Some recipe sheets have been coming back to class and they look great! It is nice to share your favorites with the class! The picture box in the top right corner can be filled in with a drawing by your child, or you can get your child to draw a bigger version of the recipe on the blank sheet provided! Thanks Bella for bringing us each a sample of her Raspberry Coconut tarts; they were devine...tart heaven!
This week's spelling words are: roi (king), toi (you), moi (me), trois (three), vois (see), noir (black). Study hard!
The report cards went home today and inside your envelope, you will find a parent/student comment sheet. These are to be filled out and returned with the brown envelope. The report cards are yours to treasure/frame/send to grandparents, etc! With regards to parent/teacher interview schedule, please check the day and time that I have sent home (in envelope) and let me know if it works for your schedule. Outside the classroom door, I have posted a schedule for the meetings if you have yet to sign up. You could also call me in my room at school 780-852-4447 (x 206). Thanks!
The book orders were sent home today and are due back this Friday - let me know if any items are for Christmas and I will keep them a secret!
We had a great visit with Baby Kai today. He is adorable and is learning to roll over - he is one happy baby!
Thursday there is a spotlight assembly at 1:10pm.
Reminder: Friday is an early dismissal!
Class songs (traditional French comptines), found on you tube:
Lundi Matin
Je suis une pizza :
Savez - vous planter les choux?