Tuesday, 27 October 2015

October 27, 2015

We have another busy week ahead of us!  It is Halloweeeeeen week, after all! 

The sound of the week is é...ask your child to tell you about the story and the action we do when we see this letter in a word. 

The Grade 1 spelling words are:
bébé - baby
télé- television
fée - fairy
clé - key
école - school
fusée - rocket

The grade 2 spelling words are:
déguise - disguise
épouvantail - scarecrow
écureuil - squirrel
legume - vegetable
décoration - decoration
araignée - spider
méchant - mean, nasty
éléphant - elephant

Tomorrow morning, we will have our individual pictures taken; please be sure to fill out and send in the photo forms tomorrow so that your child may have his or her picture taken!

On Thursday, we will be visiting the grade 6 haunted house in room 16.  Please contribute to their fundraising efforts and send in a toonie! 

Friday, the students are invited to wear a costume after lunch. There is a school-wide parade starting at 1:20, if you would like to check out the weird and wonderful costumes, come and hang out in any hallway (the parade goes around the entire school halls) .  At around 2:00, we will return to the class to celebrate with our classmates in some fun and games.  Please send in a semi-healthy snack to share with 14 classmates!

Have a great week!

Monday, 19 October 2015

October 19, 2015

Thanks for sending in a vegetable last week for our Friendship soup! It turned out great and most of it was eaten up by the appreciative and hungry students!

The sound of the week is è...ask your child what sound this letter makes in a word, also, if he/she can show you the gesture to accompany the letter.
The grade 1 spelling words this week are:
  1. lève - raise
  2. frère - brother
  3. père - father
  4. mère - mother
  5. zèbre - zebra

The grade 2 spelling words are:
  1. chèvre - goat
  2. flèche - arrow
  3. élève - student
  4. rivière - river
  5. trapèze - trapezoid
  6. lumière - light
  7. pièce - piece, like a theatre piece
  8. lièvre - hare

This Thursday, there will be 2  assemblies to celebrate and learn about the Dark Skies Festival happening in Jasper.  To get into the Spirit, students are invited to dress up like a mad scientist on Thursday.

There is no school this Friday, as teachers are in Hinton for Institute Day. Enjoy the short week!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

October 15, 2015

Welcome back from the Thanksgiving weekend!  I trust you enjoyed the time with family and friends!

This week, we are going to the swimming pool each day for swimming lessons.  We will be leaving the school at 8:50, each day and leaving at 10:00.  The students were very responsible today in getting dressed quickly before and after the lessons!  Bravo, les amis!

The sound of the week is the vowel "u", which says its own name when it is beside consonants.  Ask your son/daughter to show you the gesture for this letter.  The spelling words of the week are:

Grade 1:
  1. plus - plus, more than
  2. lune - moon
  3. plume - feather
  4. sur - on
  5. nuit - night
  6. bus - bus

Grade 2:
  1. costume - costume
  2. sécurité - safety
  3. amusant - fun/amusing
  4. nuageux - cloudy
  5. pluie - rain
  6. poilu - hairy
  7. nuit - night
  8. creature - creature
Have a  great week!

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

October 6, 2015

This week at school, we will be preparing for the Thanksgiving weekend!  The students will be learning their turkey day vocabulary, such as:
  • dinde - turkey
  • famille - family
  • festin - feast
  • merci - thanks
  • Action de graces - Thanksgiving
The focus sound this week is "O" and the dictee spelling words are:
Gr. 1
  1. moto - motorcycle
  2. os - bone
  3. zero - zero
  4. rose - pink
and 2 more words that I will add when I am back in the class!

Gr. 2 word list this week:
  1. Halloween
  2. automne - autumn
  3. octobre - October
  4. horrifiant - horrifying
  5. zombie -
  6. potion
  7. monster- monster
  8. mort - die
  9. sorcière - witch
  10. fantôme - ghost
Thanks for sending back the swimming forms; we will be having swimming lessons next Tues - Fri morning!

Have a great week!