Monday, 14 December 2015

14 décembre, 2015

Welcome to the last week of school for 2015!

We have a busy week ahead:  Tomorrow, the dress rehearsal will start for the Thursday night concert classes at 1:30 pm.  The classes are still working out some of the kinks, but this is a great time to come and see the concert if you are not able to be there on concert night.

Thanks to all of the students who brought in elf hats, clothes, etc today.  We will look really sharp for the dress rehearsal, dressed in red and green colors!   I will send the clothes home tomorrow so that you can have the outfits ready for Thursday night!

Today, we walked over to the Museum to check out all of the decorated Christmas trees.  The auction goes until next Saturday if you would like to take a peek, yourself!

Thanks a million to Ted for giving us tons of icing to use in a decorating craft on Wednesday!  We will be crafting all afternoon on!

Thursday at 2:00, we will head over to the arena for an hour of free-skating.  Helmets, gloves and skates are a must!  No hockey sticks, thanks.  All parental supports are welcome to come tie skates as well as to enjoy a skate (please wear a helmet if you are skating).

There is no dictée this week! Joyeux Noël!

Please have your child at the school and in the classroom by 6:45 on Thursday.  We are the first act of the night and will need some time to get set.  The class will also participate in the last act, the Grande should be over by 8:00 pm.

For our twelfth and final day of Christmas in the class, I was hoping to prepare waffles for the kids.  If there are issues with allergies, please let me know in advance.  Also, any parent help would be great - I would like to start cooking at recess (10:40 - 11:00) so the students can enjoy the waffles before the lunch hour.  Let me know if you are able to be a waffle chef on this morning, thanks.
The Festival of Trees!

Monday, 7 December 2015

7 décembre, 2015

This week at school, we are finishing up our cereal boxes and moving full-force into Christmas holidays and traditions.  We will be looking at different country's Christmas traditions and then talking about our own traditions.  I will be sending home a recipe sheet in which I am asking each family to contribute a "secret" holiday recipe.  I will compile the recipes into a book and send them home with the students before the break.  Please send your recipe sheet back to school by next Monday, Dec. 14.

This week, we do not have a focus sound to work on for the spelling words, rather, a holiday theme:
The grade 1 words are:
  1. renne -reindeer
  2. boule - decorative ball
  3. joyeux - joyous, happy, merry
  4. Noël - Christmas
  5. merci - thank you
  6. canne - cane (like candy cane)

The grade 2 spelling words will focus on the "ain" sound.  They did not receive the words today due to the field trip.  We will review them together, tomorrow.
  1. demain - tomorrow
  2. le lendemain - the next day
  3. prochain - next
  4. soudain - suddenly
  5. maintenant - now
  6. certain - certain
  7. vilain - villain
  8. train - train
Have a great week!

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

1 décembre, 2015

This week at school, we are starting our cereal box for new cereals to hit the shelves in the near future!

A letter went home to let you know about our Christmas concert; it is on December 17 th at 7:00.  It usually lasts under an hour and seating is first-come, first-serve.  There is a "dress-rehearsal" on the Tuesday (15th), in which all extended family members, neighbors and fans in general are invited to attend.  More information will be coming home in the next few weeks. 
Also, as requested on the letter, we will be dressing up as elves, so dig any elf costumes out and send them in to school (please add a label on all costume items so we can identify who it belongs to!).

One last request is for an Elvis outfit; if you have one at home, please let me know!

The sound of the week is "IN" - we have a special story and gesture to accompany this sound and your child will be able to show you.
The grade 1 spelling words are:
lutin - elf
sapin - pine tree
lapin - rabbit
patin - skate
la fin - the end (careful, there are 2 words here)
matin - morning

The grade 2 spelling words are:
pingouin - penguin
grimpe - climb
impermeable - raincoat
dauphin - dolphin
juin - June
requin - shark
pinceau - paint brush
lutin - elf

It was great meeting with you all last week, thanks for coming in!

Watch for many fun Christmas crafts and excitement in the coming weeks!