Grade one students are to return their 100 day bags for our 100 day celebration.
The grade one's started the new dictée program using sight words for their spelling words. We practiced writing them in alphabetical order today and the students did great! Keep up the great work gr. 1!
The words are :
1. il met
2. il sort
3. je suis
4. un chien
5. un chat
6. les
7. bonjour
8. il dit
9. j'aime
The grade two students are working on the sound "gn". There words are:
1. grognon - grumpy
2. mignon - cute
3. campagne - country side
4. peigne - comb
5. montagne - mountain
6. gagne - win
7. ligne - line
8. orignal - moose
Friday is a half day to allow teachers PD time.
Some photos from this week:
At the Diversity Project in the Museum last Friday. Check out Paige a few years ago! |
Our class won the Sugar Shocker quiz of the week when we correctly identified the closest amount of sugar in a Gatorade drink! |
Georgia and Sophie at the Lutte de Sumo at Carnaval |
Enjoy the week!