Monday, 23 November 2015

November 23, 2015


The students brought home their report cards today.  Please sign the comment form (comment if you wish) and send back the comment form in the envelope.  I re-use the envelopes next term.  The report card is yours to keep!

This week, we are focussing on 2 different sound combinations that make the same sound in French; AU and EAU are two special sounds that make the sound "O" in a word.  The dictée words are as:

Gr. 1
1. jaune - yellow
2. aussi - also
3. auto - car
4. chaud - hot
5. peau -  skin
6. seau - bucket

The grade 2 words are:
1. aujourd' hui
2. animaux - animals
3. sauter - to jump
4. sauvage - wild
5. taureau - bull
6. traîneau - sled, like toboggan
7. sauterelle - grasshopper
8. gâteau - cake

This week at school, we are finishing up our study of bears.  Today, we successfully were able to connect with a wildlife biologist in Montana who had some awesome footage of Bruno the Bear in his den during the winter.  We learned that bears don't truly hibernate, as they awaken almost every day throughout the winter.  We also learned that bears give birth to their young during the month of February!

We will be summarizing our bear unit by sculpting a bear or two for the caves we made last week.

Once finished, we will be discussing "Food" before diving into Christmas!  If you have a cereal box at home that is in good shape (ie, not squished), please send it in for a project we will start at the end of this week.

This Thursday at 11:00, we will be baking cheddar biscuits (bear shaped ?).  Please join us in the classroom, if you are curious to see the kids in action!

Have a great and remember that this Friday is a half day to accommodate for the Parent-Teacher interviews.

Have a great week!

Monday, 16 November 2015

16 novembre, 2015

This week at school, we are studying the sound EU at school. Ask your child to show you the action for this special sound.  The words are:

Grade one:
1. bleu - blue
2. jeu - game
3. feu - fire
4. neuf - nine
5. peu - a little
6. jeudi - Thursday

The students are doing great with these spelling words and seem to have grasped the most important components of writing sentences (Capital letter to start and period to finish).  Bravo!

Grade two:
1. heureuse - happy!
2. au milieu - in the middle
3. ordinateur - computer
4. joyeux - joyful
5. seul - alone
6. nerveuse - nervous
7. les yeux - eyes
8. déjeuner - breakfast
** bonus words ...
9. rugueuse - rough, like sandpaper
10. creuse - to dig.

On Thursday, there will be photo retakes - if you would like a retake, please return the original photo on Thursday.

Thursday at 11:00 am - we will be having a 3V (Skype - like session with a bear expert).  Please join us for this fun experience, if you are available.

Friday is a half day.  Students are to bring in a stuffed teddy bear for a special bear activity in the class on Friday morning.

 I have discussed a building project with the students.  They are to be thinking about what kinds of materials a bear would have in his/her den for the winter.  I will provide the den and we will be sculpting the bears in class; if there is anything at home that would be suitable for this project, please send it in this week (moss, small rocks and stones, hay...).  We will start our projects late this week and will finish next week.

Have a great week!

Monday, 2 November 2015

2 November, 2015

Hallween in room 3 was spooktacular- thanks for sending in treats for the kids to share!  As the treats trickle into school, I ask that the kids eat them at recess or during the lunch period. Thanks for your help with this.

The special sound of the week is "oi".  It is our first combined vowel sound; ask your child to demonstrate the action that goes with this sound (hint, it is to make a bird flapping its wings).
The grade one spelling words this week are:
1. Trois - three
2. Noir - black
3. Vois - see
4. Moi - me
5. Toi - you
6. Voici - here is

The grade 2 words are:
1. Voir - to see
2. Droite - right (direction)
3. Oiseau - bird
4. Noix - nut
5. Croire- to believe
6. Tiroir - drawer
7. Poisson - fish
8. Bonsoir - good night

La maison hantée!


We will be visiting the book fair tomorrow at 11:00am.  There will be other choices besides just books, like posters ($5), pencils ($1), erasers (.50), and bookmarks ($1).  Please discuss with your child what an appropriate choice is!  If you are able to join us at 11:00, we will be in the library looking and shopping!

The book fair will also be open on Wednesday and Thursday until 7 pm if you would like to go after school hours. 

Have a great week !