Tuesday, 23 February 2016

23 février, 2016

Tomorrow (Wednesday), the students are encourages to wear pink or red colours for the "Stand up to Bullying" campaign.

Grade one students are to return their 100 day bags for our 100 day celebration.

The grade one's started the new dictée program using sight words for their spelling words.  We practiced writing them in alphabetical order today and the students did great!  Keep up the great work gr. 1!

The words are :
1. il met
2. il sort
3. je suis
4. un chien
5. un chat
6. les
7. bonjour
8. il dit
9. j'aime

The grade two students are working on the sound "gn".   There words are:
1. grognon - grumpy
2. mignon - cute
3. campagne - country side
4. peigne - comb
5. montagne - mountain
6. gagne - win
7. ligne - line
8. orignal - moose

Friday is a half day to allow teachers PD time.

Some photos from this week:
At the Diversity Project in the Museum last Friday. Check out Paige a few years ago!

Our class won the Sugar Shocker quiz of the week when we correctly identified the closest amount of sugar in a Gatorade drink!

Georgia and Sophie at the Lutte de Sumo at Carnaval

Enjoy the week!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Happy Family Day!

mmmm.pizza making!

The Valentine's Day pizza making extravaganza was a big success and the kids were awesome with their cooperation and participation! 

This is a short week so we will have a reduced word list for the spelling dictee!

The sound of the week will be "un" like the number one (un), and the words are:

Grade one:
1. brun - brown
2. lundi - Monday
3. un - one
4. commun - common
5. jungle - jungle

Grade 2 spelling words:
1. parfum -perfume
2. emprunter - to borrow
3. quelqu' un - someone
4. vingt-et-un - 21
5. chacun - everyone
6. aucun- no one; none
7. commun - common
Wednesday afternoon, we will participate in the winter Carnival all afternoon.  Volunteers are still needed to accompany the kids from station to station.  Let me know if you are able to attend on that afternoon.

Baby Zachery is getting so big!  We had a great visit last Tuesday!

Monday, 8 February 2016

After the extra few days out of school, it is sure a treat to have teacher appreciation week this week at school!

This week at school, we are focusing on the theme of Valentine's Day. Many of our vocabulary words and dictée words focus on the friendship theme, also. 

On Friday after lunch, we will have fun centre-based, play activities to culminate our week. If you are able to send in a snack to share, we would gladly accept !  Also, today a list of grade one and two names was sent home for you to use to prepare Valentine cards to exchange.  Please note the error on  the newsletter sent home today, Carnaval will take place on February 17 (not the 77!!) .

Great work to those students who kept their reading goals in place for the last 4 weeks!! The committee will be drawing grand prize winners later on this week. 

Please send in toothbrushes for the Student council "soap for hope" campaign that is running all the month of February. 

The grade 1 words this week's are: 
1. Coeur- heart
2. Cupidon - Cupid 
3. Bisous - kiss 
4. Lettre - letter 
5. Amour - love  

The grade 2s will be conjugating the verb "aimer":
1. J'aime -I like
2. Tu aimes - you like 
3. Il aime- he likes
4. Elle  aime- she likes 
5. Nous aimons  we like
6. Vous aimez- you like (plural)
7.  Ils aiment - they like (plural) 
8. Elles aiment - they (females) like 

Have a great week !