teach us about empathy. There will be a family from the community that will come every other week to share their baby's growth milestones with our class!
Mark your week there is no school on Monday or Tuesday!
Enjoy the week!
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
28 octobre, 2014
Thanks to all of the parents who donated cookies and treats for the cookie sale last week!
This is a busy week, starting on Wednesday with student photos. Please return your envelope tomorrow!!
I will be sending this note home in the student's agendas tomorrow:
This is a busy week, starting on Wednesday with student photos. Please return your envelope tomorrow!!
I will be sending this note home in the student's agendas tomorrow:
Thursday, we are invited to attend Mrs. Sawka’s grade 6 haunted house! It is not meant to be scary, rather, there
are a variety of stations for the students to experience, such as a “touch and
feel” station. The cost for this is $1
as well as an item for the food bank.
is the day of ghosts, goblins and princesses galore! Your child is invited (but is not required)
to dress up in their costume after lunch. I will be available from 1:45 onward to help
out the lunch program students with their costumes!
will be a school-wide parade that will wind its way through the hallways and
classrooms, starting at 1:30pm. After
that, we will return to our class to enjoy a French movie (Franklin’s
Halloween). If you would like to send in
a healthy snack (or health-ish treat!), our “monsters” would definitely
appreciate it!
~ merci!!
The sound of the week is è and it sounds like the "e" in the word "pet". The words this week are:
1. mere - mother
2. père - father
3. frère - brother
4. élève - student
5. Hélène
6. c'est (this does not have the same sound but it is one of our sight words, meaning "it is")
The sound of the week is è and it sounds like the "e" in the word "pet". The words this week are:
1. mere - mother
2. père - father
3. frère - brother
4. élève - student
5. Hélène
6. c'est (this does not have the same sound but it is one of our sight words, meaning "it is")
Monday, 20 October 2014
October 20, 2014
Welcome to another short week! We have a special treat this weekin that we are participating in several activities relating to the Dark Sky Festival. We will hear from Joan Marie Galat, Alan Dyer, Chris Beckett, and Wilfred Buck throughout the week.
I am off to Halifax to attend the Professional French Immersion Teacher's Conference. I will be absent on Wednesday and Thursday this week.
In lieu of a spelling dictée this week, the students will be asked to match ordinal numbers from 1-10 to the written form of the number. They will not have to spell any words, rather, recognize the word and match it to it's appropriate number.
We are hosting the cookie sale this Thursday at recess and students are asked to bring in 2 dozen nut-free treats. The proceeds that we raise are put directly to our school's foster child in Guatemala.
Thanks to all of this students who contributed to our "Friendship soup" last week. The veggies took a while to cook and we finally got to have a taste of the soup today....yum! I thought that there would be a ton of leftovers, but the students gobbled it all up, even asked for seconds!!
I am off to Halifax to attend the Professional French Immersion Teacher's Conference. I will be absent on Wednesday and Thursday this week.
In lieu of a spelling dictée this week, the students will be asked to match ordinal numbers from 1-10 to the written form of the number. They will not have to spell any words, rather, recognize the word and match it to it's appropriate number.
We are hosting the cookie sale this Thursday at recess and students are asked to bring in 2 dozen nut-free treats. The proceeds that we raise are put directly to our school's foster child in Guatemala.
Thanks to all of this students who contributed to our "Friendship soup" last week. The veggies took a while to cook and we finally got to have a taste of the soup today....yum! I thought that there would be a ton of leftovers, but the students gobbled it all up, even asked for seconds!!
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
14 octobre, 2014
I hope you all enjoyed the Thanksgiving long weekend! The students did an amazing job disguising the turkeys that were sent home. Check out our awesome bulletin board"!
This week at school we are looking at the sound "é". This is a "special" French sound and is makes the sound "eh" when it is in a word. The spelling words this week are:
1. dé - dice
2. clé - key
3. bébé - baby
4. Zoé - name of a girl, watch out for the capital "Z"
5. école - school
6. fée - fairy
We will be cooking vegetable alphabet soup this Friday morning. The students will be asked to send in a half a cup of a chopped vegetable (carrot, potato, celery, tomato, etc...).
Have a great (short) week at school!
This week at school we are looking at the sound "é". This is a "special" French sound and is makes the sound "eh" when it is in a word. The spelling words this week are:
1. dé - dice
2. clé - key
3. bébé - baby
4. Zoé - name of a girl, watch out for the capital "Z"
5. école - school
6. fée - fairy
We will be cooking vegetable alphabet soup this Friday morning. The students will be asked to send in a half a cup of a chopped vegetable (carrot, potato, celery, tomato, etc...).
Have a great (short) week at school!
Monday, 6 October 2014
6 octobre, 2014
The class keeps on growing and we are lucky to have two lovely new students in our class; welcome to Jordyn and Jayden!
This week at school we are looking at the "u" sound the makes an "ew" sound in English. The spelling words this week are:
1. du
2. cru
3. lu
4. une
5. tu
Please check out the turkey letter that was sent home today. Your child's job is to disguise the turkey in a creative way so that it can be saved from the Thanksgiving Day feast! Have fun with it!
This Friday is our spelling dictée in the morning and then the students are dismissed at the noon bell.
Have a great week!
This week at school we are looking at the "u" sound the makes an "ew" sound in English. The spelling words this week are:
1. du
2. cru
3. lu
4. une
5. tu
Please check out the turkey letter that was sent home today. Your child's job is to disguise the turkey in a creative way so that it can be saved from the Thanksgiving Day feast! Have fun with it!
This Friday is our spelling dictée in the morning and then the students are dismissed at the noon bell.
Have a great week!
Monday, 29 September 2014
September 29, 2014
What a marvelous day to look for leaves! Thanks to the moms who accompanied our group to look for the most beautiful fall leaves! Cheryl, Tina and Kim (plus a few siblings..) thanks for helping us out today!
The sound of the week is "o"....this letter makes the Santa Claus laugh, "oh, oh, oh". The action is to put your hands around your belly and laugh, santa-like!
The words are, again, mostly non-words. These are sounds that will help the students to read and spell French words if they can hear the letter sounds.
1. lo
2. to
3. no
4. os
5. or
6. mo
This week at school, we will be talking a lot about colors in French. We will learn about the primary colors and secondary colors that are formed when 2 colors are mixed.
We continue to practice the alphabet, the order of letters, the 6 vowels and the consonants. Quiz your child (even in English!) about anything alphabet related!
The sound of the week is "o"....this letter makes the Santa Claus laugh, "oh, oh, oh". The action is to put your hands around your belly and laugh, santa-like!
The words are, again, mostly non-words. These are sounds that will help the students to read and spell French words if they can hear the letter sounds.
1. lo
2. to
3. no
4. os
5. or
6. mo
This week at school, we will be talking a lot about colors in French. We will learn about the primary colors and secondary colors that are formed when 2 colors are mixed.
We continue to practice the alphabet, the order of letters, the 6 vowels and the consonants. Quiz your child (even in English!) about anything alphabet related!
Friday, 19 September 2014
September 20, 2014
What a great time it was to visit an apple tree and eat the sweet apples! A great, big thanks to Nadia Helmy for sharing her tree with us!
Making the apple sauce was a hit thanks to Kim and Tina for helping peel and mix ingredients with the students! Check out our photos:
Making the apple sauce was a hit thanks to Kim and Tina for helping peel and mix ingredients with the students! Check out our photos:
The spelling words of the week are "non" words in French...they are two letter blends that will help the student with their phonetic awareness. The sound of the week is "I"; this letter says "eeee" in French. I told the students that when I see the small dot on the top, I pretend it is a spider (and I am totally, irrationally afraid of spiders), so I make a scream, like "eee!".
The words this week are :
1. si
2. mi
3. li
4. fi
5. ri
6. di
As our vocabulary expands, we will use these sounds to make words, such as dimanche.
Have a wonderful week!
Monday, 15 September 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Nice to see the sun, rather than the snowflakes!
This week at school we are learning the story of "e"...a boy who forgets everything! When asked to repeat what his teacher says, he puts his hands on his cheeks and says "uh" because he has forgotten the answer.
The words for this week's spelling dictée are (thanks to the students' suggestions!):
1. me
2. le
3. te
4. se
5. de
6. je
The class as a whole did very well last week on the "a" dictee...please sign the scribbler and send them back to school.
As we will not have school this Friday (our regular library is on Friday), we have an alternative library exchange on Wednesday. Please send the book your child brought home, back to school on Wednesday.
Also, the dictée will occur on Thursday of this week due to the PD day on Friday.
We will be going apple picking this Wednesday morning at 11:00 am. Parent helpers are welcome to come along!
The activity bags that went home today are due back tomorrow. We will exchange bags and continue to do these bags as a nightly activity.
Have a good week!
This week at school we are learning the story of "e"...a boy who forgets everything! When asked to repeat what his teacher says, he puts his hands on his cheeks and says "uh" because he has forgotten the answer.
The words for this week's spelling dictée are (thanks to the students' suggestions!):
1. me
2. le
3. te
4. se
5. de
6. je
The class as a whole did very well last week on the "a" dictee...please sign the scribbler and send them back to school.
As we will not have school this Friday (our regular library is on Friday), we have an alternative library exchange on Wednesday. Please send the book your child brought home, back to school on Wednesday.
Also, the dictée will occur on Thursday of this week due to the PD day on Friday.
We will be going apple picking this Wednesday morning at 11:00 am. Parent helpers are welcome to come along!
The activity bags that went home today are due back tomorrow. We will exchange bags and continue to do these bags as a nightly activity.
Have a good week!
Monday, 8 September 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
A second week at school has begun!
This week at school, we are learning about the sound "a". The story about the sound is that a little girl has a toothache and complains about it, "ahhh!" she says until the dentist fixes it. Her sigh of relief is "ahhhh", also! We put our hand on the cheek to make the "a" sound.
Each Friday, we will be having a spelling quiz, called a "dictée". We will start with 6 words that the students should be able to spell by hearing the sounds of letters in words. Some at-home practice will help, also. Try to write the words out together at home throughout the week...spell them in magnetic letters, on dry erase boards, or make up flashcards! If you should need help with the French pronunciation, check out the "French pronunciation" on the right-hand side of this blog. Once at the site, change the language to French, type in the word and hear the French-speaker say the word aloud.
This week's words are:
1. ma - my (feminine)
2. ta - your (feminine)
3. sa - his (f)
4. la - the (f)
5. un - a (masculine)
6. une - a (feminine)
This Thursday is a "Meet the teacher" night. Please come to the classroom at 6:30 for a visit. Afterwards, enjoy some popcorn by the playground (hopefully if won't be snowing!).
Book orders are due this Friday.
Have a great week!
This week at school, we are learning about the sound "a". The story about the sound is that a little girl has a toothache and complains about it, "ahhh!" she says until the dentist fixes it. Her sigh of relief is "ahhhh", also! We put our hand on the cheek to make the "a" sound.
Each Friday, we will be having a spelling quiz, called a "dictée". We will start with 6 words that the students should be able to spell by hearing the sounds of letters in words. Some at-home practice will help, also. Try to write the words out together at home throughout the week...spell them in magnetic letters, on dry erase boards, or make up flashcards! If you should need help with the French pronunciation, check out the "French pronunciation" on the right-hand side of this blog. Once at the site, change the language to French, type in the word and hear the French-speaker say the word aloud.
This week's words are:
1. ma - my (feminine)
2. ta - your (feminine)
3. sa - his (f)
4. la - the (f)
5. un - a (masculine)
6. une - a (feminine)
This Thursday is a "Meet the teacher" night. Please come to the classroom at 6:30 for a visit. Afterwards, enjoy some popcorn by the playground (hopefully if won't be snowing!).
Book orders are due this Friday.
Have a great week!
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
La rentrée...Welcome back!
I hope that you all had a wonderful and relaxing summer! I am excited to return to the classroom and look forward to getting to know the new "Firsties"!
Madame Hélène Caron will be working in the grade one classroom all year long. She will team teach in the class with me, as well, she will take small groups to work outside the class. Her expertise will be shared with us from 8:30-11:00, Monday through Thursday!
If you are still looking for class supplies, click on the link here:
School starts on September 2 at 8:30 am. The students are welcome to come into the class with parents (bring Kleenex!) for the first 15 minutes of the morning. The bell for lunch rings at 12:00pm and again at 1:05 to return to class. The final bell is at 3:15pm.
Please discuss at meeting place for you and your child for all pick-ups. A recommendation is to meet at the Geikie street doors, as these are the doors and boot racks that we will use, daily.
Enjoy the last week of holidays and we look forward to meeting you all next Tuesday!
Becky and Hélène
Madame Hélène Caron will be working in the grade one classroom all year long. She will team teach in the class with me, as well, she will take small groups to work outside the class. Her expertise will be shared with us from 8:30-11:00, Monday through Thursday!
If you are still looking for class supplies, click on the link here:
School starts on September 2 at 8:30 am. The students are welcome to come into the class with parents (bring Kleenex!) for the first 15 minutes of the morning. The bell for lunch rings at 12:00pm and again at 1:05 to return to class. The final bell is at 3:15pm.
Please discuss at meeting place for you and your child for all pick-ups. A recommendation is to meet at the Geikie street doors, as these are the doors and boot racks that we will use, daily.
Enjoy the last week of holidays and we look forward to meeting you all next Tuesday!
Becky and Hélène
Monday, 16 June 2014
16 juin, 2014
The last few days are upon us (8.5, I think...!) and we have lots of fun left to have in grade 1!
We are working on a class play that we would like to present to the parents next Wednesday at 11:00 am. If you are able to make it for this special day, we would love to have you. All parents, grandparents and siblings are welcome at this time! I will be providing the goodies for this occasion.
The spelling quizzes have wrapped up for the year...congratulations to the students for mastering the sounds of the first grade. It's hard to believe that one of our first words was "ma" and one of the last words was "mercredi" !!! C'est super!
Just some reminders for the coming days...
Next Monday after lunch - Games Day - you are welcome to come in to help supervise the kids as they participate in a variety of activities.
Tuesday afternoon - Swimming at the Aquatic Centre - permissions slips to come home tomorrow. Parent volunteers are welcome to join us to supervise in the change rooms. A snack table will be set up if you would like to contribute a snack of any sort.
Morning (11:00am) - Grade One celebration in the class.
Afternoon - Hike to Mina lake...dependent upon the wildlife situation. To be determined a day ahead of time.
Thursday morning - Walk to the Activity Centre to spectate in the grade six walk-down celebration. Report cards will be handed out before the lunch bell and the students will be dismissed for the summer!
Enjoy the last 2 weeks of grade one!
We are working on a class play that we would like to present to the parents next Wednesday at 11:00 am. If you are able to make it for this special day, we would love to have you. All parents, grandparents and siblings are welcome at this time! I will be providing the goodies for this occasion.
The spelling quizzes have wrapped up for the year...congratulations to the students for mastering the sounds of the first grade. It's hard to believe that one of our first words was "ma" and one of the last words was "mercredi" !!! C'est super!
Just some reminders for the coming days...
Next Monday after lunch - Games Day - you are welcome to come in to help supervise the kids as they participate in a variety of activities.
Tuesday afternoon - Swimming at the Aquatic Centre - permissions slips to come home tomorrow. Parent volunteers are welcome to join us to supervise in the change rooms. A snack table will be set up if you would like to contribute a snack of any sort.
Morning (11:00am) - Grade One celebration in the class.
Afternoon - Hike to Mina lake...dependent upon the wildlife situation. To be determined a day ahead of time.
Thursday morning - Walk to the Activity Centre to spectate in the grade six walk-down celebration. Report cards will be handed out before the lunch bell and the students will be dismissed for the summer!
Enjoy the last 2 weeks of grade one!
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
26 mai, 2014
I hope you were able to watch the dance performances last week, as there was some budding talent in the room! Thanks to the SAC for bringing Nicole Koebel to the school for the week of dance classes!
This week at school, we are discussing the Tropical Rainforest (La forêt tropicale). The students will learn about the different layers of the forest canopy and which species of animals / birds / insects belong in each section. They will also learn about adaptations of the critters that live there.
The spelling words this week are related to the rainforest. They are:
1. singe - monkey
2.forêt - forest
3. lemur - lemur
4. serpent - snake
5. toucan - toucan!
Have a great week!
This week at school, we are discussing the Tropical Rainforest (La forêt tropicale). The students will learn about the different layers of the forest canopy and which species of animals / birds / insects belong in each section. They will also learn about adaptations of the critters that live there.
The spelling words this week are related to the rainforest. They are:
1. singe - monkey
2.forêt - forest
3. lemur - lemur
4. serpent - snake
5. toucan - toucan!
Have a great week!
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
14 mai, 2014 - Dictée words
The words this week are based on a theme...camping! I hope some of the campers in the class are able to get away for the Long Weekend!
1. feu - fire
2. ours - bear
3. tente - tent
4. s'mores - yum!
5. moustique - mosquito
6. branche
Have a great week and look forward to the long weekend. Reminder that Friday is a half day at school.
Also, tomorrow is gymnastics at the Activity Centre, remember to send students in tights, track pants instead of jeans.
A GREAT BIG thank you to Rob and Nicole for hosting the class at the North Face Pizza restaurant on Monday~ the pizza were delicious but most of them disappeared quickly. Hopefully some of you got to sample the leftovers.
1. feu - fire
2. ours - bear
3. tente - tent
4. s'mores - yum!
5. moustique - mosquito
6. branche
Have a great week and look forward to the long weekend. Reminder that Friday is a half day at school.
Also, tomorrow is gymnastics at the Activity Centre, remember to send students in tights, track pants instead of jeans.
A GREAT BIG thank you to Rob and Nicole for hosting the class at the North Face Pizza restaurant on Monday~ the pizza were delicious but most of them disappeared quickly. Hopefully some of you got to sample the leftovers.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Jigging lesson - video
Check out the talent in the feet of the Grade One class! We had the pleasure of welcoming a Metis Jig Dancer to J.E.S on Friday.
I hope the video works - too cute!
Monday, 28 April 2014
28 Avril, 2014
Thanks to Maggie Noble for coming along on our walk around Jasper today! We had the opportunity to visit all of the students' "places-of-interest" and also discovered a few (promising) signs of Spring!
There will not be a dictée test this week, as I will be out of the class for two of the days that we would normally practice the spelling words using manipulatives. We will be back on track next week!
Come in and check out the "chia" pets we have been growing...also, ask your child what are some of the necessary elements that a plant needs in order to grow!
Have a great week!
There will not be a dictée test this week, as I will be out of the class for two of the days that we would normally practice the spelling words using manipulatives. We will be back on track next week!
Come in and check out the "chia" pets we have been growing...also, ask your child what are some of the necessary elements that a plant needs in order to grow!
Have a great week!
Monday, 21 April 2014
Grade One music playlist - click to listen!
I can't believe how many songs we have learned to date, in première année! How many can your child sing along to?!
1. Les poissons
2. Avec un gros nez
3. Les mois de l'année
4. Les yeux arc-en-ciel
5. Bonjour, bonjour
6. Les chiffres 1 - 20
7. Allouette
8. Pirouette, cachuète
9. Savez-vous planter les choux?
10. Frère Jacques
11. A la claire fontaine
12. Le ragga des pingouins
13. Jouez au hockey
14. Quand je vais à l'école
15. Une patate
16. Le café crocodile
17. Les poissons
18. Le disco
19. Comment Y aller?
20. Je suis malade
21. Lundi matin
22. Les couleurs primaires
23. Les squelettes
24. Les lunettes de soleil
25. Je suis une pizza
26. Quel temps fait-il?
27. Quand tu sera grand
28. Louis la grenouille
29. Le printemps
30. O Canada
31. Au fond de le jungle
32. La chanson chocolat
33. Assis, debout
34.L'araignee Gypsie
35. Mon petit lapin
1. Les poissons
2. Avec un gros nez
3. Les mois de l'année
4. Les yeux arc-en-ciel
5. Bonjour, bonjour
6. Les chiffres 1 - 20
7. Allouette
8. Pirouette, cachuète
9. Savez-vous planter les choux?
10. Frère Jacques
11. A la claire fontaine
12. Le ragga des pingouins
13. Jouez au hockey
14. Quand je vais à l'école
15. Une patate
16. Le café crocodile
17. Les poissons
18. Le disco
19. Comment Y aller?
20. Je suis malade
21. Lundi matin
22. Les couleurs primaires
23. Les squelettes
24. Les lunettes de soleil
25. Je suis une pizza
26. Quel temps fait-il?
27. Quand tu sera grand
28. Louis la grenouille
29. Le printemps
30. O Canada
31. Au fond de le jungle
32. La chanson chocolat
33. Assis, debout
34.L'araignee Gypsie
35. Mon petit lapin
21 avril, 2014
Happy Easter, Joyeuses Paques!
I hope the weekend was relaxing for you all!
There will be a dictée this week that focusses on the "gn" sound. In English, this sound is tricky to translate, but is like, "nyuh". There are 4 words this week and they are:
1. araignée - spider
2. ligne - line
3. montagne - mountain
4. gagner - to win
The Volunteer Appreciation assembly is this week on Thursday, at 1:10 and all parent helpers are welcome to come to this celebration!
Friday is a half day to accommodate a Professional Development day.
Some materials have been requested to be brought to class to help us with class projects and crafts. Please send in a shoebox, if you have one, as well as a plastic milk jug (any size smaller than a 4 litre).
Many thanks, and have a great week!
I hope the weekend was relaxing for you all!
There will be a dictée this week that focusses on the "gn" sound. In English, this sound is tricky to translate, but is like, "nyuh". There are 4 words this week and they are:
1. araignée - spider
2. ligne - line
3. montagne - mountain
4. gagner - to win
The Volunteer Appreciation assembly is this week on Thursday, at 1:10 and all parent helpers are welcome to come to this celebration!
Friday is a half day to accommodate a Professional Development day.
Some materials have been requested to be brought to class to help us with class projects and crafts. Please send in a shoebox, if you have one, as well as a plastic milk jug (any size smaller than a 4 litre).
Many thanks, and have a great week!
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
26 mars, 2014
There will not be a dictee this week! In it's place, I will be sending home some math sheets that the students can complete at home and return for a star sticker on a rewards chart!
Thursday is a spotlight assembly and Friday is the last school day before Spring Break!
Check out the Hummingbird website on the sidebar of the blog. Looks as though Phoebe, the hummingbird, has laid a few eggs (they are the size of a Tic Tac!). Follow them over the next few weeks and watch them hatch, be fed by mom and learn to fly. The camera is set up at a home in California and is Livestreamed.
Have a great week!
Thursday is a spotlight assembly and Friday is the last school day before Spring Break!
Check out the Hummingbird website on the sidebar of the blog. Looks as though Phoebe, the hummingbird, has laid a few eggs (they are the size of a Tic Tac!). Follow them over the next few weeks and watch them hatch, be fed by mom and learn to fly. The camera is set up at a home in California and is Livestreamed.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
18 mars, 2014
The class' efforts to catch a leprechaun were spoiled; they were outwitted by the little fellow who left them a chocolate treasure in return for the swimming pool they set up for him!
Thanks for sending in a green food item, the variety was remarkable, and included pickles, seaweed, apples, cucumbers, green rice krispies, cookies, donuts, cupcakes and chips! I have attached a photo:
The sound of the week is "un" and the words are:
1. brun - brown
2. lundi - Monday
3. commun - common
4. chacun - each one
5. vingt-et-un - 21
6. jungle - jungle
Don't forget that this Friday is a half day to accommodate parent-teacher interviews!
Thanks for sending in a green food item, the variety was remarkable, and included pickles, seaweed, apples, cucumbers, green rice krispies, cookies, donuts, cupcakes and chips! I have attached a photo:
The sound of the week is "un" and the words are:
1. brun - brown
2. lundi - Monday
3. commun - common
4. chacun - each one
5. vingt-et-un - 21
6. jungle - jungle
Don't forget that this Friday is a half day to accommodate parent-teacher interviews!
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
11 mars, 2014
Merci beaucoup to Liz Olson for coming yesterday to help open up milk cartons for our Inukshuk building ! The statues turned out great and looked very nice glistening in the sun!
The sound this week is "ai" which makes the same sound as lasts week's "er" (Eh, in English). The words are:
1. balai - broom
2. graine - seed
3. chaise - chair
4. maison - house
5. raisin - grape
5. mai - May
Here are some photos of the Inukshuks and thanks to all families who drank a little extra milk in
the past few weeks!
Merci beaucoup to Liz Olson for coming yesterday to help open up milk cartons for our Inukshuk building ! The statues turned out great and looked very nice glistening in the sun!
The sound this week is "ai" which makes the same sound as lasts week's "er" (Eh, in English). The words are:
1. balai - broom
2. graine - seed
3. chaise - chair
4. maison - house
5. raisin - grape
5. mai - May
Here are some photos of the Inukshuks and thanks to all families who drank a little extra milk in
the past few weeks!
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
3 mars, 2014
Last week was a busy one and I have tried to capture some of the excitement in photos:
We wanted to create a "tire d'érable" in the class so we boiled maple syrup and poured it over ice cream ~ delicious!
Back to the arena for some skating and fun! We will skate for the next 2 consecutive Tuesdays in March.

Our dictée sound this week is made using "ER" and the sound is "eh". The words are:
1. nager - to swim
2. manger - to eat
3. skier - to ski
4. dîner - lunch
5. patiner - to skate
6. février - February
Have a great week!
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
26 fevrier, 2014
As our skating sessions got cut short during the month of January, we have booked the first three Tuesdays in March to skate. We will go between 2 and 3, as usual.
The sound this week is the same sound as last week with a different letter combination...."EN" makes the nasal "uhn" sound. The words are:
1. cent - one hundred
2. dent - tooth
3. lent - slow
4. vent - wind
5. enfant - child
6. serpent - snake
Today is the Carnaval and the students need to dress warmly and bring a helmet with them. All parent volunteers are appreciated to accompany groups of students to each station.
This Friday, Marta Rhode is hosting her third annual "Pyjama Day" in Jasper to bring awareness to people living with auto-immune disorders. Send your child to school in their jammies (and wear yours around town, too!).
The sound this week is the same sound as last week with a different letter combination...."EN" makes the nasal "uhn" sound. The words are:
1. cent - one hundred
2. dent - tooth
3. lent - slow
4. vent - wind
5. enfant - child
6. serpent - snake
Today is the Carnaval and the students need to dress warmly and bring a helmet with them. All parent volunteers are appreciated to accompany groups of students to each station.
This Friday, Marta Rhode is hosting her third annual "Pyjama Day" in Jasper to bring awareness to people living with auto-immune disorders. Send your child to school in their jammies (and wear yours around town, too!).
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
18 février, 2014
After a very busy week last week, it was nice to have a Monday at home!
Did your child ask you the answer to the question 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1?
If not, quiz them...
The sound of the week is "an" and the action/story is that the grandma in the village of sounds is very hard of hearing so each time someone asks her a question, she puts her hand to her ear and says, "anh?".
The words of the week are:
1. orange - orange
2. maman - mother
3. dans - in
4. grand - big
5. blanc - white
6. mange - eat
Have a great week!
Did your child ask you the answer to the question 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1?
If not, quiz them...
The sound of the week is "an" and the action/story is that the grandma in the village of sounds is very hard of hearing so each time someone asks her a question, she puts her hand to her ear and says, "anh?".
The words of the week are:
1. orange - orange
2. maman - mother
3. dans - in
4. grand - big
5. blanc - white
6. mange - eat
Have a great week!
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
11 février, 2014---class list attached!
We are planning a Valentine's Day/100th day party for this Friday afternoon. I 've included a class list, in case your child would like to bring cards for their classmates. Students are not required to bring Valentine's, but if they do, they should bring one for everyone, so that nobody feels left out.)
Also, if you'd like to bring something for our snack table, that would be wonderful.
We were going to celebrate Valentine's Day with a skating party at the arena, however, the rink will not be available to us by Friday. We'll resume our skating afternoons as soon as we are able; I'll keep you posted as info becomes available.
Also this Friday, the Student Council has organized a wear "red, pink or hearts" day. Dig out your finest Heart Day colors.
Another dress-up day to consider is on Thursday afternoon when the Student Advisory Committee has a fun afternoon planned. Students are invited to dress-up as a circus character for the afternoon assembly.
Also, a BIG merci for all of the hard work, organizing, recess supervising, baking and spoiling that the parents have done for the staff at JES!
Have a good week!
The students are :
Also, if you'd like to bring something for our snack table, that would be wonderful.
We were going to celebrate Valentine's Day with a skating party at the arena, however, the rink will not be available to us by Friday. We'll resume our skating afternoons as soon as we are able; I'll keep you posted as info becomes available.
Also this Friday, the Student Council has organized a wear "red, pink or hearts" day. Dig out your finest Heart Day colors.
Another dress-up day to consider is on Thursday afternoon when the Student Advisory Committee has a fun afternoon planned. Students are invited to dress-up as a circus character for the afternoon assembly.
Also, a BIG merci for all of the hard work, organizing, recess supervising, baking and spoiling that the parents have done for the staff at JES!
Have a good week!
The students are :
Monday, 27 January 2014
January 27, 2014
I have attached a photo of the class at last week's pajama day! I suggest a weekly pajama day!
Unfortunately, due to the fire in the arena's Zamboni room, there will not be skating for the class this week. I will keep you posted about getting on the ice for next week.
This Thursday, the students will host you at our class's Open House. The students will be the guides and will demonstrate some of their learning, to date. You are welcome to come by the class between 4:30 and 5:30 and stay for a bit or for the full hour.
The sound of the week is "OI", which makes the "wa" sound in French. The action to accompany the sound is to flap your arms like a goose (a goose is a "oie" in French). The words this week are:
1. trois - three
2. moi - me
3. toi - you
4. poisson - fish
5. noir - black
6. voici - here is
Have a great week!
Unfortunately, due to the fire in the arena's Zamboni room, there will not be skating for the class this week. I will keep you posted about getting on the ice for next week.
This Thursday, the students will host you at our class's Open House. The students will be the guides and will demonstrate some of their learning, to date. You are welcome to come by the class between 4:30 and 5:30 and stay for a bit or for the full hour.
The sound of the week is "OI", which makes the "wa" sound in French. The action to accompany the sound is to flap your arms like a goose (a goose is a "oie" in French). The words this week are:
1. trois - three
2. moi - me
3. toi - you
4. poisson - fish
5. noir - black
6. voici - here is
Have a great week!
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
January 21, 2014
The kids had a great time skating yesterday!! We will skate every Tuesday from now on until the last Tuesday in February (the 25th).
The sound this week is "EU" and it is found in the following words for the dictée:
1. bleu (blue)
2. jeu (game)
3. jeudi (Thursday)
4. neuf (nine)
5. peu (a little)
6. feu (fire)
Reminder that this Friday is a half day and the kids are dismissed at the lunch bell!
Great work on the "Je suis unique" paper bags! I have learned so much about the students already!
Have a great week!
The sound this week is "EU" and it is found in the following words for the dictée:
1. bleu (blue)
2. jeu (game)
3. jeudi (Thursday)
4. neuf (nine)
5. peu (a little)
6. feu (fire)
Reminder that this Friday is a half day and the kids are dismissed at the lunch bell!
Great work on the "Je suis unique" paper bags! I have learned so much about the students already!
Have a great week!
Thursday, 16 January 2014
January 16, 2013
The students have a cookie sale today at recess so send in two (or one) quarters if they'd like a treat!
The sound of the week is "ou", which, when these two vowels hang out together make the "oo" sound. Our action is to howl like a wolf...ooooo!
The words of the week are:
1. rOUge - red
2. nOUs - us/we
3. sOUs - under
4. tOUt - all
5. pOUr - for
6. jOUe - play
**Each word this week has a "ghost" letter at the end - these are letters that don't make any sounds.
The students did very well last week with the words. I have attached some pictures of us practicing spelling the words during our weekly "word work" period in class.
Reminder that the book orders are due tomorrow (Friday).
The sound of the week is "ou", which, when these two vowels hang out together make the "oo" sound. Our action is to howl like a wolf...ooooo!
The words of the week are:
1. rOUge - red
2. nOUs - us/we
3. sOUs - under
4. tOUt - all
5. pOUr - for
6. jOUe - play
**Each word this week has a "ghost" letter at the end - these are letters that don't make any sounds.
The students did very well last week with the words. I have attached some pictures of us practicing spelling the words during our weekly "word work" period in class.
Reminder that the book orders are due tomorrow (Friday).
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
7 January, 2014
Bonne année a tous! Happy New Year, 2014! I'm sure that you had a nice and relaxing break and are ready to have the students back at school!
In class, we will be working on the following areas of the curriculum:
Math - addition and subtraction facts up to 12. We will talk about several different ways to add and subtract to find the answer, including, using fingers, a number line, beads, objects, pictures, etc.
Social studies - we are learning about ourselves and what makes each person unique and special. Watch for a note coming home in the agendas about learning about where the students' names came from.
Science - As it is now officially winter, we will be talking about polar animals and their habitats and adaptations.
French language arts - The students will now have 6 dictee words that will focus on friends sound blends. We have started the sound "on" (ohn) this week and the action we use is to put a finger on the nose while saying the sound. We will practice the words daily in class, but I encourage the students to write out their words once or twice a night.
The words of the week are:
1. non - no
2. mon - my
3. cochon - pig
4. maison - house
5. garcon - boy
6. ballon - ball
January is a fairly quiet month in the school with one noon dismissal on Friday, January 24th. The last week of the month is Family Literacy Month and there will be a school-wide "read-in" on January 24 at 11:00 am.
Finally, thank you to all of you for showering me with kindness and Christmas cheer!
Have a great week!
In class, we will be working on the following areas of the curriculum:
Math - addition and subtraction facts up to 12. We will talk about several different ways to add and subtract to find the answer, including, using fingers, a number line, beads, objects, pictures, etc.
Social studies - we are learning about ourselves and what makes each person unique and special. Watch for a note coming home in the agendas about learning about where the students' names came from.
Science - As it is now officially winter, we will be talking about polar animals and their habitats and adaptations.
French language arts - The students will now have 6 dictee words that will focus on friends sound blends. We have started the sound "on" (ohn) this week and the action we use is to put a finger on the nose while saying the sound. We will practice the words daily in class, but I encourage the students to write out their words once or twice a night.
The words of the week are:
1. non - no
2. mon - my
3. cochon - pig
4. maison - house
5. garcon - boy
6. ballon - ball
January is a fairly quiet month in the school with one noon dismissal on Friday, January 24th. The last week of the month is Family Literacy Month and there will be a school-wide "read-in" on January 24 at 11:00 am.
Finally, thank you to all of you for showering me with kindness and Christmas cheer!
Have a great week!
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