Welcome back from the break!
The new dictée program started last week. As the letter that was sent home described, we will be practicing the 10 dictée words over a two-week period. Within the practice, we will be using all sorts of manipulatives (playdough, beans, magnet letters) to build and play with the words. If anyone has some glass beads that sit flat on a surface and would like to get rid of them, I would gladly take them to use in one of the centres!
The words that we are practicing for THIS Friday's dictee quiz are:
1. bonjour - hello
2. il sort - he goes out
3. j'aime - I like
4. tu veux - you want
5. un chat - a cat
6. un chien - a dog
7. les - the (more than one item)
8. il met - he puts on
9. il dit - he says
10. je suis - I am
Keep up the nightly practice at home, using the words in fun ways (counting syllables or letters, putting them in alphabetical order, etc).
This Wednesday is Earth Day and the students are encouraged to wear green to show their "green" spirit!
Have a great week!