Monday, 23 February 2015

23 février, 2015

Events and activities for this week are:

Wednesday * Wear a pink shirt to school to Stand up to Bullying.

Thursday *  We will be skating from 2-3 in the afternoon. 

Friday  * Wear your pajama’s to school (all day) to support the Autoimmune Disease Campaign. 

*       From 1-3 in Centennial Park, grades K, 1, 2 will  participate in the activities for Carnaval!  Please let me know if you can help out (form sent home today).  Have your child properly dressed for the outdoors!
The sound of the week is "ai" , which makes the same sound as the letters ë, è.
The words are:
1. fais - to make/do ,as in, "Je fais un gateau."
2. mais - but (however) as in, "J'aime les pommes mais je préfère le chocolat."
3. vais - go, as in, "Je vais au parc."
4. j'aime - I like, as in, "J'aime aller à l'école!"
5. chaise - chair, as in, "Je m'assoie sur la chaise."
6. fraise - strawberry, as in the sentence, "J'aime manger une fraise."

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

17 février, 2015

Thanks to all of the parents who contributed a snack to our little Valentine celebration.  The kids had a wonderful time sharing food, cards and fun!  Also, a big thanks to all of you who came to the arena to skate and to tie skates!  It's great to have such a supportive group of parents on board!

This week, there is a shortened dictée word list (4 words) due to the shortened week.  The sound is "eau" and it has the same sound as "o" in "stove".  The words are:
1. eau - water
2. beau - nice; handsome
3. château - castle
4. bateau - boat
Practice hard!

This Friday, we will be going skating at 2:00.  I have a substitute teacher in for me that afternoon (Rosalynne McFadden) and I will be sending home a note in the agendas to ask where your child will be picked to help her to organize the departure!

Thanks and have a great week!


Monday, 9 February 2015

9 février, 2015

Bonjour!!  I am happy to announce that Vanessa Martin will be working in our classroom as an Educational Assistant for the next few months.  She was born and raised in France and has lots of experience to help us in the classroom!

The messages that the students wrote for Teacher Appreciation were so kind!  I love their kind words.

This Friday, we will be having a small Valentine celebration and card exchange at 1:00 in the classroom.  We will then walk to the Arena to skate.  Don't forget all of the required gear...skates, helmet and gloves.

Here is a list of grade one students for writing Valentine cards:
Anica, Brady,Cache, Carson, Casey, Draven, Drew, Emerson, Finlay, Georgia, Isla, Jayden, Jordyn, Karleigh, Kira, Krystof, Kyle, Lauren, Lily, Marie, Maisie, Mila, Paige Rinka, Sophie, Turi.

Winter Walk Day with our Grade Four Reading Buddies!


Our "Valentine's Day" word list for the Friday quiz are:
1. cupidon-- Cupid
2. coeur -- heart
3. rouge -- red
4. amour -- love
5. lettre -- letter
6. bisou -- kiss
Have a great week!