The students brought home their report cards today. Please sign the comment form (comment if you wish) and send back the comment form in the envelope. I re-use the envelopes next term. The report card is yours to keep!
This week, we are focussing on 2 different sound combinations that make the same sound in French; AU and EAU are two special sounds that make the sound "O" in a word. The dictée words are as:
Gr. 1
1. jaune - yellow
2. aussi - also
3. auto - car
4. chaud - hot
5. peau - skin
6. seau - bucket
The grade 2 words are:
1. aujourd' hui
2. animaux - animals
3. sauter - to jump
4. sauvage - wild
5. taureau - bull
6. traîneau - sled, like toboggan
7. sauterelle - grasshopper
8. gâteau - cake
This week at school, we are finishing up our study of bears. Today, we successfully were able to connect with a wildlife biologist in Montana who had some awesome footage of Bruno the Bear in his den during the winter. We learned that bears don't truly hibernate, as they awaken almost every day throughout the winter. We also learned that bears give birth to their young during the month of February!
We will be summarizing our bear unit by sculpting a bear or two for the caves we made last week.
Once finished, we will be discussing "Food" before diving into Christmas! If you have a cereal box at home that is in good shape (ie, not squished), please send it in for a project we will start at the end of this week.
This Thursday at 11:00, we will be baking cheddar biscuits (bear shaped ?). Please join us in the classroom, if you are curious to see the kids in action!
Have a great and remember that this Friday is a half day to accommodate for the Parent-Teacher interviews.
Have a great week!