Monday, 23 February 2015

23 février, 2015

Events and activities for this week are:

Wednesday * Wear a pink shirt to school to Stand up to Bullying.

Thursday *  We will be skating from 2-3 in the afternoon. 

Friday  * Wear your pajama’s to school (all day) to support the Autoimmune Disease Campaign. 

*       From 1-3 in Centennial Park, grades K, 1, 2 will  participate in the activities for Carnaval!  Please let me know if you can help out (form sent home today).  Have your child properly dressed for the outdoors!
The sound of the week is "ai" , which makes the same sound as the letters ë, è.
The words are:
1. fais - to make/do ,as in, "Je fais un gateau."
2. mais - but (however) as in, "J'aime les pommes mais je préfère le chocolat."
3. vais - go, as in, "Je vais au parc."
4. j'aime - I like, as in, "J'aime aller à l'école!"
5. chaise - chair, as in, "Je m'assoie sur la chaise."
6. fraise - strawberry, as in the sentence, "J'aime manger une fraise."

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