Wednesday, 25 May 2016

25 mai, 2016

Reminder : that tomorrow our class will be visiting the French Book Fair in the library at 11:30.  If you feel comfortable sending your child in with some spending money for making purchases at the sale, please do so!  Please know that there are other items available for purchase, such as, pencils, erasers, bookmarks and posters.  Join us in the library at 11:30 if you are available for some shopping!

There will not be a spelling dictee test this week as we have a shortened week as well, I am away this Friday.  Keep encouraging the reading books to be coming to class and I will do my best to read with each student every day.

The students had a great experience with Discover E Science today in the class.  We learned all about bugs and their properties.  Also, the students got to take home their very own marshmallow bug to share with you at home!!  Science is such fun!

Have a great week!7

Monday, 9 May 2016

9 mai, 2016!

This week at school, the students returned their Energy Cube Booklets...please be sure each week is signed by an adult. 

Also, starting this week and running until the 20th of May, is the Jump Rope for Heart event.  Students may collect donations online at where they will also receive a free skipping rope in the mail just for signing up!  They may also collect cash donations by collecting donations an envelope provided from the class.  Prize incentives are fun and will be distributed in June.

The spelling words for the First graders are:
  1. pour - for
  2. alors - then
  3. toujours - then
  4. elle pleure- she cries
  5. une école - a school
  6. jamais - never
  7. un camion - a truck
  8. un magasin - a store
  9. bien - good
  10. très - very
The second graders chose a list of adjectives to be their spelling words for this week.  
2. sale - dirty
3. intelligent- intelligent
4. fou - silly
5. nerveux - nervous
6. content - contented
7. affamé - starving
8. poilu - hairy
9. confiant - confidant
10. riche - rich

The new reading incentive started out with a big BANG!  The students are very motivated which, of course is important to developing a lifelong love of reading.  They may read as often as they like with me in the class.  The challenge for the class as a whole is to respect the one-on-one reading periods and to work quietly at these times.  I encourage all of the students to practice self-control at these times.

The Retirement Rap went very well.  I have a copy in the class if you are interested in seeing it!

The J.E.S Diversity Project is up for viewing in the front lobby of the school for you to come and check out! 

Have a great week!