The students had a great time making apple sauce last week! We peeled and sliced apples and enjoyed the delicious apple sauce together ~yum!
The focus sound of the week is "i" - ask your child to show you the action for this letter, as well as the other letters that we have focused on (a, e).
The words for the first grade class are:
1. il (he)
2. kiwi -
3. pile - battery
4. riz - rice
5. lit - bed
6. nid - nest - careful here, the 'd' is silent
The words for the grade 2 class are:
- tigre - tiger
- pirate
- livre - book
- hibou - owl
- fille - girl
- citron - lemon
- chenille - caterpillar
- coccinelle - ladybug
- sourire - smile
- souris - mouse
Have a great week!