Monday, 14 December 2015

14 décembre, 2015

Welcome to the last week of school for 2015!

We have a busy week ahead:  Tomorrow, the dress rehearsal will start for the Thursday night concert classes at 1:30 pm.  The classes are still working out some of the kinks, but this is a great time to come and see the concert if you are not able to be there on concert night.

Thanks to all of the students who brought in elf hats, clothes, etc today.  We will look really sharp for the dress rehearsal, dressed in red and green colors!   I will send the clothes home tomorrow so that you can have the outfits ready for Thursday night!

Today, we walked over to the Museum to check out all of the decorated Christmas trees.  The auction goes until next Saturday if you would like to take a peek, yourself!

Thanks a million to Ted for giving us tons of icing to use in a decorating craft on Wednesday!  We will be crafting all afternoon on!

Thursday at 2:00, we will head over to the arena for an hour of free-skating.  Helmets, gloves and skates are a must!  No hockey sticks, thanks.  All parental supports are welcome to come tie skates as well as to enjoy a skate (please wear a helmet if you are skating).

There is no dictée this week! Joyeux Noël!

Please have your child at the school and in the classroom by 6:45 on Thursday.  We are the first act of the night and will need some time to get set.  The class will also participate in the last act, the Grande should be over by 8:00 pm.

For our twelfth and final day of Christmas in the class, I was hoping to prepare waffles for the kids.  If there are issues with allergies, please let me know in advance.  Also, any parent help would be great - I would like to start cooking at recess (10:40 - 11:00) so the students can enjoy the waffles before the lunch hour.  Let me know if you are able to be a waffle chef on this morning, thanks.
The Festival of Trees!

Monday, 7 December 2015

7 décembre, 2015

This week at school, we are finishing up our cereal boxes and moving full-force into Christmas holidays and traditions.  We will be looking at different country's Christmas traditions and then talking about our own traditions.  I will be sending home a recipe sheet in which I am asking each family to contribute a "secret" holiday recipe.  I will compile the recipes into a book and send them home with the students before the break.  Please send your recipe sheet back to school by next Monday, Dec. 14.

This week, we do not have a focus sound to work on for the spelling words, rather, a holiday theme:
The grade 1 words are:
  1. renne -reindeer
  2. boule - decorative ball
  3. joyeux - joyous, happy, merry
  4. Noël - Christmas
  5. merci - thank you
  6. canne - cane (like candy cane)

The grade 2 spelling words will focus on the "ain" sound.  They did not receive the words today due to the field trip.  We will review them together, tomorrow.
  1. demain - tomorrow
  2. le lendemain - the next day
  3. prochain - next
  4. soudain - suddenly
  5. maintenant - now
  6. certain - certain
  7. vilain - villain
  8. train - train
Have a great week!

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

1 décembre, 2015

This week at school, we are starting our cereal box for new cereals to hit the shelves in the near future!

A letter went home to let you know about our Christmas concert; it is on December 17 th at 7:00.  It usually lasts under an hour and seating is first-come, first-serve.  There is a "dress-rehearsal" on the Tuesday (15th), in which all extended family members, neighbors and fans in general are invited to attend.  More information will be coming home in the next few weeks. 
Also, as requested on the letter, we will be dressing up as elves, so dig any elf costumes out and send them in to school (please add a label on all costume items so we can identify who it belongs to!).

One last request is for an Elvis outfit; if you have one at home, please let me know!

The sound of the week is "IN" - we have a special story and gesture to accompany this sound and your child will be able to show you.
The grade 1 spelling words are:
lutin - elf
sapin - pine tree
lapin - rabbit
patin - skate
la fin - the end (careful, there are 2 words here)
matin - morning

The grade 2 spelling words are:
pingouin - penguin
grimpe - climb
impermeable - raincoat
dauphin - dolphin
juin - June
requin - shark
pinceau - paint brush
lutin - elf

It was great meeting with you all last week, thanks for coming in!

Watch for many fun Christmas crafts and excitement in the coming weeks!

Monday, 23 November 2015

November 23, 2015


The students brought home their report cards today.  Please sign the comment form (comment if you wish) and send back the comment form in the envelope.  I re-use the envelopes next term.  The report card is yours to keep!

This week, we are focussing on 2 different sound combinations that make the same sound in French; AU and EAU are two special sounds that make the sound "O" in a word.  The dictée words are as:

Gr. 1
1. jaune - yellow
2. aussi - also
3. auto - car
4. chaud - hot
5. peau -  skin
6. seau - bucket

The grade 2 words are:
1. aujourd' hui
2. animaux - animals
3. sauter - to jump
4. sauvage - wild
5. taureau - bull
6. traîneau - sled, like toboggan
7. sauterelle - grasshopper
8. gâteau - cake

This week at school, we are finishing up our study of bears.  Today, we successfully were able to connect with a wildlife biologist in Montana who had some awesome footage of Bruno the Bear in his den during the winter.  We learned that bears don't truly hibernate, as they awaken almost every day throughout the winter.  We also learned that bears give birth to their young during the month of February!

We will be summarizing our bear unit by sculpting a bear or two for the caves we made last week.

Once finished, we will be discussing "Food" before diving into Christmas!  If you have a cereal box at home that is in good shape (ie, not squished), please send it in for a project we will start at the end of this week.

This Thursday at 11:00, we will be baking cheddar biscuits (bear shaped ?).  Please join us in the classroom, if you are curious to see the kids in action!

Have a great and remember that this Friday is a half day to accommodate for the Parent-Teacher interviews.

Have a great week!

Monday, 16 November 2015

16 novembre, 2015

This week at school, we are studying the sound EU at school. Ask your child to show you the action for this special sound.  The words are:

Grade one:
1. bleu - blue
2. jeu - game
3. feu - fire
4. neuf - nine
5. peu - a little
6. jeudi - Thursday

The students are doing great with these spelling words and seem to have grasped the most important components of writing sentences (Capital letter to start and period to finish).  Bravo!

Grade two:
1. heureuse - happy!
2. au milieu - in the middle
3. ordinateur - computer
4. joyeux - joyful
5. seul - alone
6. nerveuse - nervous
7. les yeux - eyes
8. déjeuner - breakfast
** bonus words ...
9. rugueuse - rough, like sandpaper
10. creuse - to dig.

On Thursday, there will be photo retakes - if you would like a retake, please return the original photo on Thursday.

Thursday at 11:00 am - we will be having a 3V (Skype - like session with a bear expert).  Please join us for this fun experience, if you are available.

Friday is a half day.  Students are to bring in a stuffed teddy bear for a special bear activity in the class on Friday morning.

 I have discussed a building project with the students.  They are to be thinking about what kinds of materials a bear would have in his/her den for the winter.  I will provide the den and we will be sculpting the bears in class; if there is anything at home that would be suitable for this project, please send it in this week (moss, small rocks and stones, hay...).  We will start our projects late this week and will finish next week.

Have a great week!

Monday, 2 November 2015

2 November, 2015

Hallween in room 3 was spooktacular- thanks for sending in treats for the kids to share!  As the treats trickle into school, I ask that the kids eat them at recess or during the lunch period. Thanks for your help with this.

The special sound of the week is "oi".  It is our first combined vowel sound; ask your child to demonstrate the action that goes with this sound (hint, it is to make a bird flapping its wings).
The grade one spelling words this week are:
1. Trois - three
2. Noir - black
3. Vois - see
4. Moi - me
5. Toi - you
6. Voici - here is

The grade 2 words are:
1. Voir - to see
2. Droite - right (direction)
3. Oiseau - bird
4. Noix - nut
5. Croire- to believe
6. Tiroir - drawer
7. Poisson - fish
8. Bonsoir - good night

La maison hantée!


We will be visiting the book fair tomorrow at 11:00am.  There will be other choices besides just books, like posters ($5), pencils ($1), erasers (.50), and bookmarks ($1).  Please discuss with your child what an appropriate choice is!  If you are able to join us at 11:00, we will be in the library looking and shopping!

The book fair will also be open on Wednesday and Thursday until 7 pm if you would like to go after school hours. 

Have a great week !

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

October 27, 2015

We have another busy week ahead of us!  It is Halloweeeeeen week, after all! 

The sound of the week is é...ask your child to tell you about the story and the action we do when we see this letter in a word. 

The Grade 1 spelling words are:
bébé - baby
télé- television
fée - fairy
clé - key
école - school
fusée - rocket

The grade 2 spelling words are:
déguise - disguise
épouvantail - scarecrow
écureuil - squirrel
legume - vegetable
décoration - decoration
araignée - spider
méchant - mean, nasty
éléphant - elephant

Tomorrow morning, we will have our individual pictures taken; please be sure to fill out and send in the photo forms tomorrow so that your child may have his or her picture taken!

On Thursday, we will be visiting the grade 6 haunted house in room 16.  Please contribute to their fundraising efforts and send in a toonie! 

Friday, the students are invited to wear a costume after lunch. There is a school-wide parade starting at 1:20, if you would like to check out the weird and wonderful costumes, come and hang out in any hallway (the parade goes around the entire school halls) .  At around 2:00, we will return to the class to celebrate with our classmates in some fun and games.  Please send in a semi-healthy snack to share with 14 classmates!

Have a great week!

Monday, 19 October 2015

October 19, 2015

Thanks for sending in a vegetable last week for our Friendship soup! It turned out great and most of it was eaten up by the appreciative and hungry students!

The sound of the week is è...ask your child what sound this letter makes in a word, also, if he/she can show you the gesture to accompany the letter.
The grade 1 spelling words this week are:
  1. lève - raise
  2. frère - brother
  3. père - father
  4. mère - mother
  5. zèbre - zebra

The grade 2 spelling words are:
  1. chèvre - goat
  2. flèche - arrow
  3. élève - student
  4. rivière - river
  5. trapèze - trapezoid
  6. lumière - light
  7. pièce - piece, like a theatre piece
  8. lièvre - hare

This Thursday, there will be 2  assemblies to celebrate and learn about the Dark Skies Festival happening in Jasper.  To get into the Spirit, students are invited to dress up like a mad scientist on Thursday.

There is no school this Friday, as teachers are in Hinton for Institute Day. Enjoy the short week!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

October 15, 2015

Welcome back from the Thanksgiving weekend!  I trust you enjoyed the time with family and friends!

This week, we are going to the swimming pool each day for swimming lessons.  We will be leaving the school at 8:50, each day and leaving at 10:00.  The students were very responsible today in getting dressed quickly before and after the lessons!  Bravo, les amis!

The sound of the week is the vowel "u", which says its own name when it is beside consonants.  Ask your son/daughter to show you the gesture for this letter.  The spelling words of the week are:

Grade 1:
  1. plus - plus, more than
  2. lune - moon
  3. plume - feather
  4. sur - on
  5. nuit - night
  6. bus - bus

Grade 2:
  1. costume - costume
  2. sécurité - safety
  3. amusant - fun/amusing
  4. nuageux - cloudy
  5. pluie - rain
  6. poilu - hairy
  7. nuit - night
  8. creature - creature
Have a  great week!

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

October 6, 2015

This week at school, we will be preparing for the Thanksgiving weekend!  The students will be learning their turkey day vocabulary, such as:
  • dinde - turkey
  • famille - family
  • festin - feast
  • merci - thanks
  • Action de graces - Thanksgiving
The focus sound this week is "O" and the dictee spelling words are:
Gr. 1
  1. moto - motorcycle
  2. os - bone
  3. zero - zero
  4. rose - pink
and 2 more words that I will add when I am back in the class!

Gr. 2 word list this week:
  1. Halloween
  2. automne - autumn
  3. octobre - October
  4. horrifiant - horrifying
  5. zombie -
  6. potion
  7. monster- monster
  8. mort - die
  9. sorcière - witch
  10. fantôme - ghost
Thanks for sending back the swimming forms; we will be having swimming lessons next Tues - Fri morning!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

29 septembre, 2015

Welcome to the last week of September!

The students had a great time making apple sauce last week!  We peeled and sliced apples and enjoyed the delicious apple sauce together ~yum!

The focus sound of the week is "i" - ask your child to show you the action for this letter, as well as the other letters that we have focused on (a, e).

The words for the first grade class are:
1. il (he)
2. kiwi -
3. pile - battery
4. riz - rice
5. lit - bed
6. nid - nest  - careful here, the 'd' is silent

The words for the grade 2 class are:

  1. tigre - tiger
  2. pirate
  3. livre - book
  4. hibou - owl
  5. fille - girl
  6. citron - lemon
  7. chenille - caterpillar
  8. coccinelle - ladybug
  9. sourire - smile
  10. souris - mouse

Have a great week!


Monday, 21 September 2015

21 septembre, 2015

it was great seeing you all at Meet the Teacher last week! Please let me know if you have any other questions/concerns as the year rolls on.

New this week are the activity bags that contain a small (10-15 minute) activity.  I encourage the grade 1 students to complete the activity and return the bag on the following school day so that the students can exchange their bags each morning.

The spelling dictée was a huge success!  Great job, gr. 1! Don't forget to send back the spelling scribblers after you have admired and signed last week's spelling results.

This week, the class is focussing on the "e" sound. Ask your son/daughter to show you the action that we learned for "e". The words for gr.1 are:
Le, me, te, se, de, ne, je. --practice these words each night, if possible!

Gr. 2 spelling words this week are:
arbre, cheval, regarde, renard, chemise, leçon, melon, genou

Last week, we went on an awesome leaf hunt and we found some beauties!

This week, we have a cookie sale on Thursday, pack the quarters.  Also, the Terry Fox run is on Friday morning, if you are able to participate, come on out at 11 am. The students are dismissed at noon on Friday.

Have a great week!


Monday, 14 September 2015

Lundi, le 14 septembre, 2015

Welcome back! Bienvenue à la première année!

I had a wonderful week getting to know all of the Firsties last week!  We have reviewed many of the expectations of the First grade and have delved into our learning!  The class has already reviewed the alphabet, the 6 vowels, as well as our sight words from Kindergarten, including "Je, vois, voice, un, une, le, la" and all of the colors.  What a strong bunch ~ small, but mighty!

We share our class with 8 students who are in grade 2.  There is some juggling around when working on French Language Arts, however, our Science and Math curriculums are taught separately. 

You are welcome to come to the class at 6:15 this Thursday to have any other questions answered.  I will go through some of the key areas of First grade at this time.  You are invited to attend the hot dog fundraiser at the High Ground between 6:30 - 7:30. 

On Friday morning, we will have our forst spelling dictee test that consists of the following words:
1. ma
2. ta
3. sa
4. la
5. va
6. ami

Our focus sound this week is "a"!  Happy practicing!
We will be going on a leaf hunt around the townsite this Friday following lunch.  Please let me know if you are able to come along to help supervise.  Thanks!

Next Friday is a half day (noon dismissal) for Professional Development.

I'd like to welcome Théa Charest to our grade one team!  We are so happy to have Théa in Room 3!

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Last blog for grade one!!

Our class reached an important milestone today - their good behaviour earned over the last 6 months has earned them a marble at a time into a long tube. Yesterday, the final marble was added to our good behaviour tube, and today, we celebrated with a pizza and cake party! Bravo la première année!

What fun we had this afternoon at the pool! Thanks to all who sent in treats for our snack table!

Tomorrow, we will have our class play and celebration in the classroom. Parents, siblings and all family members are welcome to come at this time.

Also happening tomorrow, we will be emptying out the student's desks and sending home their supplies. I would like to send their headphones to Madame Paulette to be used for next year. Please let me know if you need these sent home for use over the summer.

Friday is a half day and the students will be dismissed at the lunch bell.

Enjoy the last week !

Monday, 8 June 2015

8 juin, 2015

A new list of dictee words went home today...last one! The quiz will be next Friday, June 15th.

The words this week are:
  1. une fête - a party
  2. la maison - a house
  3. grande - big (feminine version)
  4. petite - small (feminine version)
  5. il s'en va - he leaves
  6. y-a-t'il - is there, as in...Y-a-t'il une pomme sur la table? Is there an apple on the table?
  7. Peux-tu? - Can you?
  8. plus - more
  9. grand - big (masculine version)
  10. petit - small (masculine version)
The Mina hike is under revision by the school and Parks Canada...the official decision will be made by tomorrow, as to whether it is a go, or  not.

On Friday, we are lucky to have Kevin Gedling guiding our class on an interpretive hike around Jasper.  Please watch for the permission slips for this activity that will be coming home in the agendas tomorrow.  We will leave  the school right after the lunch bell and we will return for the dismissal bell at 3:00.

Also on Friday, there is a Spirit day activity....CRAZY HAIR DAY!

Keep watching for updates to our fun-filled, year-end events and activities!


Monday, 25 May 2015

May 25, 2015

We enjoyed a presentation today from Sophie, in which she handed out a Fire Smart postcard and sticker ...yours to keep; thanks, Sophie!

Today, we were treated to a presentation of Goldilocks and the Polar Bears!  It was great and included many important messages pertaining to protecting the environment: Change your lightbulbs, Unplug and Bike (or walk)!

This week at school, the activities and special events are:

Monday- there are 10 spelling words that went home today and are:
1. il saute - he jumps
2. il court - he runs
3. un lapin - a rabbit
4. où - where
5. marche - to walk
6. qui - who
7. vais - go
8. je - I
9. c'est - it is
10. fort - strong

Tuesday - We will be taught about the needs of plants and animals by the Discover E Science faculty from the University of Alberta. 

Wednesday - This  week we will be visiting the French Book Fair at 11:30.  Send your child with and appropriate amount of money.  Books usually range from $8 - $12.  Posters are $5, pencils and erasers are in the range of $1-$3.

Thursday -

Friday - Class photos will be taken in the morning.  Jump rope for heart will be at 2:30 pm outside on the sport field.  Please return all fundraising envelopes.

We are moving along with the Landmark presentations for our Jasper community projects.  So far, we have learned about Maligne Hostel, the Senior's Lodge and the Parks Canada Fire Crew ~ bravo les amis!

We have 2 gymnastics classes that have been sponsored by Randy Glover that will be taking place on June 11 and 18th; watch for permission forms that will be coming home this week.

Have a great week!

Monday, 18 May 2015

May 18, 2015

The spelling  dictées have been going well, as you can tell from the successful results in your child's spelling books!  Looking back to September when the words were 2 letters (ma, ta,sa...)...Grade one is so rewarding when you see the remarkable gains that are made in 9-10 months! 

There will be a dictee / spelling quiz this Friday on the following words:

1. ça va - it goes (literal translation.  Can also be used to tell how you are feeling, "Ca va bien"= it's going well).
2. est - is (Il est le plus grand garcon dans la classe= He is the biggest boy in the class)
3. ici - here (Le restaurant est ici = the restaurant is here).
4. par - by (Le presentation est par la classe de la première année = The presentation is by  the first grade class).
5. je pense - I think (Je pense que la pizza est bonne = I think that the pizza is good).
6. pour - for (Le cadeau est pour toi = The present is for you).
7. quand - when  (Quand est le film? = When is the movie?)
8. il regarde - he looks  (Il regarde loin pour voir un oiseau = He looks far to see a bird).
9. il voit - he sees (Quand il regarde très loin, il voit un oiseau = When he looks very far, he sees a bird).
10. chez moi - my house (Elle est venue chez moi pour la fête = She came to my house for the party).

Also happening this week:

Wednesday - We will visit the French Book Fair at 11:30.  Send your child with money, if you are comfortable with them shopping. OR, join the class on Wednesday, or, you can visit the book fair in the school library throughout the day until 6:00 pm on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Thursday - There will be a cookie sale, hosted by Shelly Irwin's class....bring in 2 quarters for a recess treat!

A new home - reading program will start this week.  Information will be going home on Tuesday, but, basically, this program will target the student's specific "level" of reading. 
1.They will choose a book at school and bring it home to share with you and will fill in a reading journal. 
2. When they are ready to read to myself or to Madame Vanessa, they will sign their name on the board at school and one of us will read with him/her. 
3. They will then make a "jump" along a progress chart in class to track their reading progress and success!
4. As they finish levels of books, they will move to higher reading levels. 
I have found this to be highly motivating to the students.  ** Please remember that your at-home support and encouragement is critical to their improvements. 
** The plastic bags of books will need to be returned this week.  If your child enjoys taking these bags of books, they can sign them out in the class and read them, as well as doing the individual reading program.

Social Studies Presentations!  - I am looking forward to having students start their presentation this week!  They can let me know when they are ready.  Remember, a 3-5 minute talk about what they have learned will be great! 
Have a great week~

Sunday, 19 April 2015

20 - 24 avril, 2015

Welcome back from the break! 

The new dictée program started last week.  As the letter that was sent home described, we will be practicing the 10 dictée words over a two-week period.  Within the practice, we will be using all sorts of manipulatives (playdough, beans, magnet letters) to build and play with the words.  If anyone has some glass beads that sit flat on a surface and would like to get rid of them, I would gladly take them to use in one of the centres!

The words that we are practicing for THIS Friday's dictee quiz are:
1. bonjour - hello
2. il sort - he goes out
3. j'aime - I like
4. tu veux - you want
5. un chat - a cat
6. un chien - a dog
7. les - the (more than one item)
8. il met - he puts on
9.  il dit - he says
10. je suis - I am

Keep up the nightly practice at home, using the words in fun ways (counting syllables or letters, putting them in alphabetical order, etc).

This Wednesday is Earth Day and the students are encouraged to wear green to show their "green" spirit!

Have a great week!

Monday, 23 March 2015

23 mars, 2015

The sound of the week is "em".  This sound is always followed by a "b" or a "p", as in the following words:
1. printemps - Spring
2. temps - time
3.  tempête -storm
4. septembre - September
5. novembre - November
6. ensemble - together

The bannock baking was a great success!  Thanks to Sharon and Tomoko for joining us in the high school Home Ec. room!

Also, thanks to all families for sending in milk cartons with prepared ice blocks for our inukshuk building project.  We managed to have three cooperative groups construct inukshuks and trouble-shoot through the tricky task of stacking slippery ice blocks~great job grade one!

Tomorrow, the  students are invited to dress up like a mad scientist to kick off our Science in Motion week.  I am looking forward to learning about "Cold Adaptations" with the scientists.

Report cards went home today.  Please send back the interview request forms tomorrow, thanks!

Friday is a half day to allow time for parent-teacher interviews, the students will be dismissed at the bell.

** Please return library books this week if you have them at home.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

18 mars, 2015

There will not  be a spelling dictée this week, enjoy the break!

Thanks for all of the green snacks yesterday!  We had broccoli, celery, snap peas, pickles, green rice Krispies squares, edamame and green Ranch dip!  The best part was that the food was mostly healthy -a bonus for having a green food day!
The leprechaun visited our class and left quite the mess; there were green footprints everywhere!  The students made traps in groups and cooperated wonderfully!  It was great to see the collaboration happening to engineer the best traps Ever!  Be sure to ask your child what their name is in leprechaun.  if they don't remember, check out the link:

We will be baking bannock bread at the high school kitchen tomorrow at 1:15 - 3:00.  I will bring the class back to the school to be dismissed.

On Friday morning at 11:00, we will be constructing our Inukshuk statues out of frozen ice blocks.  Please drop off ice blocks outside the office window (by the way...I never would have imagined the weather would be so balmy for this activity! I will take photos and post them on the blog, as the statues will likely melt before the end of the day...).

Please remember that next week:
 Monday: report cards go home
Tuesday: Dress like a Mad Scientist
Wednesday: we head to the Palisades for a day of French Immersion activities
Friday is a half day. 
** Any library books and/or classroom reading bags should be returned to class before the break, please!

If you would like to schedule a parent - teacher interview with Hélène or myself, please email or or write a note in your child's agenda. 

Have a great week~

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

10 mars, 2015


This week, the sound we are learning is "ch" (sh in English).  The words for the spelling dictée are:
1. chien - dog
2. chat - cat
3. chose - thing
4. bouche - mouth
5. dimanche - Sunday (days are not capitalized in French)
6. vache - cow

This Friday is a half day (professional development for the staff). We will not be making bannock this Friday at 1:00, as the students wrote in their agendas today!.  We will likely be doing this activity next Thursday afternoon.  I will let you know as soon as possible.

Thanks for sharing your birthday cupcakes with the class, Brady and Carson!!  The treat was delicious!

There will be a "healthy" snack sale hosted by the staff of JES this Thursday at recess.  The snacks with include items, such as carrot cookies, popcorn, vegetables, etc.  Each item will cost 25c and the maximum is 2 items per student.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

3 mars, 2015

 Last week was fun with all of the extra-curricular events happening at the school.  Thanks to all the parents who came to tie skates at our last skating session!  I have attached some photos of the week.

Today, several newsletters came home in your child's agenda.  There was the school newsletter, as well as my classroom news.  I found a few strays in the hallway, in case yours didn't make it home, please let me know.

The sound of the week is "ei" and it is the same sound as è and "ai" that we saw last week.

The words are (there are only 5):

1. baleine - whale
2. reine - queen

3. seize - sixteen
4. treize - thirteen
5. neige - snow

This Friday at 11:15, we will be walking to the High school to participate in the raising of the Franco-Albertan flag.  At 1:10, following lunch, the French Immersion classes will be presenting in the gym to kick off the "Semaine de la Francophonie".  Please join us if you are able!

Have a great week!

Monday, 23 February 2015

23 février, 2015

Events and activities for this week are:

Wednesday * Wear a pink shirt to school to Stand up to Bullying.

Thursday *  We will be skating from 2-3 in the afternoon. 

Friday  * Wear your pajama’s to school (all day) to support the Autoimmune Disease Campaign. 

*       From 1-3 in Centennial Park, grades K, 1, 2 will  participate in the activities for Carnaval!  Please let me know if you can help out (form sent home today).  Have your child properly dressed for the outdoors!
The sound of the week is "ai" , which makes the same sound as the letters ë, è.
The words are:
1. fais - to make/do ,as in, "Je fais un gateau."
2. mais - but (however) as in, "J'aime les pommes mais je préfère le chocolat."
3. vais - go, as in, "Je vais au parc."
4. j'aime - I like, as in, "J'aime aller à l'école!"
5. chaise - chair, as in, "Je m'assoie sur la chaise."
6. fraise - strawberry, as in the sentence, "J'aime manger une fraise."

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

17 février, 2015

Thanks to all of the parents who contributed a snack to our little Valentine celebration.  The kids had a wonderful time sharing food, cards and fun!  Also, a big thanks to all of you who came to the arena to skate and to tie skates!  It's great to have such a supportive group of parents on board!

This week, there is a shortened dictée word list (4 words) due to the shortened week.  The sound is "eau" and it has the same sound as "o" in "stove".  The words are:
1. eau - water
2. beau - nice; handsome
3. château - castle
4. bateau - boat
Practice hard!

This Friday, we will be going skating at 2:00.  I have a substitute teacher in for me that afternoon (Rosalynne McFadden) and I will be sending home a note in the agendas to ask where your child will be picked to help her to organize the departure!

Thanks and have a great week!


Monday, 9 February 2015

9 février, 2015

Bonjour!!  I am happy to announce that Vanessa Martin will be working in our classroom as an Educational Assistant for the next few months.  She was born and raised in France and has lots of experience to help us in the classroom!

The messages that the students wrote for Teacher Appreciation were so kind!  I love their kind words.

This Friday, we will be having a small Valentine celebration and card exchange at 1:00 in the classroom.  We will then walk to the Arena to skate.  Don't forget all of the required gear...skates, helmet and gloves.

Here is a list of grade one students for writing Valentine cards:
Anica, Brady,Cache, Carson, Casey, Draven, Drew, Emerson, Finlay, Georgia, Isla, Jayden, Jordyn, Karleigh, Kira, Krystof, Kyle, Lauren, Lily, Marie, Maisie, Mila, Paige Rinka, Sophie, Turi.

Winter Walk Day with our Grade Four Reading Buddies!


Our "Valentine's Day" word list for the Friday quiz are:
1. cupidon-- Cupid
2. coeur -- heart
3. rouge -- red
4. amour -- love
5. lettre -- letter
6. bisou -- kiss
Have a great week!

Monday, 26 January 2015

26 janvier, 2015

It is hard to believe that it is the last week of January and the it is so warm outside!  Please send in spare clothes just in case the kids fall in one of the many puddles that surround the play field.

The sound of the week is "au" and it makes the same sound as o in "joke".  The spelling words this week are:

1. jaune - yellow
2. saute - jump
3. auto - car
4. aussi - also
5. dauphin - dolphin
6. chaud - hot

Thanks for sending in the reading calendars!  Keep up the great work and try to build up reading stamina at home (set your goal a little bit higher each week).

Monday, 19 January 2015

19 janvier, 2015

A very successful draw was had by our class today!  Congratulations to the lucky draw-prize winners: Rinka, Casey, Marie and ...I've forgotten the fourth lucky winner!!  Every Monday for the next month, the Read-a-Thon calendars must be returned with the reading goals recorded on them in order to be entered into the draw.

Check out the other activities that the Right -to -Read Society has planned for the students to encourage fun reading practices:
Jasper Right to Read Society READ-A-THON!
January 12 – February 13th
Dear Teachers and Students,
Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime! Jasper Elementary School and the Jasper Right to Read Society are pairing up for our first ever read-a-thon! Students and teachers your mission is to set a weekly reading goal and read, read, read to reach your goal! Use the read-a-thon calendar to keep track of your reading minutes. You can include anytime that you spend reading after school and on the weekends. Along the way we will have draws for students and classes who are participating. The Jasper Right to Read Society will be partnering with the staff to host a few optional reading events in January and February:
January 22ndBooks to Movies: An after school movie will be shown in the Jasper Elementary School gymnasium at 3:30 pm. The Right to Read Society will be selling popcorn for $2.00/bag.  Movie details to follow.
January 23rdREAD - IN and Dress-up as your Favourite Storybook Character: Children will be invited to come to school dressed as a character from a book. The read-in assembly will take place in the gymnasium from 11:00 – 12:00. 
January 29thStudent Led Conferences: Classrooms will schedule a one hour block after school for students to celebrate and share their learning with their parents. Your child’s classroom teacher will let you know the time that is planned for their class. The Right to Read Society will have information on their organization and a photo booth for families to take pictures.
February 11thStudent Film Festival: Elementary and Jr/Sr High students will be invited to present short videos to friends and family members. The event will take place in the Jasper Elementary School gymnasium.  The Right to Read Society will sell popcorn at the event $2.00/bag.
Book Exchange - A table will be set-up in the school for students, staff, and families to swap books.
The sound of the week is the same sound as last week, but it is spelled as "en".  This time, there is a grandpa who doesn't hear very well and says, "agh" in order to hear.  The words of the week are:
1. cent - 100
2. dent - tooth
3. lent - slow
4. vent - wind
5. enfant - child
6. serpent - snake
** Reminder that this Friday is a half day and that the students may dress up as a storybook character in the morning.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

13 janvier, 2015

This week at school, we are focusing on the sound "an" , which makes the sound like "agn" and the action is to put your hand behind your ear and say "agn" , as if you haven't heard something.

The words of the week are:

1. orange - orange: Le soleil est orange.
2. blanc - white: La neige est blanc.
3. ans - years, as in "I am 7 years old": J'ai sept ans.
4. dans - in, as in, "Put the pencil in your desk": Mets le crayon dans ton pupitre.
5. grand - big: Le chat est grand.
6. maman - mom; La maman pousse le bébé.

Please be aware that the Read-a -Thon has kicked off.  In class, we discussed an appropriate reading goal for grade one students.  We determined that 10 minutes of reading each night is a good goal, with the possibility of reading for longer.  The students received a calendar that they will record their reading minutes on every night for 5 weeks.  The students will return their calendar each Monday to show me their progress.  Those who reach their weekly reading goals will receive a token to be entered into a draw box.  Every Monday at 3:10, the draw prize winners will be announced.  Don't forget to send in the reading calendars each Monday!
Have a great week!

Monday, 5 January 2015

5 janvier, 2015

Bonne année 2015! Happy New Year!

It is nice to get back into the swing of things!  We are working on polishing up our classroom routines to make a smooth transition into January.  This includes things like coming to class on time, being prepared (agenda, indoor shoes and reading bag) and following in-class rules and routines.

There will be a spelling quiz this Friday.  The focus sound is "eu" and the words for the week are:
1. bleu - blue
2. feu - fire
3. neuf - nine
4. deux - two
5. jeudi - Thursday
6. peu - a little; small amount.

Check out the kids dressed in red and black at the Christmas concert!  If anyone took a good photo of the class, please forward them on to me! Great job groovin' to Blitzen's Boogie!

Have a great week!
