Monday, 21 March 2016

21 Mars, 2016

Happy Spring !  This is our last week in class before the 2week break. The students will be dismissed at lunch on Thursday. Therefore, there will not be a spelling dictée this week!

Last week, the students brought home two books for their own libraries. I applied for the Oilers and Epcor Share a book program to encourage the students to read in English at home...and our class was chosen!  Enjoy the books 😄

The Trandansa program was a wonderful way to introduce traditional folk dancing into the school!  The students have a natural knack for dance !

Report cards went home today; the card is yours to keep if you could sign and return the parent form along with the envelope.  I will be available for meetings all week after school, as well as Thursday after lunch. Please feel free to contact me or send the request form back to class if you would like to set up a time .

Have a great week!

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

15 mars, 2016

Tradansa is at our school this week!  The classes will each participate in 3 dance lessons all week, followed by a performance on Friday at 2 pm.  Come to the gym to check out the final dance product!

The grade 2 spelling words this week either has the soft G (j), or the hard G:
1. une girafe- a giraffe
2. le changement - the change
3. un gilet - a vest
4. une magicienne - a magician
5. le piège - the trap
6. un dégât - a mess
7. tu regardes
8. un gorille - a gorilla
9. le magasin - the store
10. la gauche - the left

The grade one words will be added shortly.

The leprechaun traps have been coming to school; please have them returned  to class by Wednesday so that we can set them up before the leprechauns come mess up the class!

Also, we will be having a green food party on Thursday afternoon.  Please send in a green food item(anything goes!) for our St. Patty's day celebration.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Le 8 Mars, 2016

The students have been acing the dictee spelling tests each week! Feel free to send the completed practice brochures back to school on Friday for me to see!

The grade one words are :
1. Il voit- he sees
2. Ici- here
3. Il regarde - he looks
4. Par - by
5. Ça va - it is going
6. Est - is
7. Pour - for
8. Quand - when
9. Chez moi - my place / house
10. Je Pense - I think

The grade two words have the "tion" sound :
1. Une addition
2. Une action
3. L'attention
4. Une illustration
5. Une information
6. Une solution
7. Une soustraction
8. La récréation
9. Une collation
10. La détermination

The students brought home instructions to make a leprechaun trap at home. The traps need to be brought back to school by next Wednesday so that they can be presented to the class and then set up for the Saint Patrick eve. We will catch the pesky pets this year! Have fun!!

The grade one students had awesome presentations for the 100th day of school!! Bravo les Amis!!

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

2 mars, 2016

This week is half over already...sometimes the days fly by!

The grade one words this week are:
Aussi - also
Un avion. - an airplane
J'ai-I have
Il dort -he sleeps
Il est-he is
Il y a -there is
Tu peux - you can
Voici-he us

The grade two words this week all have the "oin" sound and the words are
1. Poing-fist
2. Rejoindre-to join/rejoin
3. Pointu-pointy
4. Lointaine-long ago
5. Foin-hay
6. Coincer-stuck
7. Besoin-need
8. Point-period
9. Coin-corner
10. Soins-care

That's all for this week!