Monday, 1 December 2014

1 décembre, 2014

This week at school we are busy with swimming in the mornings (11:15-11:45).  The whole class was prepared today - nice to see!  We will be squeezing our lesson in slightly earlier (11:05..!) so that we can leave the pool sooner and make it back to the school for the lunch bell.  If you are picking your child up at the pool, please try to be there by 11:40.  Thanks to all of the parent helpers that came today to help out in the change rooms!

Friday is a half day to allow for teacher's PD.  Students will be dismissed at the bell.

The special sound of the week is "on", as in the word, "bon".  The action is to make a bridge with your hand to symbolize the bridge that is made by one letter to help the other to cross to the other side of the river.  The words this week are:
1. bonbon - candy
2. ballon - ball
3. onze - eleven
4. non - no!
5. mon - my
6. son -  his/hers, as in "Son crayon - his pencil" or sound, like "le son de la semaine est "on" - the sound of the week is "on".
Jersey Day!

 Swimming lessons today

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