Some reminders for the week ahead are:
On Friday, I will be away at a French Immersion Literacy Conference in Edmonton. I had planned to cook with the class on this day; however, I will change this activity until another day. Next week on Friday morning, I plan to bake the cheddar bear buns with the class. Please let me know if you are able to help out on Friday morning (December 7th).
Spelling words this week will focus on the "ou" sound (oo in English).
Nous (we), ours (bear), où (where), rouge (red), hibou (owl), joue (to play) –
As I will not be in class on Friday (and the substitute teacher does not speak French), the spelling quiz will be on Monday, Dec. 3.
Study hard and please ask me if you need help with the pronunciation of the words.
Une souris verte: song of the week
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