Tuesday, 29 October 2013

29 octobre, 2013

The sound that we are learning this week is è, which makes a sound like "e" in the English word pet.
The words that the kids helped to choose for the spelling dictée are:

1. mère (mother)
2. père (father)
3. frère (brother)
4. très (very)

Thanks to John Bartziokas for helping keep order in the boys' change rooms yesterday at swimming, and Christine Oeggerli for assisting in the girls' room.  We will be starting our swim lessons 5 minutes earlier for the remainder of the week so that we can leave the pool earlier and be less rushed for lunch.  Please pick your child up from the pool at lunch, if you are able.

Halloween happenings...
The movie "Despicable Me" will be shown today and tomorrow from 12;30-1:05 for a cost of 50 cents.  All are welcome to attend and proceeds will go towards Bella Tiesenhausen's surgery. 

Wednesday we will be visiting Mrs. Sawka's haunted house.  The cost of this is $1 and donations to the Food Bank are accepted.

Wednesday after school there will be a dance put on by the grade 6 class for $1.  No costumes are allowed.

Thursday after lunch, the students are invited to dress-up in their Halloween costumes.  There will be a school parade that starts at 1:30 and will go around to visit every classroom.  After the parade, we will return to class for a Halloween celebration (snacks are welcomed for 16 hungry grade 1 students!)

Phewf!  I think that's all for now...what a busy week! 

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