Monday, 26 January 2015

26 janvier, 2015

It is hard to believe that it is the last week of January and the it is so warm outside!  Please send in spare clothes just in case the kids fall in one of the many puddles that surround the play field.

The sound of the week is "au" and it makes the same sound as o in "joke".  The spelling words this week are:

1. jaune - yellow
2. saute - jump
3. auto - car
4. aussi - also
5. dauphin - dolphin
6. chaud - hot

Thanks for sending in the reading calendars!  Keep up the great work and try to build up reading stamina at home (set your goal a little bit higher each week).

Monday, 19 January 2015

19 janvier, 2015

A very successful draw was had by our class today!  Congratulations to the lucky draw-prize winners: Rinka, Casey, Marie and ...I've forgotten the fourth lucky winner!!  Every Monday for the next month, the Read-a-Thon calendars must be returned with the reading goals recorded on them in order to be entered into the draw.

Check out the other activities that the Right -to -Read Society has planned for the students to encourage fun reading practices:
Jasper Right to Read Society READ-A-THON!
January 12 – February 13th
Dear Teachers and Students,
Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime! Jasper Elementary School and the Jasper Right to Read Society are pairing up for our first ever read-a-thon! Students and teachers your mission is to set a weekly reading goal and read, read, read to reach your goal! Use the read-a-thon calendar to keep track of your reading minutes. You can include anytime that you spend reading after school and on the weekends. Along the way we will have draws for students and classes who are participating. The Jasper Right to Read Society will be partnering with the staff to host a few optional reading events in January and February:
January 22ndBooks to Movies: An after school movie will be shown in the Jasper Elementary School gymnasium at 3:30 pm. The Right to Read Society will be selling popcorn for $2.00/bag.  Movie details to follow.
January 23rdREAD - IN and Dress-up as your Favourite Storybook Character: Children will be invited to come to school dressed as a character from a book. The read-in assembly will take place in the gymnasium from 11:00 – 12:00. 
January 29thStudent Led Conferences: Classrooms will schedule a one hour block after school for students to celebrate and share their learning with their parents. Your child’s classroom teacher will let you know the time that is planned for their class. The Right to Read Society will have information on their organization and a photo booth for families to take pictures.
February 11thStudent Film Festival: Elementary and Jr/Sr High students will be invited to present short videos to friends and family members. The event will take place in the Jasper Elementary School gymnasium.  The Right to Read Society will sell popcorn at the event $2.00/bag.
Book Exchange - A table will be set-up in the school for students, staff, and families to swap books.
The sound of the week is the same sound as last week, but it is spelled as "en".  This time, there is a grandpa who doesn't hear very well and says, "agh" in order to hear.  The words of the week are:
1. cent - 100
2. dent - tooth
3. lent - slow
4. vent - wind
5. enfant - child
6. serpent - snake
** Reminder that this Friday is a half day and that the students may dress up as a storybook character in the morning.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

13 janvier, 2015

This week at school, we are focusing on the sound "an" , which makes the sound like "agn" and the action is to put your hand behind your ear and say "agn" , as if you haven't heard something.

The words of the week are:

1. orange - orange: Le soleil est orange.
2. blanc - white: La neige est blanc.
3. ans - years, as in "I am 7 years old": J'ai sept ans.
4. dans - in, as in, "Put the pencil in your desk": Mets le crayon dans ton pupitre.
5. grand - big: Le chat est grand.
6. maman - mom; La maman pousse le bébé.

Please be aware that the Read-a -Thon has kicked off.  In class, we discussed an appropriate reading goal for grade one students.  We determined that 10 minutes of reading each night is a good goal, with the possibility of reading for longer.  The students received a calendar that they will record their reading minutes on every night for 5 weeks.  The students will return their calendar each Monday to show me their progress.  Those who reach their weekly reading goals will receive a token to be entered into a draw box.  Every Monday at 3:10, the draw prize winners will be announced.  Don't forget to send in the reading calendars each Monday!
Have a great week!

Monday, 5 January 2015

5 janvier, 2015

Bonne année 2015! Happy New Year!

It is nice to get back into the swing of things!  We are working on polishing up our classroom routines to make a smooth transition into January.  This includes things like coming to class on time, being prepared (agenda, indoor shoes and reading bag) and following in-class rules and routines.

There will be a spelling quiz this Friday.  The focus sound is "eu" and the words for the week are:
1. bleu - blue
2. feu - fire
3. neuf - nine
4. deux - two
5. jeudi - Thursday
6. peu - a little; small amount.

Check out the kids dressed in red and black at the Christmas concert!  If anyone took a good photo of the class, please forward them on to me! Great job groovin' to Blitzen's Boogie!

Have a great week!
