Last week was a busy one and I have tried to capture some of the excitement in photos:

Farrah and Sophie figured out the tri-ski at Carnaval

Bonne fête à Piper !
We wanted to create a "tire d'érable" in the class so we boiled maple syrup and poured it over ice cream ~ delicious!

At Carnaval with bonhomme! What a perfect day we had!

Back to the arena for some skating and fun! We will skate for the next 2 consecutive Tuesdays in March.
Our dictée sound this week is made using "ER" and the sound is "eh". The words are:
1. nager - to swim
2. manger - to eat
3. skier - to ski
4. dîner - lunch
5. patiner - to skate
6. février - February
Have a great week!
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