Way to sing and dance Grade One's! It looked like the class was having a fun time "Decking the Halls" and "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" last night! Wonderful job everyone!
Today, kids are invited to wear their pyjamas to school (it will just be our class, not the entire school). Also, there is a cookie sale today at recess sponsored by Madame Gabrielle's Kindergarten class.
Tomorrow, the students are invited to dress-up in their Christmas colours as part of a school-wide Spirit Day, organized by the student council.
Tomorrow's events are as:
10:00-10:40 - La Chaine de la Solidarité (passing food band items from the school to the Anglican church)
11-12 - Sing-a-Long with Val and Morley
1:00-2:00 - Winter Walk around the block (our Grade One class). Please join us if you are available!
3:15...head home for a wonderful winter holiday!
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Thursday, 13 December 2012
December 13, 2013
Tomorrow we will be swimming at 10:30. Once we have finished swimming lessons, we will walk directly over to the Activity Centre to join the other classes for the Réveillon feast. If you are planning on sending in a food item and are able to drop it off at the Activity Centre (if you are joining us there), that would be great! If you are planning to send your food item in with your child in the morning, I will transport it to the pool with us (please make it as “transportable” as possible, ie. plastic containers).
Thursday, 6 December 2012
December 6, 2012
Bonne fète à Isobel! Happy 6th birthday, Isobel!
Yesterday, we had a fun and informational 3V session with a teacher from Montana who told stories and showed video clips of bears. We got to see Bruno the Bear during his "winter lethargy" and learned that bears don't hibernate, rather they "den" for the winter.
Our visit to the Museum today was fun and the kids each found a favorite tree. Some of "favorites" included the "money" tree, the pink tree, the purse tree, the hockey tree, the strawberry jam tree the chocolate tree. There is an event at the Museum this Saturday, where the kids can decorate a tree with Santa! Thanks to Bella's mom and Jillian's mom for accompanying the class to and from the Musuem!
Tomorrow is our "on" spelling quiz as well as out bear baking morning. Don't forget that it is also a noon dismissal day.
As requested in the newsletter, if you are able to send in a washed 4L milk jug, we will be doing a christmas craft with them by next week, thanks.
Yesterday, we had a fun and informational 3V session with a teacher from Montana who told stories and showed video clips of bears. We got to see Bruno the Bear during his "winter lethargy" and learned that bears don't hibernate, rather they "den" for the winter.
Our visit to the Museum today was fun and the kids each found a favorite tree. Some of "favorites" included the "money" tree, the pink tree, the purse tree, the hockey tree, the strawberry jam tree the chocolate tree. There is an event at the Museum this Saturday, where the kids can decorate a tree with Santa! Thanks to Bella's mom and Jillian's mom for accompanying the class to and from the Musuem!
Tomorrow is our "on" spelling quiz as well as out bear baking morning. Don't forget that it is also a noon dismissal day.
As requested in the newsletter, if you are able to send in a washed 4L milk jug, we will be doing a christmas craft with them by next week, thanks.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
December 4, 2012
Several newsletters went home today - looks like a busy few weeks ahead!
The spelling words this week that focus on the "on" sound are:
pont - bridge
bonbon - candy
savon - soap
cochon - pig
dindon - turkey
For pronunciation of these (and other) French words, try the following website:
http://www.forvo.com/search/pont/. Type in the word to hear the word being spoken by a French speaker!
Ask your child to tell you what these images are:
The spelling words this week that focus on the "on" sound are:
pont - bridge
bonbon - candy
savon - soap
cochon - pig
dindon - turkey
For pronunciation of these (and other) French words, try the following website:
http://www.forvo.com/search/pont/. Type in the word to hear the word being spoken by a French speaker!
Ask your child to tell you what these images are:
Good luck!
Monday, 3 December 2012
December 3, 2012
Updates for the week ahead are:
Our class is in charge of the cookie sale during the recess time on Thursday, Dec. 6. Please send in two dozens treats that adhere to the school's "nut-free" policy. Thanks! The money raised during the sale will go towards to the school foster child. Happy baking!
On Thursday afternoon, from 1:20- 2:00pm, our class will be walking to the Museum to admire the myriad of festive Christmas trees. All parents and siblings are welcome to attend!
On Friday morning, we will be having the last spelling quiz before the holiday break. The sound of the week is "on" (like in the word, "mon"). I will post the words tomorrow on the blog and send the students home with them tomorrow.
Also on Friday morning at around 10:00am, we will be preparing the cheddar cheese bear buns. I will provide all of the ingredients. If any parents are available to come in and help, that would be super!
Voici in beau sapin de Noël!
Our class is in charge of the cookie sale during the recess time on Thursday, Dec. 6. Please send in two dozens treats that adhere to the school's "nut-free" policy. Thanks! The money raised during the sale will go towards to the school foster child. Happy baking!
On Thursday afternoon, from 1:20- 2:00pm, our class will be walking to the Museum to admire the myriad of festive Christmas trees. All parents and siblings are welcome to attend!
On Friday morning, we will be having the last spelling quiz before the holiday break. The sound of the week is "on" (like in the word, "mon"). I will post the words tomorrow on the blog and send the students home with them tomorrow.
Also on Friday morning at around 10:00am, we will be preparing the cheddar cheese bear buns. I will provide all of the ingredients. If any parents are available to come in and help, that would be super!
Monday, 26 November 2012
November 26, 2012
Last week, Owen shared some beautiful banana bread and Zohwea brought in crepes for us to sample - delicious!
Some reminders for the week ahead are:
On Friday, I will be away at a French Immersion Literacy Conference in Edmonton. I had planned to cook with the class on this day; however, I will change this activity until another day. Next week on Friday morning, I plan to bake the cheddar bear buns with the class. Please let me know if you are able to help out on Friday morning (December 7th).
Spelling words this week will focus on the "ou" sound (oo in English).
Nous (we), ours (bear), où (where), rouge (red), hibou (owl), joue (to play) –
As I will not be in class on Friday (and the substitute teacher does not speak French), the spelling quiz will be on Monday, Dec. 3.
Study hard and please ask me if you need help with the pronunciation of the words.
un ours grizzly cour.
L'hibou dit coucou!
Une souris verte: song of the week
Some reminders for the week ahead are:
On Friday, I will be away at a French Immersion Literacy Conference in Edmonton. I had planned to cook with the class on this day; however, I will change this activity until another day. Next week on Friday morning, I plan to bake the cheddar bear buns with the class. Please let me know if you are able to help out on Friday morning (December 7th).
Spelling words this week will focus on the "ou" sound (oo in English).
Nous (we), ours (bear), où (where), rouge (red), hibou (owl), joue (to play) –
As I will not be in class on Friday (and the substitute teacher does not speak French), the spelling quiz will be on Monday, Dec. 3.
Study hard and please ask me if you need help with the pronunciation of the words.
Une souris verte: song of the week
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
November 20, 2012
I just wanted to say how lucky I am to spend the day in Room 6. Your kids are great...funny, kind and considerate, also! Thank you to Melissa for sharing "Melissa's Marvelous Muffins" with us today!! Bringing the recipes to share is really a treat for us all and we appreciate it (however, bringing food in is not required)! Thanks!
Monday, 19 November 2012
November 19
Some recipe sheets have been coming back to class and they look great! It is nice to share your favorites with the class! The picture box in the top right corner can be filled in with a drawing by your child, or you can get your child to draw a bigger version of the recipe on the blank sheet provided! Thanks Bella for bringing us each a sample of her Raspberry Coconut tarts; they were devine...tart heaven!
This week's spelling words are: roi (king), toi (you), moi (me), trois (three), vois (see), noir (black). Study hard!
The report cards went home today and inside your envelope, you will find a parent/student comment sheet. These are to be filled out and returned with the brown envelope. The report cards are yours to treasure/frame/send to grandparents, etc! With regards to parent/teacher interview schedule, please check the day and time that I have sent home (in envelope) and let me know if it works for your schedule. Outside the classroom door, I have posted a schedule for the meetings if you have yet to sign up. You could also call me in my room at school 780-852-4447 (x 206). Thanks!
The book orders were sent home today and are due back this Friday - let me know if any items are for Christmas and I will keep them a secret!
We had a great visit with Baby Kai today. He is adorable and is learning to roll over - he is one happy baby!
Thursday there is a spotlight assembly at 1:10pm.
Reminder: Friday is an early dismissal!
Class songs (traditional French comptines), found on you tube:
Lundi Matin http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=noo1_wUGsIU
Je suis une pizza : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxystpPE1xU&feature=player_detailpage
Savez - vous planter les choux? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAGV2pcLaAg&feature=player_detailpage
This week's spelling words are: roi (king), toi (you), moi (me), trois (three), vois (see), noir (black). Study hard!
The report cards went home today and inside your envelope, you will find a parent/student comment sheet. These are to be filled out and returned with the brown envelope. The report cards are yours to treasure/frame/send to grandparents, etc! With regards to parent/teacher interview schedule, please check the day and time that I have sent home (in envelope) and let me know if it works for your schedule. Outside the classroom door, I have posted a schedule for the meetings if you have yet to sign up. You could also call me in my room at school 780-852-4447 (x 206). Thanks!
The book orders were sent home today and are due back this Friday - let me know if any items are for Christmas and I will keep them a secret!
We had a great visit with Baby Kai today. He is adorable and is learning to roll over - he is one happy baby!
Thursday there is a spotlight assembly at 1:10pm.
Reminder: Friday is an early dismissal!
Class songs (traditional French comptines), found on you tube:
Lundi Matin http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=noo1_wUGsIU
Je suis une pizza : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxystpPE1xU&feature=player_detailpage
Savez - vous planter les choux? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAGV2pcLaAg&feature=player_detailpage
Sunday, 11 November 2012
November 11, 2012
C'est le jour du Souvenir -
Je porte un coquelicot.
Ask your child to read and explain this sentence! It means, "today is Remembrance Day - I wear a poppy."
Another busy week has passed! We spent time talking about the significance of poppies, peace and remembering soldiers who fought in the wars. When Griffin told the class that his great grandmother was involved in the second world war and that she is still alive (90 years old!) we had to learn more! The class came up with 5 questions for grande Mamie and then Mr. Shepherd came to us with the answers and many fun and heart-warming stories of great-grandma's wartime experiences. My favorite story was that when she took her itchy woollen knickers apart to knit a vest up for a skinny, young and cold Canadian soldier! Thank you for sharing your time and stories with us, Landon!
The spelling quiz this week will be repeated on Tuesday. Practice lots and listen for those vowel sounds in each word, "mon, ton, son, tu, il, elle, le, ne, pas and rat".
The songs we have been learning are:
O Canada
A few traditional French songs we have been learning:
Au feu les pompiers
Lundi matin
Frère Jacques
I look forward to our week ahead, starting on Tuesday, when Tianna and Max will be the "stars" and we will spend time learning about bears, hibernation and owls!
Je porte un coquelicot.
Ask your child to read and explain this sentence! It means, "today is Remembrance Day - I wear a poppy."
Another busy week has passed! We spent time talking about the significance of poppies, peace and remembering soldiers who fought in the wars. When Griffin told the class that his great grandmother was involved in the second world war and that she is still alive (90 years old!) we had to learn more! The class came up with 5 questions for grande Mamie and then Mr. Shepherd came to us with the answers and many fun and heart-warming stories of great-grandma's wartime experiences. My favorite story was that when she took her itchy woollen knickers apart to knit a vest up for a skinny, young and cold Canadian soldier! Thank you for sharing your time and stories with us, Landon!
The spelling quiz this week will be repeated on Tuesday. Practice lots and listen for those vowel sounds in each word, "mon, ton, son, tu, il, elle, le, ne, pas and rat".
The songs we have been learning are:
O Canada
A few traditional French songs we have been learning:
Au feu les pompiers
Lundi matin
Frère Jacques
I look forward to our week ahead, starting on Tuesday, when Tianna and Max will be the "stars" and we will spend time learning about bears, hibernation and owls!
Monday, 5 November 2012
November 5, 2012
The sight words that we are studying this week are: mon, ton, son, tu, il, le, ne , elle, pas, rat, we will have another quiz this Friday. The kids are doing well with the spelling results - keep working hard at home!!
The November newsletter and calendar went home today. On the newsletter, I have attached a choice for parent-teacher interview times. Please tick off your preferred time range on the preferred day and I will confirm that in your child's agenda in the coming weeks. Thanks!
The November newsletter and calendar went home today. On the newsletter, I have attached a choice for parent-teacher interview times. Please tick off your preferred time range on the preferred day and I will confirm that in your child's agenda in the coming weeks. Thanks!
On Wednesday, November 7th at 1:45, our class will be going to the Scholastic Book Fair that is located in the school's library. Please speak to your child about accapetable purchases, as there is often more to offer than just books (posters, pencils, fun erasers, bookmarks..).
This Friday afternoon is not a half day, even though it says so on your pink card that went home in September. Sorry for the confusion. Friday morning, there will be an assembly in the school gym to honour Remembrance Day.
Monday, November 12th, there is no school.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Happy Hallowiener day!
What a fun day to be in grade one! The Halloween hot dog lunch was a smashing success! It was especially fun to join the other grade one class in their room and to eat together! The kids were very respectful and cooperative and that means that another fun event of its kind is in the works! Way to go Room 6!!
I must say "thanks" to the moms and grand mom who stuck around for hot dog distribution, picture-taking and chair fetching! Thanks! We appreciate you!
Tomorrow is another exciting day for our class (and the whole school). After lunch, students may (but are not required) to dress up in their costumes. Following the school-wide parade, we will return to class to share snacks (if you can send a snack, that is appreciated; if not, no problem!). We will likely wind the day down with a Halloween-themed movie.
I look forward to seeing the variety of costumes! I promise to take lots of pictures and then to post them on the blog!

I must say "thanks" to the moms and grand mom who stuck around for hot dog distribution, picture-taking and chair fetching! Thanks! We appreciate you!
Tomorrow is another exciting day for our class (and the whole school). After lunch, students may (but are not required) to dress up in their costumes. Following the school-wide parade, we will return to class to share snacks (if you can send a snack, that is appreciated; if not, no problem!). We will likely wind the day down with a Halloween-themed movie.
I look forward to seeing the variety of costumes! I promise to take lots of pictures and then to post them on the blog!
Thursday, 25 October 2012
October 25
October 25, 2012
Les parents,
Tomorrow we will be making a vegetable soup together as a class. If you could please send in a vegetable of your choice that is cut into small cubes (bite-sized) – a cup of vegetable will do! We will also take the opportunity to talk about the peel, stems and seeds of the vegetable, as well as, clean and safe preparation in the “kitchen”. We will be sampling our masterpiece in the afternoon, around 2:30om, and if you could send in a small bowl and a spoon, I would appreciate it!
Your home library should be expanding gradually, as the students are bringing home their little reading books. This week’s booklet is called, “Je veux me déguiser”. Please read these together (and oooh and aaahhh about how well they read in French!).
Les parents,
Tomorrow we will be making a vegetable soup together as a class. If you could please send in a vegetable of your choice that is cut into small cubes (bite-sized) – a cup of vegetable will do! We will also take the opportunity to talk about the peel, stems and seeds of the vegetable, as well as, clean and safe preparation in the “kitchen”. We will be sampling our masterpiece in the afternoon, around 2:30om, and if you could send in a small bowl and a spoon, I would appreciate it!
Your home library should be expanding gradually, as the students are bringing home their little reading books. This week’s booklet is called, “Je veux me déguiser”. Please read these together (and oooh and aaahhh about how well they read in French!).
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
October 23, 2012
Bonne fête à Melissa!! Thanks for the pink and purple cake with orange bats! Lots of color mixing in our bellies...a science experiment of sorts!
Today we had a very exciting day, including a visit from Baby Kai! He is a cute little guy and the students enjoyed their visit with Madame Michelle!
We also had a presentation on bats from Griffin's mom, Brenda! We learned so much and even got to hear an echolocation rap. Check out vampire bats on this website: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/creaturefeature/vampire-bat/
There is no quiz this week...we have been so busy with our classroom visiters, that we will take a break this week.
Today we had a very exciting day, including a visit from Baby Kai! He is a cute little guy and the students enjoyed their visit with Madame Michelle!
We also had a presentation on bats from Griffin's mom, Brenda! We learned so much and even got to hear an echolocation rap. Check out vampire bats on this website: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/creaturefeature/vampire-bat/
There is no quiz this week...we have been so busy with our classroom visiters, that we will take a break this week.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
October 21, 2012
This week at school, some exciting events to look forward to are:
- Marnie Oatway, the Occupational Therapist, will be coming to show our class some fun and safe movements and yoga poses for the classroom.
- Madame Michelle and dad Jayme Dugay will bring baby Kai in to meet our class. We will meet weekly with our Roots of Empathy family and the Coordinator, Beth Leblanc. This is a wonderful opportunity for this class, and we are looking forward to seeing changes and growth in Kai!
- Brenda Shepherd (Griffin's mom) will present to us on the topic of bats!
- Pumpkin math: estimation, measurements, and comparisons will be made using real pumpkins.
- Literacy - story writing using the Halloween vocabulary (sorcière - witch, citrouille - pumpkin, squelette - skeleton, affreux - scary, mignon - cute, chauve-souris - bat, énorme, grand, moyen, petit - huge, large, medium, small)
- Science - Naming the parts of a pumpkin and comparing the differences to an apple.
- Reading with our Grade 4 reading buddies
- Health - On Friday, we will make our shared vegetable soup in the morning and eating it in the afternoon. Parent volunteers are welcome to come in and help chop up the veggies. Please send in a bowl and spoon for the afternoon sharing of the soup.
- Chanson (song) of the week - check out our fun new song about skeletons:
L'araignée Gypsie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPboONnHd14&feature=player_detailpage#t=7s
A demain!
- Marnie Oatway, the Occupational Therapist, will be coming to show our class some fun and safe movements and yoga poses for the classroom.
- Madame Michelle and dad Jayme Dugay will bring baby Kai in to meet our class. We will meet weekly with our Roots of Empathy family and the Coordinator, Beth Leblanc. This is a wonderful opportunity for this class, and we are looking forward to seeing changes and growth in Kai!
- Brenda Shepherd (Griffin's mom) will present to us on the topic of bats!
- Pumpkin math: estimation, measurements, and comparisons will be made using real pumpkins.
- Literacy - story writing using the Halloween vocabulary (sorcière - witch, citrouille - pumpkin, squelette - skeleton, affreux - scary, mignon - cute, chauve-souris - bat, énorme, grand, moyen, petit - huge, large, medium, small)
- Science - Naming the parts of a pumpkin and comparing the differences to an apple.
- Reading with our Grade 4 reading buddies
- Health - On Friday, we will make our shared vegetable soup in the morning and eating it in the afternoon. Parent volunteers are welcome to come in and help chop up the veggies. Please send in a bowl and spoon for the afternoon sharing of the soup.
- Chanson (song) of the week - check out our fun new song about skeletons:
L'araignée Gypsie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPboONnHd14&feature=player_detailpage#t=7s
A demain!
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
October 17, 2012
Tomorrow we will have our alphabet letters quiz. We have been practising and the students are doing great!
Thanks to our 2 stars of the week, Jillian and Griffin have done their presentations and we now have 4 pages in our classs' scrapbook. Come by and check it out!
Tomorrow is book bag return day, as well as photo retakes will be done tomorrow.
One last reminder for tomorrow is that there will be a spotlight assembly after lunch. Thursdays are always so full of events!
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
October 10, 2012
Just a few reminders for tomorrow:
There is a cookie sale happening at recess - please dig out those quarters!
The book bags are due back tomorrow, also.
The Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow, also!! Send in your orders if you would like books, thanks.
There is a cookie sale happening at recess - please dig out those quarters!
The book bags are due back tomorrow, also.
The Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow, also!! Send in your orders if you would like books, thanks.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
le 5 octobre
Our turkey is no longer embarassed! Phewf! We dressed Monsieur D. up with an abundance of thankful feathers and he is looking sharp for the Thanksgiving weekend! Way to go Room 6! The messages of thanks on each feather were so thoughtful and sweet - you must come by and look at them!
Joyeux fete de l'action de grâce everyone! See you on Tuesday!
I have had the kids attach a note in their agendas explaining a new due date for the Scholastic book orders. Please bring those orders in next week, Thursday, Oct. 11th so that the books for that are Halloween themed will arrive before the 31st! Thanks for your understanding!
Joyeux fete de l'action de grâce everyone! See you on Tuesday!
I have had the kids attach a note in their agendas explaining a new due date for the Scholastic book orders. Please bring those orders in next week, Thursday, Oct. 11th so that the books for that are Halloween themed will arrive before the 31st! Thanks for your understanding!
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
October 3, 2012
Congratulations to Tianna for losing the 4th tooth of the class! It was an exciting part of our day, to watch the tooth being ``removed``!
Please remember to send back the "thankful" feathers tomorrow; our turkey (outside the classroom door) is feeling embarrassed without his feathers!
Words of the week: dinde (turkey), octobre, légumes (vegetables), maïs (corn), l'action de grâce (Thanksgiving).
Way to go Room 6! We raised over $40 as a class, so far for the Toonie for Terry fundraiser! Terry Fox pledge forms are due back as soon as possible, thanks!
Please remember to send back the "thankful" feathers tomorrow; our turkey (outside the classroom door) is feeling embarrassed without his feathers!
Words of the week: dinde (turkey), octobre, légumes (vegetables), maïs (corn), l'action de grâce (Thanksgiving).
Way to go Room 6! We raised over $40 as a class, so far for the Toonie for Terry fundraiser! Terry Fox pledge forms are due back as soon as possible, thanks!
Thursday, 27 September 2012
September 27, 2012
Birthday wishes go out to Bella! And thanks for those scrumptious cupcakes...it was nice to have a treat together!
Today's words are: respect and récréation (recess).
The book bags needed some repairs and will be sent back out tomorrow!
Tomorrow at 2:00 we will join the school for the Terry Fox run (walk) around the block. Please send back those stickers that say, "I am running for...". We talked in class about people our own families who have been sick and may have had cancer. The stickers are a special reminder for those people. Thanks.
Today's words are: respect and récréation (recess).
The book bags needed some repairs and will be sent back out tomorrow!
Tomorrow at 2:00 we will join the school for the Terry Fox run (walk) around the block. Please send back those stickers that say, "I am running for...". We talked in class about people our own families who have been sick and may have had cancer. The stickers are a special reminder for those people. Thanks.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
le 26 septembre
Bonjour les parents!
Just a reminder that the home reading kits should come back to the school tomorrow. Your child will bring home a new one tomorrow.
Also a reminder that the Terry Fox run is on Friday! If you would like to donate a "Toonie to Terry", you can send in the toonie tomorrow or Friday.
Some words we have worked on this month are below, can your child describe/translate any of them?
ami pupitre
crayon pomme
classe septembre
Just a reminder that the home reading kits should come back to the school tomorrow. Your child will bring home a new one tomorrow.
Also a reminder that the Terry Fox run is on Friday! If you would like to donate a "Toonie to Terry", you can send in the toonie tomorrow or Friday.
Some words we have worked on this month are below, can your child describe/translate any of them?
ami pupitre
crayon pomme
classe septembre
cloche tableau
First week of grade one 2012/2013 |
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Les Chansons (songs)
1. Our Numbers song
2. Our Colors song
3. Our Days of the Week song
2. Our Colors song
3. Our Days of the Week song
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
September 19, 2012
Happy Birthday today to Elisha!
A few important things to remember coming up in the next few days:
Tomorrow is Photo Day! You should have received an order form from your child's agenda, in which you can customize your child's picture. KODA Photography from Spruce Grove will be taking the pictues and payments can be given directly to the photographers.
Tomorrow after lunch (1:15) will be the first spotlight assembly of the year! Come by and check out some of the stars of JES!
On Friday after recess, we will be going on our "Leaf Hunt". The more, the merrier, and parents and siblings are welcome to come along for the walk.
Friday is also an Early Dismissal day; students will be dismissed at lunch.
Ask your child to find something in your house that is jaune (yellow), rouge (red), bleu (blue), orange, violet (purple), noir (black), blanc (white) or multicouleur (multicolored).
Ask your child to count from un - dix (one to ten).
A few important things to remember coming up in the next few days:
Tomorrow is Photo Day! You should have received an order form from your child's agenda, in which you can customize your child's picture. KODA Photography from Spruce Grove will be taking the pictues and payments can be given directly to the photographers.
Tomorrow after lunch (1:15) will be the first spotlight assembly of the year! Come by and check out some of the stars of JES!
On Friday after recess, we will be going on our "Leaf Hunt". The more, the merrier, and parents and siblings are welcome to come along for the walk.
Friday is also an Early Dismissal day; students will be dismissed at lunch.
Ask your child to find something in your house that is jaune (yellow), rouge (red), bleu (blue), orange, violet (purple), noir (black), blanc (white) or multicouleur (multicolored).
Ask your child to count from un - dix (one to ten).
Saturday, 15 September 2012
1 Cool Math - games
2 Skip Counting practice
3 Patterns
4. Learn Alberta math games, suitable for the 3rd grade
1. Starfall -
Phonics site for all ages
Grade one math and language games: www.abcya.com
2. FunSchool educational games-
An interactive and entertaining educational site for the whole family!
1. Jeux de Mots (word games)
Alphabet, words and vocabulary practice (instructions are written in French and English)
2. Les Jeux de Lulu -
A large selection of French online games for kids
3. Games for kids (French and English web)
4. Learn to speak French with Roller and his mates (BBC kids)
5. Radio Canada
Various games for all levels
6. Caillou-
Simple games and great graphics, learn French with Caillou!
1. Google Earth
2. National Geographic - Kids
Canadian Parents for French
1. Calimero
LA TROISIèME ANNéE (Grade 3 math and computer skills)
1. Internet privacy pirate game
2. Multiplication Games -
This website is included on my links page for the Gr. 3 class (Mme. Howe) that I lead through a variety of math games each week.
1. New York Philharmic Orchestra -
Create your own instrument
Friday, 14 September 2012
Les pommes!
Thanks to Jillian's mom, Kalan's mom and Kiara's dad for helping our class make our "compote de pommes" (applesauce) today. The aroma of cinnamon and apples made our class the envy of the school! The applesauce was so good that the students remarked they not onlydid they like it, they loved it!!!
Thanks also to the parent helpers (Kiara's dad, Kyle dad and Tianna's aunt) for coming along on our field trip to the museum yesterday. Arvin Hilworth's electric train set was fascinating for the kids to see and ask him about. Dressing up in old-fashioned conductor clothes was a fun way to experience the trains of years gone by.
Enjoy your weekend, rest, play and read! See you lundi - Becky
Thanks also to the parent helpers (Kiara's dad, Kyle dad and Tianna's aunt) for coming along on our field trip to the museum yesterday. Arvin Hilworth's electric train set was fascinating for the kids to see and ask him about. Dressing up in old-fashioned conductor clothes was a fun way to experience the trains of years gone by.
Enjoy your weekend, rest, play and read! See you lundi - Becky
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
September 11, 2012
Bonjour les parents,
We are getting busy with the events in our class, and I will keep sending home short reminders with the kids' agendas to keep you all up-to-date with all of the additions and changes.
Tomorrow is our first library day and the kdis are looking forward to their first book selections of the year. I have decided to keep their library books at the school for our afternoon quiet reading period (as a busy parent, I hope you appreciate this as you no longer have to worry about school books getting lost on your shelves or under beds...!).
Thursday has us experiencing our first cookie sale of the year. Please send 2 quarters maximum. We will be going to the Museum at 2:00 on Thursday to view the train display that they have up. In the evening is the parent meeting in Room 6.
Friday we are cooking with apples (les pommes). Please send in an apple (if possible), as well as a bowl and spoon for tasting our creation. We are peeling and cutting up apples from 11-12 and if are available to come in and chop, the help would be appreciated!
We are getting busy with the events in our class, and I will keep sending home short reminders with the kids' agendas to keep you all up-to-date with all of the additions and changes.
Tomorrow is our first library day and the kdis are looking forward to their first book selections of the year. I have decided to keep their library books at the school for our afternoon quiet reading period (as a busy parent, I hope you appreciate this as you no longer have to worry about school books getting lost on your shelves or under beds...!).
Thursday has us experiencing our first cookie sale of the year. Please send 2 quarters maximum. We will be going to the Museum at 2:00 on Thursday to view the train display that they have up. In the evening is the parent meeting in Room 6.
Friday we are cooking with apples (les pommes). Please send in an apple (if possible), as well as a bowl and spoon for tasting our creation. We are peeling and cutting up apples from 11-12 and if are available to come in and chop, the help would be appreciated!
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Day three and allllll's well!
Today we learned about numbers to ten and focused on write out the number 2, as "deux". This was great practice and I was amazed at the retention that the kids have from their Kindergarten learning!!
The days of the week song (jours de la semaine) is a catchy tune and we are stuck with it in are thoughts for much of the day!! Check yesterday's message for a link to the song, maybe you'll be humming it all day...!
Today our first book orders went home with the kids. Please don't feel obliged to place an order, but should you choose to purchase books, the order forms must be returned to the class by September 14 (next Friday).
Merci! Enjoy the beautiful day!
ext. 206
The days of the week song (jours de la semaine) is a catchy tune and we are stuck with it in are thoughts for much of the day!! Check yesterday's message for a link to the song, maybe you'll be humming it all day...!
Today our first book orders went home with the kids. Please don't feel obliged to place an order, but should you choose to purchase books, the order forms must be returned to the class by September 14 (next Friday).
Merci! Enjoy the beautiful day!
ext. 206
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Le deuxième jour d'école - the second day of school
Another day of first grade and it was awesome! Today we introduced some of the days of the in French: lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche. Ask your child to sing the "days of the week" song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvLJ_aFZ9Oc
A reminder for drop off and pick up: our class will use the door on the Geikie Street side of the building. Our bootroom is also located there and the students need to get into the habit of coming and going from that side (very confusing, as it is on the opposite side of the school from our Kindergarten door!).
Thanks to all of you for sending the completed forms back to school!
Also, I made an error on the newsletter that I sent home yesterday, and that is the time of the Leaf Hunt will be from 11-12 on the 21st (it is an early dismissal day). Parents and siblings are welcome to come along and look for leaves!
A reminder for drop off and pick up: our class will use the door on the Geikie Street side of the building. Our bootroom is also located there and the students need to get into the habit of coming and going from that side (very confusing, as it is on the opposite side of the school from our Kindergarten door!).
Thanks to all of you for sending the completed forms back to school!
Also, I made an error on the newsletter that I sent home yesterday, and that is the time of the Leaf Hunt will be from 11-12 on the 21st (it is an early dismissal day). Parents and siblings are welcome to come along and look for leaves!
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Bonjour les parents!
I enjoyed a lively day in the classroom today. We learned so much about each other and about our new environment!
Today your child brought home his/her agenda that will need to be reviewed and signed each evening and returned to class each day!
We have a scheduled snack time in our class in which a small and healthy snack can be sent. If your child does not prefer to snack at this time, he/she can bring a snack outside at recess (10:40).
Our class is looking for a Key Communicator who will circulate emails and updates througout the year. Please sign up on the form that is located on our Communications Board outside of the classroom. Thanks!
I enjoyed a lively day in the classroom today. We learned so much about each other and about our new environment!
Today your child brought home his/her agenda that will need to be reviewed and signed each evening and returned to class each day!
We have a scheduled snack time in our class in which a small and healthy snack can be sent. If your child does not prefer to snack at this time, he/she can bring a snack outside at recess (10:40).
Our class is looking for a Key Communicator who will circulate emails and updates througout the year. Please sign up on the form that is located on our Communications Board outside of the classroom. Thanks!
Monday, 27 August 2012
Set for September
I am testing this blog to see if I will be able to provide classroom updates...here's to keeping you "posted"!
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