Monday, 2 December 2013

2 décembre, 2013

Happy birthday wishes go out to Oliver!  Bonne fête à toi, M. Noble!

This week, we have a PD day for staff on Friday afternoon.  The students will be dismissed at the lunch bell.

Next Thursday, we are hosting the cookie sale.  2 dozen nut-free treats are required in the morning.  we will begin setting up tables at around 10:20 - any parent helpers would be helpful for the duration of the selling "blitz".  If you are able to come in from 10:20-10:45, let me know.  Thanks!

Our Christmas concert night is December 18th from 7-8 pm.  I am asking that the kids wear their favorite fancy "duds", otherwise, the only costume requirement is a pair of sunglasses.  Send these in if you have a pair kicking around.

The concert rehearsal date is the 17th and this is an opportunity for siblings and grandparents to come in and watch the concert in full swing.

The holiday is quickly approaching!


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Please return extra book bags!

We have run out of book bags and now there aren't enough for each student in the class.  Please return extras that may be kicking around your house.  Remember, the book bags are returned to class each Monday.


Monday, 25 November 2013

Happy Monday!

This is a quiet week in the classroom which is perfect for crafts and lots of learning opportunities!

In math, we are focusing on counting from 0 - 20, and counting down from 20 - 0.  Practice at home to solidify these facts!

The sound of the week is "r".  The "r" in French is called "air" and is a noisy sound that you make in your throat.  The sound-symbol connection is that of a lion roaring..."rrrrrr".

We were so involved in coloring and reading our book called, "J' aime manger", that we ran out of time to create a spelling list for the week..we will do so tomorrow  (3 words).

Take some time to read the book your child prepared and read with them (J'aime manger).  They are developing quite the reading skills!

Have a great week.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

19 novembre, 2013

What a snowy week!  Please send your child to school with all of the snow gear necessary to keep warm during recess!

The sound of the week is "ch", which, in French makes a "sh" sound.  The words this week are:
1. chat - cat
2. chien - dog
3. chaise - chair
4. chou - cabbage

On Thursday there is a cookie sale, so send in those quarters!

Friday is another half day to accommodate the parent-teacher interviews that are happening. The students will be dismissed at the lunch bell!

Pizza making and devouring last Friday!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

12 November, 2013

Birthday wishes go out to Starla!  The silly birthday hat sure looks good on you!

This week at school, we have begun learning about "la nourriture", that is!  On Friday at 1:00, we will be making individual pizzas and if there are any parents who are able to help out, it would be appreciated!

The sounds of the week are the consonants "s" and "j".  The dictée words that the students helped to choose this week are:
1. jeu - game
2. jeudi - Thursday
3. jour - day
4. jaune - yellow

Good luck with practicing these words!

The Scholastic book orders are due on Friday, thanks!

Halloween Party 2013!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

29 octobre, 2013

The sound that we are learning this week is è, which makes a sound like "e" in the English word pet.
The words that the kids helped to choose for the spelling dictée are:

1. mère (mother)
2. père (father)
3. frère (brother)
4. très (very)

Thanks to John Bartziokas for helping keep order in the boys' change rooms yesterday at swimming, and Christine Oeggerli for assisting in the girls' room.  We will be starting our swim lessons 5 minutes earlier for the remainder of the week so that we can leave the pool earlier and be less rushed for lunch.  Please pick your child up from the pool at lunch, if you are able.

Halloween happenings...
The movie "Despicable Me" will be shown today and tomorrow from 12;30-1:05 for a cost of 50 cents.  All are welcome to attend and proceeds will go towards Bella Tiesenhausen's surgery. 

Wednesday we will be visiting Mrs. Sawka's haunted house.  The cost of this is $1 and donations to the Food Bank are accepted.

Wednesday after school there will be a dance put on by the grade 6 class for $1.  No costumes are allowed.

Thursday after lunch, the students are invited to dress-up in their Halloween costumes.  There will be a school parade that starts at 1:30 and will go around to visit every classroom.  After the parade, we will return to class for a Halloween celebration (snacks are welcomed for 16 hungry grade 1 students!)

Phewf!  I think that's all for now...what a busy week! 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

23 octobre, 2013

The sound of the week is "é" - this e with and accent aigu makes the "eh" sound.  The words that we chose for our spelling dictée are:
1. fée (fairy)
2. née (born)
3. bébé (baby)
4. zéro (zero)
5. oops- need to check on this one...

Just a reminder that this Friday is Institute Day for GYPSD staff, and the students have the day off!

We started our Roots of Empathy program yesterday with Beth LeBlanc from Family and Community Support Services.  She spoke to us about the baby that we will be teaching us about growth, development, milestones, kindness and empathy!  The baby's name is Elizabeth Borrow and she is 3 months old.  She will come into our class every other Tuesday for the remainder of the year, as we observe her growth and changes.  Thank you for returning your photo release forms for this program!

Just a note about picture day on Monday.  As it is also our swim day, I have requested that our class have their photos taken in the morning before we swim (to avoid soggy photos!).

Have a great (remainder) of the week!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

15 octobre, 2013

Bonjour!  I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend!  Great to see all of the students at school ready for a new week. 

This week at school we have a cookie sale on Thursday....please dig out your quarters and send them in a secure place for your child!  I cannot hand out quarters to the kids (no matter how much they ask!). 

On Friday, we will not have a regular 4-word dictée, but instead, we will have a numbers quiz from zero to ten.  The students should know how to write the number words and to be able to match the number word to the number.  Here are the numbers in French:

 0 - zéro
1 - un
2 - deux
3 - trois
4- quatre
5 - cinq
6 - six
7 - sept
8 - huit
9 - neuf
10 - dix

Study hard!

Also a reminder that many students are coming to class late!  Let's get into the habit of being in the classroom by the second bell (8:35).  Thank you for your cooperation with this!


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

1 octobre, 2013

Bienvenue au mois d'octobre!  Thanks again to all of the parent helpers who came along to pick apples and to help prepare our delicious apple sauce!  I have included a few photos...

Some reminders for the week are:
Thursday there is a cookie sale so please send along up to 2 quarters for a special recess treat!
Friday after lunch (1:10) we will be going on a leaf hunt around town.  Parent volunteers are welcome to join us!
The focus sound of the week is "o" and the action we make for this sound is to put hands on belly and to laugh like santa, "o, o, o!".  Whenever this vowel is in a word  all by itself, not beside another vowel, it will say it's sound..."O".  The words the class selected for the week are:
1. yoyo
2. moto
3. non
4. rose

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Just a reminder that tomorrow at 2:30 the class be walking around the block to celebrate Terry Fox.   Send in a Toonie, if possible.

Friday is jam-packed full of activity.  The dictée will focus on "i" words.  In French, this sounds makes an "ee" sound.  The action is to make whiskers on your face with your fingers like a mouse (souris, in French).  The words are;
1. il
2. si
3. ici
4. ri (this is not a real French word, however, the sounds that the students hear are so important at this stage).

Friday, meet us at the classroom at 10:15 if you would like to accompany us for the walk to pick apples.  At 11:00 we will start making apple sauce and because knives are required for this, I require some extra hands in the class!  Please come on in if you are able to assist!

Have a great week!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

19 septembre, 2013

Happy birthday today to Xavier and thanks to Chantal for sending in the most creative cookie/hamburgers! 

Today we paired up with our grade 4 reading buddies.  The mentoring that I saw was fantastic and I look forward to the reading times we will have every other Thursday.  I have attached a few photos.

Tomorrow is a half day for teacher Professional Development.  The students are dismissed at the lunch bell.

Scholastic orders are due tomorrow.

me, te, le, de are the dictee words for tomorrow morning.

Have a good weekend.

Monday, 16 September 2013

16 septembre, 2013

The sound that we are studying this week is "e", which sounds like "euh".  Our action to help us remember this sound when we see it inside of a french word is to put hands on cheeks and pretend like you forgot something.  The spelling words of the week are:
1. se
2. me
3. te
4. le

Last Friday in class, we made orange Jello by mixing red and yellow Jello together.  I have added some photos of the students eating their "Science"!

Happening this week at school:
On Thursday we will begin our partner reading with Mr. Auger's grade 4 class.
Friday is an early dismissal, students are dismissed at the bell.
Friday, book orders are due.

Have a great week!

Monday, 9 September 2013

September 9, 2013

This week at school we will continue to review the alphabet and numbers to ten.  We have also started our focus on our special French sounds, starting with "a" (this letter in French says "ahh") .  We learned that this is the sound you might make when you go to the dentist to show your sore tooth.

To assist with the focus of this sound, we will be working with several spelling words that your child has written in his / her agenda.  Please practice these words a few times this week, as, on Friday, I will test the students (dictée) to see how they hear/spell these small words.  The words for this week are:
1. ma
2. la
3. sa
4. pa (this is not actually a word in French, however, the students are encouraged to hear the letters in words at this point in the year!).

Meet the teacher night is this Thursday, September 12, from 6 - 7 pm.  Please meet in the classroom at 6:00 sharp to get a quick run-down of our year to come.  You are welcome to ask questions and to have a guided tour of our classroom (by your wonderful child) before heading outside to eat a collaboratively made fruit salad. More information about this night will be sent home in your child's agenda.

Thanks ~ Becky

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

September 3, 2013

Grade One, Day One...What a smart group of kids I get to work with this year.  I was impressed with the amount of talent these students brought to class! 

Please sign and return the student demographic sheets that are in the front pocket of your child's agenda, thanks!

I have included a "first day" photo of the class jumping for joy outside - hard not to be happy when it is this beautiful out!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

20 June, 2013

Just a reminder that we will be going swimming tomorrow to the Aquatic Centre and we will be walking over there at about 1:15.  We will swim until 3:00 and the students will be dismissed from the pool.  If your student is not being picked up from the pool, the will walk back to the school with the teachers.  If you are able to send alng a snack for our snack table, I'm sure the hungry swimmers will appreciate the treats!

All are invited to our class play and year-end class celebration in our classroom on Monday, June 24th! 



Monday, 17 June 2013

15 June, 2013

Last week was full of activities both in and out of the classroom;  we made BBQ sauce and had many moms and even three grandmas come in to help out; we walked to the Municipal Library and learned about the summer reading program and had a few parent helpers (thanks Moreah and Sharon!); and we hiked to Mina Lake and had a fantastic picnic by the lake (thanks John, Dan, Moreah, Kim, Sharon, Troy, Matieu, Jennifer, Michelle, am I forgetting anyone...?).  We couldn't have done it without parent volunteers!

This week, we are in the classroom up to Friday afternoon when we go swimming.  Updates regarding exact time of departure will be sent home with your child.  Also, Linda Morgan and I have talked about having a snack table for the kids to refresh their energy throughout the swim time.  If you could send in a treat to be shared (cheese and crackers, fruit, veggies, etc.) that would be awesome.

Thanks and enjoy the last full week of Grade ONE!!


Wednesday, 5 June 2013

5 juin, 2013

The last few weeks are filling up with special activities and events~ I will keep you posted via the blog as well as through communications in your child's agenda.

Today, for example, we had the opportunity to visit Park's Canada's Environment Fair on the Information Centre lawn.  As this special event conflicted with our Municipal library visit, I have rescheduled the visit for next Wednesday at 10 am.  Unfortunately, the Enviro fair was being taken down as we arrived due to poor weather.  The kids got soaked, but had some fresh air (thanks Moreah for seeing the bright side!).

Tomorrow, there is a cookie sale so send along the quarters.

We are excited about are classroom caterpillars as some have begun to build their chrysalis.


Sunday, 2 June 2013

Juin, 2013 - June Newsletter and calendar ** updated **

Les nouvelles de la première année
Grade One News
Juin 2013

In celebration of Environment Week (June 3 - 9) …
Wild & Wacky Walking Wednesday – June 5
Everyone is encouraged to leave the car behind and to come to school or
work using a non-polluting mode of transport.  Be a role model for your kids! 
Parks Canada Enviro Fair – Wednesday, June 5th, time TBA
Our class will be walking over to the Information Centre grounds to check out their displays for Environment Week.
French Book Fair ~ Foire de livres – Tuesday, June 4 & Wednesday, June 5

Our class will be browsing the book fair in the J.E.S. library on Wednesday from 11:30-11:45am.  Parents are welcome to join us if they would like to check out materials with their child.  Or, if you trust your child’s decision making skills, you can send some money to school with him/her on Wednesday.  Please don’t feel that you need to send money in to class with your child!  If you do send money in, please put it in a baggie or envelope with your child’s name on it and let him/her know what they should spend it on (be advised that students are drawn to buying erasers and posters, rather than books).  The book fair will be open until 6 pm on these two days. 


Municipal Library Visit ~ Visite à la bibliothèque municipale – June 5th   2 :30pm

Our last visit to the school library was last Wednesday.  All library materials have now been returned for the year.  This Wednesday, we will be spending our library period at the Municipal library in their temporary location at the Activity Centre.   Parents are welcome to join us.  If your child brings their library card, they will be allowed to take out 2 books.  If your child does not have a library card, the library will make him/her one.  If your child has lost their card, you will need to go to the library to arrange for a replacement card.


*Please return all school books and book bags as you find them hiding at home.  We are still missing a couple of French books and CDs from the book bags!

Mina Lake Hike ~ Randonné à Lac Mina – Friday, June 14    11am – 3:15 pm

We will be hiking to Mina Lake with Mrs. Morgan’s class for a picnic.  We will need several parent volunteers to help supervise.  We will be out from 11:00 am until the end of the day, so students will need a healthy bagged lunch.   Please send the attached permission form back to school ASAP.

Shhhh!  Cooking Day – Wednesday, June 12th, 1:30 – 3:00 pm

All moms, aunts, grandmas, friends, etc. are invited in to class to help make a gift for someone special (dads, grandpas, uncles, friends, etc.)  If you fit the description, come on in!  No advance notice necessary.

Swimming ~ La natation – Friday, June 21   1:30 – 3:15 pm

No lessons, just an afternoon of frolicking in the pools at the Jasper Aquatic Centre.  Students will be dismissed from the pool.  The permission form has been sent home– please return ASAP.  We will need help from moms and dads!

Year-End Celebrations ~ Célébrations de la fin de l’année –  Monday, June 24

At 10:00 am, please meet us in the classroom for a special grade one celebration.  We will be celebrating the end of a very successful year for your children.  I will provide the snacks on this day.  Don’t forget your cameras - We’ll take pictures for those unable to attend.  The celebration should be over by 11 am.

Sports Day ~ Journée sportive – Monday, June 24th    1 – 3 pm

We will need at least two volunteers for this outdoor day.  Responsibilities include being in charge of a group of students as they rotate through the activities.  Please let me know with a note in the agenda if you would be willing to help out.

Grade One and Two Picnic at Lake Annette – Wednesday, June 26    11am – 3:15 pm

We will be serving hot dogs and munchies out at the Lake Annette picnic shelter, and everyone is invited to join us.  We will need some volunteers to cook the hot dogs and prepare snacks.  Please let me know in advance if you are able to come out to the Lake to help and I will pencil you into a volunteer duty.  Permission forms will be going home in the coming weeks.

Last day of school –Wednesday, June 27     AM Only

Students come to school, then head over to the Activity Centre to see the Grade 6 walk-down.  When we return to the school, they’ll receive their report cards and will not come back for the afternoon.  Please pick up your child at 12:00.



Reading Tests – We have completed a “Gates-MacGinitie” Grade One reading test in English that gives a rough idea of students’ reading levels in English.  This is not something that goes on the report card, but if you would like to know your child’s results, please come in to talk with me.

Juin 2013           Activités de la première année


3 Environment Week
Garbage-less snack week - -
Try to send healthy snacks in reusable containers!
Wacky Walking
Don’t drive!  Walk or ride instead!
Municipal Library
2:30 pm
Bring library card
Cooking Day:
“Mom-types” invited into class to help! 
1:30 – 3 pm

Mina Lake Hike
11 – 3:15
Pack a lunch
Be prepared for the weather
Father’s Day
Fête des Pères
National Aboriginal Day
Summer Solstice
1:30 – 3:15 pm
Students dismissed from the pool
Graduation    Celebration
10:00 am in the class 
Sports Day
Dress for the weather
1 – 3 pm
Grade 1 & 2 Picnic at
Lake Annette
½ day of school
Pick up report cards
Au revoir!


Questions?  Call Mme Becky:  852 - 4447 x 206  e-mail: