Tuesday, 28 October 2014

28 octobre, 2014

Thanks to all of the parents who donated cookies and treats for the cookie sale last week! 

This is a busy week, starting on Wednesday with student photos.  Please return your envelope tomorrow!!

I will be sending this note home in the student's agendas tomorrow:
On Thursday, we are invited to attend Mrs. Sawka’s grade 6 haunted house!  It is not meant to be scary, rather, there are a variety of stations for the students to experience, such as a “touch and feel” station.  The cost for this is $1 as well as an item for the food bank.

Friday is the day of ghosts, goblins and princesses galore!  Your child is invited (but is not required) to dress up in their costume after lunch.  I will be available from 1:45 onward to help out the lunch program students with their costumes!

There will be a school-wide parade that will wind its way through the hallways and classrooms, starting at 1:30pm.  After that, we will return to our class to enjoy a French movie (Franklin’s Halloween).  If you would like to send in a healthy snack (or health-ish treat!), our “monsters” would definitely appreciate it!

Thanks ~ merci!!

The sound of the week is è and it sounds like the "e" in the word "pet".  The words this week are:
1. mere - mother
2. père - father
3. frère - brother
4. élève - student
5. Hélène
6. c'est (this does not have the same sound but it is one of our sight words, meaning "it is")

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