Monday, 28 January 2013

28 janvier

Baby Kai came for visit today!  We have not seen him since before Christmas and we noticed that he has made many changes!  He now has two teeth, he can sit up by himself, and he can crawl!  He is extremely happy to have us sing songs to him!  He is also becoming a curious little guy, pulling on our shoes and looking around the room at our decorations.

We will continue to focus on the sound "ch" for this week.  There are 5 spelling words this week and they are:
1. chef  (chef/ boss)
2. chauve (bald)
3. chemise (shirt)
4. chanson (song)
5. chaise (chair)
If you need help with the pronunciation of words, click on the link below, type the french word in the text-to-speech space (chosoe French language) and voila, the word will be said in French.

On Wednesday this week the student-led conferences will be starting in our classroom at 5:30.  Your child will give you a guided tour around the room to show you what we have been up to lately.  You are then invited to go up to the library to play some board games as part of the Literacy Week activities.

See you then!


Thursday, 24 January 2013

24 janvier, 2013

Thanks to all of the parent helpers that came to arena today!

I told a few students that I would post the songs that we are working on for our winter theme and to learn the months of the year.  They are:
Bonjour l'hiver - Charlotte Diamond:

Les douze mois de l'année - Alain le lait:

Happy singing!

 Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est un __  __  __  __  __

CatQu'est-ce que c'est? C'est un __ __ __ __

Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est un __ __ __ __  __  __
Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est un __ __ __ __ __ __  __
Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est  __ __ __ __  moi!
Le bonhomme de neige a __  __  __  __  __!


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

January 23, 2013

Tomorrow is "book bag" day.  Please send back the collection of books that your child signed out last Thursday.

Also, the Ziplock bags containing the green construction paper journal and reader is due back every day!  Thanks.

The words of the week are:

chat (cat)
chien (dog)
cheval (horse)
chapeau (hat)
chaud (hot)
chez (house of...)

Remember that tomorrow we will be skating from 2-3, so pack those skates and helmets!!



Friday, 18 January 2013

18 janvier, 2013

The above link will direct you to the livestream webcam that we have been looking at.  It is a hummingbird (oiseau-mouche) that laid 2 eggs on Jan. 5, 2013.  We learned that the eggs are the size of a tic-tac candy and that the nest is the size of a golf ball!  Often, the mother bird (Phoebe) visits the nest to feed the young!!  Thanks to Mrs. Morgan for sharing this link with us!

Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

January 15, 2013

Just a quick update!

The spelling words of the week are:
1. feu (fire)
2. deux (2)
3. cheveux (hair - more than one)
4. heureux (happy)
5. je peux (I can)
6. le mieux (the best)

The word selection this week is slightly more complicated than in the past.  Remember; each word has "eu" in it and 5/6 words end in "eux".

We will be working with the words in the classroom, spelling them with beans, Wikkistix, magnetic letters, etc.  Please ask me if you have any questions or concerns!



Friday, 11 January 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

One week is under our belts and there are a few changes in our classroom.

First, I would like to welcome Maya to our Grade One team.  We are happy to have a new face in the group!

Second, I will be sending home little readers that we will read and discuss in class.  The kids will then read them to you at home.  You must then oooooh and aaaaaah and say how well they read in French! After reading, record the book's title in their green recording booklet and fill out how many smiley faces to color (4 if it went really well, etc.).  Send the book baggie back the following school day.

The 'bags of books' that have been coming home during the last few months have been well received.  Since most of these have gone home to each student te students wish to take one home, they can "sign" them out with me in the classroom and keep them for a week.

Other things to look forward to are Science and Social Studies projects that I will send home within the weeks to come.

Have a good weekend!


Monday, 7 January 2013

Bonne Année 2013!

Happy New Year! 

I trust you are all well rested after the break!  Thank you for the wonderful treats and Christmas wishes before the break! 

Today, we started our unit on "l'hiver", as well as the sound of the week, "eu".  The spelling words for Friday's quiz are:

bleu (blue)
jeudi (Thursday)
peu (little)
neuf (nine)
jeu (game)
fleur (flower)
