Tuesday, 26 January 2016

26 janvier, 2016

This week at school, we have a few extra activities to keep us busy!

Thursday, we are hosting the cookie  sale for the school.  Please send in 2 dozen nut-free goodies in the morning.  The sale starts at recess (10:40) and if you are available to help set up and supervise one of the 2 tables, please let me know!

Thursday between 4:30 and 5:30 is student-led conferences; the kids will host you on a guided tour of the classroom.

Friday is a half day!  The students are invited to dress up as their favorite storybook character...oh, the possibilities!

The sound of the week is "ien"  and the words are:
Grade one:
1.bien - good
2.rien - nothing
3. chien - dog
4. il vien - he comes
5. mien - mine
6. tien - yours

Grade 2;
1. bientôt - soon
2. combien - how many
3. Canadien - Canadian
4. gardien - a gardien de but is a goalie, otherwise, it can mean babysitter
5. magicien - magician
6. musicien - musician
7. martien - martian
8. chien - dog

Good luck!  Don't forget to send in the Read-A-Thon calendars on Monday next week!

Monday, 18 January 2016

January 18, 2016

This week at school, we are learning about animals of the Arctic!  We will be doing some fun experiments to test how they live and survive in the sub-zero climate. 

The sound of the week is "en" for the grade one class and "en" and "em" for the grade two students. 

The words are: 
1. Cent - one hundred
2. Vent - wind
3. Dent - tooth 
4. Lent - slow
5. Enfant - child 
6. Trente - thirty

The grade two words are : 
1.souvent - often 
2. ensuite - then; later
3. vendredi - Friday
4. septembre - September 
5. longtemps - longtime 
6. Le printemps - springtime
7. ensemble - together
8. calendrier - calendar 

The class showed impressive talent and skill last week cross-country skiing .  I will share photos with you as soon as I can!  If anyone is interested in going for a ski, the equipment at the front entrance of the school can be signed out for you to use. 

Have a great week ! 

Monday, 11 January 2016

January11, 2016

The cross-country ski session went so well today; thank you to Paula for organizing the kids in small groups beforehand to find the proper equipment !! Also, thanks to Christine for coming skiing with us (the help was invaluable!).

The sound of the week is "an" for grade one. The kids should be able to show you the action for this sound. The words are :
1. Orange
2. Blanc - white
3. Dans -in 
4. Maman-mom
5. Grande-big 
6. Mange-eat 

The grade 2s have the same sounds made by "an" and ”am". :

1. Dimanche-Sunday
2. Janvier- January 
3. quand-when
4. Losange- diamond shape
5. Rectangle. 
6. Triangle 
7. Framboise- raspberry 
8. Chambre- room 

Have a great week. !

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Bonne Année 2016

Welcome to 2016 and to the New Year at school!  I am very thankful for all of the kind Christmas wishes and treats that were given before the holiday break.  It is so nice to have a break just as it is nice to see all of the students and hear their tales of Christmas!  We are slowly getting back into the routines that were established in the Fall...just a reminder that the students may need a refreshment of supplies such as pencils, erasers and glue sticks!  Also, indoor shoes should be sent in, if they haven't already.

This week at school, we are focusing on the sound "ON" for the Firsties and "ON and OM" for the Seconders.  The words are:
Grade One/La première année:
1. bonbon - candy
2. melon - melon
3. bouton - button
4. onze - eleven
6. savon - soap

Second Grade words/La deuxième année:
1. pompier
2. pantalon
3. pompon
4. papillon
5. compte
6. dragon
7. tomber
8. garçon (or champignon...i gave the students a choice of words depending on whether or not they were up for a challenge)

I will be sending home a class newsletter in the next few days, however, some special day to take ote of this month are :
Jan. 28 is OUR class' cookie sale
Jan. 29. is a half day for teacher Professional Development

Way to go at the most ROCKIN' winter concert!  The kids were awesome for their song, "Everybody's goin on a Sleigh Ride!"

Happy birthday today to Fraser AND George!  We all LOVED the chocolate cupcakes Karen!

Have a great week!