Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Just a reminder that tomorrow at 2:30 the class be walking around the block to celebrate Terry Fox.   Send in a Toonie, if possible.

Friday is jam-packed full of activity.  The dictée will focus on "i" words.  In French, this sounds makes an "ee" sound.  The action is to make whiskers on your face with your fingers like a mouse (souris, in French).  The words are;
1. il
2. si
3. ici
4. ri (this is not a real French word, however, the sounds that the students hear are so important at this stage).

Friday, meet us at the classroom at 10:15 if you would like to accompany us for the walk to pick apples.  At 11:00 we will start making apple sauce and because knives are required for this, I require some extra hands in the class!  Please come on in if you are able to assist!

Have a great week!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

19 septembre, 2013

Happy birthday today to Xavier and thanks to Chantal for sending in the most creative cookie/hamburgers! 

Today we paired up with our grade 4 reading buddies.  The mentoring that I saw was fantastic and I look forward to the reading times we will have every other Thursday.  I have attached a few photos.

Tomorrow is a half day for teacher Professional Development.  The students are dismissed at the lunch bell.

Scholastic orders are due tomorrow.

me, te, le, de are the dictee words for tomorrow morning.

Have a good weekend.

Monday, 16 September 2013

16 septembre, 2013

The sound that we are studying this week is "e", which sounds like "euh".  Our action to help us remember this sound when we see it inside of a french word is to put hands on cheeks and pretend like you forgot something.  The spelling words of the week are:
1. se
2. me
3. te
4. le

Last Friday in class, we made orange Jello by mixing red and yellow Jello together.  I have added some photos of the students eating their "Science"!

Happening this week at school:
On Thursday we will begin our partner reading with Mr. Auger's grade 4 class.
Friday is an early dismissal, students are dismissed at the bell.
Friday, book orders are due.

Have a great week!

Monday, 9 September 2013

September 9, 2013

This week at school we will continue to review the alphabet and numbers to ten.  We have also started our focus on our special French sounds, starting with "a" (this letter in French says "ahh") .  We learned that this is the sound you might make when you go to the dentist to show your sore tooth.

To assist with the focus of this sound, we will be working with several spelling words that your child has written in his / her agenda.  Please practice these words a few times this week, as, on Friday, I will test the students (dictée) to see how they hear/spell these small words.  The words for this week are:
1. ma
2. la
3. sa
4. pa (this is not actually a word in French, however, the students are encouraged to hear the letters in words at this point in the year!).

Meet the teacher night is this Thursday, September 12, from 6 - 7 pm.  Please meet in the classroom at 6:00 sharp to get a quick run-down of our year to come.  You are welcome to ask questions and to have a guided tour of our classroom (by your wonderful child) before heading outside to eat a collaboratively made fruit salad. More information about this night will be sent home in your child's agenda.

Thanks ~ Becky

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

September 3, 2013

Grade One, Day One...What a smart group of kids I get to work with this year.  I was impressed with the amount of talent these students brought to class! 

Please sign and return the student demographic sheets that are in the front pocket of your child's agenda, thanks!

I have included a "first day" photo of the class jumping for joy outside - hard not to be happy when it is this beautiful out!